Head Over Heels: Forever in Your Arms - Justin Bieber Love Story:35:

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Song for this chapter.... idk....

I really like Gotta Be You by 1D :)



7:18 PM

"Look, we both know things were getting crazy. You're leaving for your audition. We both know you'll get in. I'm not going to see you. We're fizzling anyway. I think it's just time we call it off. We can just be friends. We'll stay in touch, but there won't be an us."

I stared, trying to bring the tears as he spoke.

"Evie, come on-"

"You don't even want to try long distance? After all we've been through, you're breaking up with me because I could actually live out my dream? This isn't an audition, it's just a recital. My audition isn't for months. I have to finish highschool yet Ethan!"

"Long distance wouldn't work. You're not even going to be going to school here! You're doing that program, it's what you want and I'm not going to stop you. You don't think it kills me to do this?"

He reached over and took my hand, but I pulled it back, running all the lines I had memorized through my head.

"I didn't want it to be like this. It's only a year! We would be fine, we talked about it! You agreed we would be fine!" I spoke in my British accent running a hand through my straight hair.

I had just gotten it cut before we started filming last night, and honestly I liked it a lot. I had gotten bangs, but they were pushed to the side, and I had a few inches taken off my hair, leaving it maybe four or five below my shoulders, so it was still a decent length, just not as long.

"You're going to meet other guys. We both know that. Evie you know I love you. I just think it's best-"

"If you really loved me you wouldn't be breaking up with me." I stormed off, my character crying as the rain fell, which was just a coincidence, and ignore the calls of her name, ducking into the car.

I sat there, feeling the cameras on my and quickly wiped my eyes, then crossed my arms, staring out the window.


I got out of the car and got under the umbrella that waited for me.

"That was great too," Michael, my director, told me. This is where the story takes off. They are going to have it go black after that scene, and show me a month later in Texas, where I meet Josh's character Will. "Just take a break. It's starting to pour. Good job guys."

I was handed a blanket and took it gratefully. It's been a day. We barely did any filming last night, everybody was just getting here so we went over the basics and I got to meet a lot of people, it was fun.

Now we'd probably go to the other set and shoot me packing and everything. What I really wanted to do was go back to the hotel and talk to Justin.

I missed him like crazy, and I had only gotten to text him for a little last night.

"Little wet?" Josh laughed walking over to me.

"A little." I nodded. "I'm sorry I don't get to stay dry."

"Hey, I'm just watching. I don't come in till next week."

"Why'd you come? You don't have to be here do you?"

"No I don't." He shook his head. "I chose to come. I wanted to see everything, plus I figured it'd be easier to get to know my castmates." He nudged my arm and smiled at me.

Head Over Heels: Book 2: Forever In Your Arms: Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now