Head Over Heels: Foreber in Your Arms - Justin Bieber Love Story:22:

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ok, so with question six on the last chapter I know so people were gettig confused.

Basically I was asking what you think of them?

Now you're like @&!?@$%#*

I know, but I never really asked that question with the first book.

I have Lauren set out to be this girl who was completely innocent. She had her heart broken, didn't grow up with a father, and yet she is this string young girl who is still trying to figure out herself and life.

Taylor- (by the way love how someone explained it when they answered my question!!!!) Was- and definitely still is a jerk about everything. Last chapter I wanted you to see how him and Lauren actually got along- but then he was pushing into her life asking if the had ever- you know, because she wouldn't with him. He is starting to see how Justin treated her differently and what he did wrong. He knows how he should have treated Lauren and he's really sorry about it- but yes- I do believe he loves her, and now Justin is worried all over again, while Lauren knows that she loves Justin and it's wedging them apart again.

Anyway!!- I'll shut up now.



9:12 AM

I moved my hand from Justin's chest to his shoulder, stretching a little as I woke up. His hand trailed along my back and I smiled as his lips lightly touched my forehead.

"Good morning."

"Morning." I lifted up my head slightly to kiss him.

"How'd you sleep?"


His hand stroked my hair and he kissed me again.

"Well good."

"Are you still mad at me?"

"What? No, I've just been thinking."

"About what?"

"The wedding."

"What about it?" I sat up slightly again to look at him. He shrugged.

"What if he does come?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. I feel like he's going to try and win you back. It's supposed to be our day, not 'Hey! Stop the wedding! I still love you!' "

"What?" I said softly. "He doesn't."

"Come on Laur. Even I know he does."

"Well it doesn't matter. I don't love him. I've told you that a billion times."

"I know you have."

"Then why do you think he is going to try to win me back?"

"I just do."

"Well I hate to break it to you, but he doesn't have much of a chance."

I felt him breathing beneath me, his hand moving on my back.

"I have this amazing guy right here beside me, I don't want Taylor, I just want you. I love you, and I'm marrying you. I want a family with you. He has nothing on you, because I'm yours."

He turned his head to look at me and nodded.


"Ok? That's it? Not a kiss or anything?" I smiled at him.

"Opps. I sowwy." He kissed me, turning me on my back instead of my side.

"I can kiss your lips," He pulled away and kisses them again gently. "Your cheeks," and he did. I laughed at him and he smiled above me. "Your forehead, the tip of your nose,"

Head Over Heels: Book 2: Forever In Your Arms: Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now