Part 68

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Fawh had flown around the nose hole but couldn’t find a way in. Then he flew to each of the eye holes but they were closed too. He was getting a bit puffed and so landed on a tree, feeling a bit like a dodo in the doldrums. While he was there a camouflaged door opened and two guards exited. As the door was open he decided to fly in but did not act quickly enough and was stopped when the door closed. The guards carried on walking towards the road. He turned into an ant and tried to crawl under the door but to no avail. He turned into a liquid but still he couldn’t do it. “As if,” he said to himself, “as if anyone would put secret doors on a hideout that were water tight. I bet it’s you isn’t it Author?”

“Go on Fawh, get back to the others. They are already complaining that you could have done the mission on your own anyway.”

For a second he looked a bit grumpy but cheered up as he cheeped back to the others.

Biggs saw him flittering towards them. “Did you find the entrance?”

“Yes,” he replied rather dejectedly, “but it was water tight, I couldn’t get in.”

“We are supposed to be working as a team, it’s a good job you did come back. Lead the way.”

Fawh began to flap towards the camouflaged door as the others hovered behind him.

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