Part 56

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"You could at least make some kind of rhyme or assonance using the words 'are we there yet?'"

"Oh, go on then. We are Siamese abominable snowmen owned by them."

"Are we their yeti?"

"You got that one then," Sid thought a bit more, "or the pirate who is from Scotland exclaiming about the shortness of gnomes. Arr, wee they're yet!"

Arthur looked at his hand held PC to read what Sid had said, "Oh I get it now, pirate, arr, small they are yet. Get it. That is very clever Sid."

They carried on flying and within fifteen minutes could see the island.

"Can you see where the drone is on that tracking device?" asked Sid.

"Hang on."

"It's you who needs to hang on."

Arthur got the tracking device out of his bag and switched it on, "Keep going straight ahead. I think she is somewhere in the nose hole."

"That would make sense if that's where they land their jump jets. Shall we call it a nostril from now on?"

"Nose we won't."

Within another five minutes they had got to the island. Sid just spotted an anti aircraft battery below, "Look out Arthur, Anti Aircraft guns."

The AA guns started to line up on Sid and Arthur.

"What about turning the phasic devices on?"

"We'll try it but I'm not sure they will work on radar."

Both Sid and Arthur both turned on their phasic devices and de-phased, ever so slightly, out of synch with their reality.

The automatic AA guns stood down.

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