Head Over Heels: Forever in Your Arms - Justin Bieber Love Story:21:

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6:42 PM

January 9th

"Oh my god!" My mom hugged me and Justin smiled beside me. "This is awesome! Didn't I tell you he was a keeper?"

I blushed and he winked at me.

"Yeah, you did."

She pulled away and hugged Justin.

"Well good thing. Do you have a date set?"

"We're thinking June 12th of next year." He told her, putting his arm back around me.

"Wow. A proposal and a wedding this month. Well around a month I guess, but still, wow. I'm so happy for you."

I smiled looking at him and he nodded, motioning for me to speak.

"And I sort of had a question for Marc."

"Hit me." Marc smiled.

"Will you give me away?"

"I'd be honored."

Justin's hand dropped from around me as I hugged Marc.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I pulled away and sniffed.

"Sorry." I laughed.

"Oh! I have your dress, and I think Marc has your tux Justin. Did you want to get them? We might need to try on your dress one more time."

"Sure, we can do that." I nodded.

Justin kissed my cheek, the smile still spread across his face.

"Go ahead. I don't think I need to try on a dress." Justin laughed.


Mom led me up the stairs into my old room and I looked around. It didn't look familiar at all.

"What did you do to this place?" I smiled at her.

"Well you moved in with Justin, so I figured why not. I didn't get rid of any of your things, I just thought I could stick some of the stuff for the wedding in here."

I nodded.

"It looks good."

She opened the closet and handed me my dress.

"Thanks. They sent it back altered and everything. Have you picked any colors yet for your wedding?"

"I'm thinking yellow." I took the white plastic off the red dress and smiled at it. I looked good in it, I'm not even going to lie to myself.

"You do look good in yellow." She smiled back at me.

"Except I'll be wearing white."

"Well maybe we could we can get you a headband with little yellow diamonds or something in it."

"Yeah," I nodded quickly. "I hadn't thought of that."

"See. This whole wedding thing has gone straight to my brain. You're going to have fun. You really are."

I laughed at her expression.

"I hope so."

I changed into my dress in the bathroom then walked out and she zipped up the back for me.

We stood looking in the mirror and she put her hands on my shoulders.

"My little girl is getting married."

"Mom. Next year. You're getting married next month. I think we should be excited about your wedding at the moment."

"You look gorgeous. I just can't imagine what you will look like in your wedding gown."

Head Over Heels: Book 2: Forever In Your Arms: Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now