heartbreak girl

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"Jesus, what'd I do this time?" Pete grumbles, opening his eyes slowly. Meagan yelps, Bronx shaking her awake "Dad!" Saint cries, and Pete laughs, opening his arms and gesturing for a hug from his sons. Meagan leans over once the boys are back in their seats, kissing him softly "Don't scare us like that again, asshole." Pete gives them a crooked smile, wincing as he catches sight of the needles and monitors in his arm "Ah, shit." He laughs gently, and leans back into the bed "What happened? I can't really remember past sitting in Maya's room."  Meagan sighs "You, Ryan, Josh and Brendon got thrown around a fair bit. Ryan lost some blood, Josh broke three ribs, and Brendon - Brendon's temporarily paralysed bellow the waist." Pete's eyes fly open "Fuck, no way." Meagan nods grimly "He's dealing with it like a champ, to be fair." Pete sighs "He'll get frustrated as soon as he's discharged." Meagan sighs now "About that," she pauses, and Pete raises his eyebrows before she continues "Brendon's already been discharged. It's been two and a half weeks, Pete. Maya's been put in a foster home, but everyone's worried. She's on medication for the migraines she's been getting, and no one knows if she's getting properly looked after in there." Pete rubs his face tiredly "Well shit, wait, that means it's Maya's birthday next week. She turns eighteen, and if she turns eighteen while she's in there, Brendon and Sarah can't adopt her." Meagan nods, and Bronx practically leaps out of his seat "They're pressing charges, for assault and battery and kidnapping. They just need you to be present as a witness." Pete grins "Damn, you're getting smart buddy." Bronx smiles back proudly. Pete sits up slowly, looking to Meagan, his face stern again "The prison sentence for kidnapping's something like 20 years, assault and battery on top of that? That's at least 25 years behind bars." Meagan nods "That's why they need you there, to be the last to testify and make sure she serves the full sentence." Pete leans over, pressing the call button on the wall to get a nurse "She'll only be getting what she deserves." Meagan nods, and stands as the nurse enters. After a few minutes of the nurse check Pete's vitals, and Pete looking increasingly uncomfortable, the nurse leaves to get some papers and a doctor. Pete yawns, and Meagan leans on her elbow "Patrick and Joe and Andy came to visit every day. They were so worried, like, I don't think I've ever seen Joe cry, but god, he was terrified. We all were."

It's a tough process to get Pete out of hospital the same day, but not only is everyone desperate to see him, he's desperate to get out of the hospital. He's given emergency contacts incase anything happens, and Meagan's told he can sleep, but should he start vomiting or feeling nauseous, he's to come straight back. On top of that, she has to wake him up every sixty minutes if he goes to sleep. They arrive at the Urie's driveway, which is again flooded with photographers and reporters, a little past three p.m. Sarah opens the door, throwing her arms around Pete "Hell, Pete. We were terrified for you." She hugs Meagan, and the boys, before pulling them all inside and closing the door on the photographers. Ryan's the next person he sees, and the younger man practically tackles Pete in a hug "Dude!" There's a few thin scars littering Ryan's hands and arms now, as well as three on his neck, other than that he's okay. Pete smiles, hugging him back "I'm glad you're okay, man." Ryan nods, taking a step back "You too, dude." 

Josh is standing in the corridor separating the front door from the kitchen, and Pete places his arm over Josh's shoulders "Good to see you, dude. How're you doing?" Josh asks with a grin, and Pete shrugs "Not too bad, you?" Josh laughs slightly, pulling his hoodie up a bit to reveal the fading bruises that cover his chest and stomach. Pete nods "Fair enough." 

Sarah grabs Pete's shoulder before he enters the kitchen "Look, I've kind of been relying on you to be the person who can distract him from everything, because I mean. He's Brendon, he can't use his goddamn legs, so he's pissed. He gets worked up really easily, lately. And his back gets really sore now, the wheelchair doesn't help." Pete nods in understanding "When do they think he'll be able to walk?" He asks hopefully, and Sarah sighs "He said he got some of the feeling back in his toes today, which is a start. I mean, the doctors had hoped it'd go the other way, and he'd feel it in his hips first. Brendon, and I quote, wanted his penis back as quickly as possible." Pete laughs at that, and Sarah grins, continuing "But whatever we can get is good, y'know? They're saying the feeling should come back in the next few weeks, but it's really up in the air." Pete nods, hugging Sarah again before he shuffles into the kitchen, his joints stiff from his two-week coma.

"Urie, dude, long-time-no-see." Pete begins, and the look on Brendon's face would usually accompany the younger man launching into a hug, but circumstances suck, so Brendon settles for a smile "Pete, man, I was terrified." Pete leans down to hug Brendon, and it's odd, but neither mention it "That's what everyone's been telling me." Brendon nods "Well fair-fucking-enough, we all though you'd got brain damage, god knows-" Pete stops him "Brendon, chill out man. I know you're struggling, we all do. You're the most hyper dude I know, for obvious reasons, and I get that not being able to move around properly suck. But, hell, man you've got better things to do than be pissy at everyone about it." Pete reasons, and Brendon pauses for a moment, looking entirely out of place in the wheelchair. It takes some visible effort, but by some miracle, Brendon begins to tap his left foot impatiently "You're right, but it's not going to bring my daughter back unless we both get our shit together and make it to the courthouse in twenty minutes." Pete rolls his eyes now "Dude, your timing is terrible." He groans as he walks to Brendon and Sarah's room, looking for a suit after noting Brendon was already in one. Pete listens as Sarah enters the kitchen and screeches "Brendon!" She yells, and he laughs "You said you could feel your toes! Not move your entire foot!" Pete laughs, before groaning again "Man, did you not keep any of your old suits that didn't look like you'd snatched them off an nineteenth-century corpse?" He mutters, and settles on swapping his own Metallica shirt for one of Brendon's white t-shirts, and the denim jacket in the back of his car.

"Before we begin, I'd like to note that Mr. Wentz isn't exactly dressed appropriately." Rachel pipes up from her side of the room, and the judge outright rolls their eyes at her, and Josh is struggling not to laugh at that action "I believe he would've had more time to get dressed had he not been in hospital, Ms. Eller." The judge states, bored. Rachel opens and closes her mouth in shock, before sitting down. Pete hides his smug grin with a cough, meanwhile Brendon's nervously fiddling with his hair. Maya enters, she's made to sit in the gallery area. Ryan nudges Brendon's shoulder and he turns, she looks tired, and he feels slightly sick now.

"If everyone could please take their seats, we'll begin."

a/n: ooo hey kids 

happy fourth of july to u american pals, have a good one ! how'd u like this chapter ? idk it had a weird vibe to it while i was editing but that might just be me? also important news below !!

today i'm publishing the first chapter of 405 (yes you've heard about it before i unpublished it so i could start fresh later and later is now) it's my brendon/sarah college au !! so that goes up today, and once i've sorted everything out with so far (it's alright) - a matty healy fic, that'll go up too :))

hope u guys liked this + keep an eye out for the first chapter of 405 (which might be titled four-oh-five depends how i feel lmao)

i hope u've all been well :)

grace x

house of memories; adopted by brendon urieWhere stories live. Discover now