head above water

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Slowly but surely the Urie's house fills with the people most important to each of them. Grace and Boyd arrive on the 23rd, almost everyone else turns up on the 24th or early christmas morning.

"How's things?" Tyler asks, the pair are sitting in the dark outside, Tyler's arm over Maya's shoulders in his attempt to keep her warm. Maya shrugs slightly "I dunno Ty. I mean, it's like I'm in water. I'm not swimming, but I haven't drowned yet either." she picks up a dog toy and fiddles with it for a moment "My head's still above water." She mumbles, leaning into Tyler's embrace. Tyler nods gently "I promise, no matter what happens, you'll never be alone Maya." He whispers, holding her carefully. She hugs him back, focusing on every detail of the hug just incase it's one of the last from Tyler.

Grace is in the kitchen, muttering about how her husband is making more mess than humanly possible while Sarah laughs, Jenna holding Oliver. Maya wraps her arms arouns her mom, who smiles "Hey sweetheart," Maya sighs, and Sarah face now holds a tinge of sadness, but a smile nonetheless "C'mere." Sarah pulls her into a proper hug. The Joseph's child is on Gerard's shoulders, giggling as Bandit and Cherry sit with Bronx and Saint, Lily and Miles sitting with their mom and dad.

Pete steals Maya away from Sarah, hugging her protectively "This is all for you kid, just relax, okay? She can't get to you in here, we're all here for you." He reassures her, and Maya nods "Yeah, I know. It's just tough. Because everything's on a countdown now. And I dunno if I'll be ready when I run out of time." Pete shakes his head "You're not running out of time Maya. You've got your whole life ahead of you." She sighs, looking up at Pete with tears in her eyes "But it's going to be without you guys."

He bites the inside of his cheek, not speaking, just holding her carefully "We all love you, so, so much Maya. And I promise that your dad won't let anything happen to you, and neither will your mom, or me and Meagan, or Gerard and Lindsey. My point is, that none of us will ever leave you alone when you're scared, we won't let her hurt you. I promise." She sniffs, drying her eyes and hugging Pete a final time before they step back into the kitchen, Brendon waiting with Sarah by his side "Merry Christmas, kiddo." Brendon kisses her forehead, and Maya hugs him tightly, not wanting to forget what Brendon's hugs feel like.

They do presents, and Maya sits in Brendon's lap as they go around the large group. In total, Maya receives what feels like too many presents, but she won't try and argue with her family when she knows it might be the last gifts she'll get from them.

Later, when everyone's in the lounge talking and laughing, Maya drags Amelia, Sarah, and Brendon to the studio.

"I know we've all done presents already, but this is," she pauses "Just incase."

She turns to grab four boxes of varying sizes, handing the first and smallest to Amelia. Her sister opens the box, pulling out a usb. Maya scratches the back of her neck "It's, uh, if you ever miss me," she mumbles "Just, when I'm gone, watch it." Amelia doesn't speak, but hugs her. She turns to Sarah now, handing her the second box "Um, it's basically the same thing, just, well, for you mom." Sarah opens the box to find a photo album inside. Maya stares at the floor and grabs the last box "Dad, it's um, yeah. For you," she hands over the box, that's significantly heavier than the others, and Brendon stares back at her "Maya," he doesn't want to open it, because somehow that makes all of this real again. She shakes her head, before the four fall into a tight hug.

"This isn't the best we've ever had, but Merry Christmas." Brendon announces, holding his glass in the air "I'm so glad we're all together." Pete smiles, Gerard and Dallon nod "It's good to be together. Thanks for everything you guys have done." Ryan nods to Sarah and Brendon, Sarah shakes her head "We should be thanking you guys. Really, you've all given us ridiculous amounts of support this past year, and we couldn't be more grateful." Maya nods and everyone smiles.

At quarter to eleven, Brendon and Gerard decide they need to continue tradition and light the firepit outside. Maya's wrapped in a blanket, sitting on Patrick's lap while Declan, Bronx, Bandit and Lily see who can chug lemonade the fastest. They sit around the fire, talking for what feels like hours. They talk about the days before My Chem's breakup, and they talk about the flight 101 saga before Fall Out Boy's hiatus, the Pretty. Odd. tour and when Fall Out Boy went to Uganda. It gets late, and everyone's either fallen asleep or gone inside and to bed. Maya leans against Patrick, and he holds her comfortingly "I got troubled thoughts and the self esteem to match, what a catch. What a catch." Pete sits up a little straighter from opposite the fire, listening to Patrick sing to Maya "You'll never catch us, so just let me be. Said I'll be fine till' the hospital, or American Embassy. Miss Flack, said I still want you back." Patrick looks straight at Pete now, because in the days before when the reporters had swarmed the house, he knew the lookk on Pete's face when that reporter had appeared "I've got troubled thoughts, and the self esteem to match, what a catch. what a catch, and all I can think of is the way I'm the one who charmed, the one who gave up on you. Who gave up on you."

"They say the captain goes down with the ship, so when the world ends, will god go down with it? Miss Flack, said I still want you back, yeah Miss Flack, said I still want you back, back, back."

"What a catch, what a catch, what a catch, what a catch, oh."

"I will never end up like him, behind my back I already am, keep a calendar this way you will always know. I said I've got troubled thoughts and the self esteem to match, what a catch. And all I can think of is the way I'm the one who charmed, the one who gave up on you, who gave up on you."

"Where is your boy tonight I hope he is a gentleman, and maybe he won't find out what I know, you were the last good thing about this part of town." Dallon sings lazily, they hadn't noticed almost the whole group return to the fire.

"We're going down, down, in an earlier round and sugar we're going down swinging. I'll be your number one with a bullet, a loaded god complex cock it and pull it." Tyler sings now, nodding in time.

"Dance, dance. We're falling apart to half-time. Dance, dance." Brendon sings, looking across at Patrick and Maya as the others sing seperate parts.

It reaches the end and Patrick sighs Pete's moved across, now leaning against Patrick's shoulder "I got troubled thoughts and the self esteem to match, what a catch. What a catch."

a/n: hope y'all liked this one, it went a few places i'm not sure about, sorry about what a catch as well...

anyways this was christmas, there's about three chapters until the trial.

get unhyped, dehyped, nonexcite ? idk

hope y'all have a good week/day/night !

grace x 

house of memories; adopted by brendon urieWhere stories live. Discover now