always (forever and ever)

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At first, they're alerted that something's wrong by the yelling outside. Then they see a glimpse of a nurse being thrown to the floor. Maya sits up in bed, only to be pushed back down by a concerned-looking Sarah. Ryan stands, his hand already on the door handle "I'll see what's going on." Brendon shakes his head "Dude, don't." Ryan rolls his eyes "Likely, Urie." Josh stands, following him "I'm coming with you." They leave the room, and Pete takes a deep breath, turning to Maya "Who even brought you in here?" He asks quietly, and Maya shrugs "It wasn't Rachel, she would've handcuffed me to the goddamn bed by now." She mutters, and Tyler nods "Sounds like something she'd do."

A few minutes pass, and silence falls in the hallway and in Maya's room. Pete stands at the small glass panel in the door, before taking a small step back as a crash echoes from outside "Jesus, oh god." He mutters, turning around and pressing his back against the door to keep it closed. Debby looks worriedly at Pete "What was that?" Pete looks to Debby, and then Maya "That was Ryan." He mumbles, and Jenna places a hand on Debby's shoulder. Brendon swears quietly "Who the hell did it?" Brendon stands, letting go of Maya's hand. Pete looks outside again, before pushing an empty chair under the door handle in an attempt to seal the room "That guy who punched Tyler, and a bunch of other dudes," Pete pauses "And I think Rachel's at the end of the hallway." Maya sits up "Get Ryan inside." Sarah shakes her head "If Rachel's out there with the guy who punch Tyler, and more people, it's not safe to get more people out there." Maya looks angry now "Josh is still out there!" She cries, moving as if she's going to get out of bed, before leaning over the side of the bed and throwing up. Brendon places his hand on her back "Hey, it's okay." He helps her sit back where she had been "Kiddo, Josh'll be okay, you need to stay here, or you'll make yourself more sick." Maya nods slowly, leaning back "I'm so sorry, none of you deserved any of this." Meagan sighs "Maya, you don't deserve this either. And we're going to stick with you, through all of this bullshit." Bronx nods "You're like, the coolest person I know. And I know some pretty cool people." He smiles "Bronx, you're a legend. Never change." She grins back, before there's more yelling from outside.

"Where's your friend, huh? Does he want another go?" The man in-front of Josh yells, cracking his knuckles. Josh makes the mistake of looking back to Ryan, giving the man a chance to punch him in the stomach. Josh stumbles back, his height disadvantage only makes things worse, but he stands his ground, throwing a punch at the man's jaw, only to be pushed to the ground, and kicked in the ribs by a second man. Josh groans, curling into a ball as they continue kicking at him, trying to crawl away until they're called by someone further away, leaving him on the floor.

Pete swears again as they watch Josh fall to the ground "Okay, I've gotta go help them. We can't just leave them out there." Tyler nods, following Pete out the door. Jenna, now holding William in her lap, makes an attempt to comfort Debby. Brendon's holding Maya in a half-hug as she lies in the hospital bed. 

It's just past four now, and there's more yelling before the door bursts open, revealing Tyler, who struggles to carry Josh in with him. Pete's screaming from outside, and that makes Brendon rush out to help one of his best friends. Pete thrusts Ryan's unconscious body into Brendon's arms "Fucking go, get him help, he's bleeding fucking everywhere." Pete instructs, and Brendon nods, momentarily finding himself surprised at how light Ryan is, before noticing the blood running onto his arms. As he runs to the opposite end of the corridor from Pete, he takes not of the broken glass scattering the floor, and the trolley near it, dented slightly. Brendon continues sprinting back towards the emergency unit doors, throwing them open with his shoulder. By some miracle, Colleen is standing closest to him "Oh my god," She mutters, calling a doctor over as she helps Brendon find Ryan a bed "Where did he even come from? What happened?" She asks, and Brendon nods back at the doors he'd come through "We're here because of Rachel Eller, she broke in, we don't really know how, but she's got these guys with her, they're throwing people around, there's someone else who's been hurt." He pants, breathless from running. Colleen nods, moving back to the main desk to call security. 

house of memories; adopted by brendon urieWhere stories live. Discover now