Chapter 34: A Done Deal

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Chapter 34: A Done Deal


Her head was covered in chocolate brown strands of hair and her eyes were a deep, brown color. Her skin wasn't as dark as mine but she wasn't as bright as her brother or father either. She was definitely more active than baby Caine. She'd kick her legs every which way, while Caine would cry every hour or so. It makes me smile to know how different they already are.


Valencia looks different from Vincent; different eye colors and skin tones. However, they both had the same colored hair, chocolate brown. She even has the same reddish, natural tint as her father's, although, it's only visible in bright lights.

I feel the urge to cry whenever I see her little body. Vincent left me because of how she looked. And it hurts me so bad, I didn't know what to say when the nurses told me what happened. He hadn't spoken to me since the birth of Valencia and Caine; October twenty-first. Today is November eighth. Two whole weeks since I've seen Ezra and Vincent; the two most important men in my life.

Caine's tender wails jerked me out of my thoughts, nearly spilling over the container of breast milk I was holding.

"Caine, sweetie. Let mommy finish feeding Val and I'll come right to you," I said softly to Caine, although there was a hint of exasperation in my voice.

I was feeding Valencia through a small cylindrical container that was connected to a long feeding tube that went straight to her stomach. Neither of the twins were developed enough to suck or be breastfed, so this was their only way of getting breast milk into their bellies.

Caine was a soft crier, but I noticed, the older and stronger he gets, the longer and stronger his cries become.

"Do you need any help," Ms. Fields said, entering the room.

Thank you, God. "Yes, please. Could you feed her while I see what's wrong with him," I said as she approached me. She took Valencia's food and began cooing at her.

I turned around to Caine's incubator, which was beside his sister's and opened two of the small doors of the incubator.

"Hi, Caine," I said soothingly as his cries began to grow softer and softer. He knew his mother was right beside him. He was a smart baby, even at his prematurity.

"Are you hungry, baby," I asked softly as I stroked his tender head. His eyes had the same stormy blue-grey depths as his father's. Every time I looked into them, Vincent's handsome face would throw itself into my mind.

I still had his engagement ring, however, I planned on returning it. He doesn't want this, I know he doesn't. If he can't accept Valencia's brown complexion now, he wouldn't be able to accept it when she grows up. And I refuse to be with someone who cannot accept my child, whether I love him or not. And believe me, I really do love that man, I just can't do it anymore with him.

"Ms. Hakim," Ms. Fields began.

"Yes," I answered, looking at her over my shoulder.

"Why do you think the prince reacted the way he did," she asked, her back facing me.

I couldn't answer that question myself. I'd never cheated on him. If anything, he cheated on me, even though it seemed like he cheated on Melanie to the eyes of the public. I've been through so much with him that it would be pointless to replenish what we had.

"I think...I think Vincent might have trust issues," I said, stroking Caine's head. He attempted to give me a weak smile in return.

"I've never seen His Majesty get so upset before. He and that man could've killed one another," she said, referring to the fight between Vincent and Ezra.

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