we'll be in touch

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"Rachel, you can't abduct a child!" Tim yells, closing the front door quickly behind him. Rachel rolls her eyes "I didn't abduct anyone, I took back my property!" She counters, Tim shakes his head "I said I'd defend you in this trial, but this is going too far. She's a human being, not property." Rachel looks to where Maya's been placed on the sofa, Rachel's brother Matt, the one who punched Pete, is sitting at the kitchen counter "Rachel's deserved custody over that kid since the divorce, Tim." He argues, and Tim takes a step back "This is crazy, you're both crazy."

Josh picks Amelia up, and she flings her arms around his neck, crying. Josh places his hand on Brendon's shoulder as best he can while carrying the crying girl "Mel can stay with Debby and I tonight. Don't worry about it." Brendon can't reply, but acknowledges him with a slight nod.

Josh drives with Amelia sitting on his lap, which he knows is both illegal and dangerous, but she won't let go of him. When he reaches his and Debby's house, she's waiting outside the front door. Amelia falls into another hug from Debby "Let's get you inside," Debby mumbles, hugging Amelia tightly before Josh carries her inside.

Meagan approaches Sarah slowly "Sarah, love, Tyler and Jenna are going to look after Oliver tonight. Pete's going to take you guys home." Sarah manages a shrug, nodding to Meagan. 

Brendon and Sarah are completely distraught, Pete drives them home, not trusting either of them to drive. Pete feeds the dogs before he leaves, with a distressed sigh. Brendon turns the TV on to see photos of Maya being carried outside the court flashing on the screen, with the words AMBER ALERT In capital letters underneath.

"The verdict handed down earlier today was that Maya was to be placed back in the foster system, the judge ruling that giving her custody over to both the Urie's and her birth mother, Rachel Eller was against the best interests of the child. However, after Eller reportedly abducted her biological daughter from the courtroom, the court will face a tough time if they don't return custody to the Urie's."

"Social media has seen an outpouring of support for the Urie's, as well as protest against the verdict. With the public clearly on the Urie's side, the court's next move will be interesting, and we can only hope for the best for Maya." Brendon falls to the sofa, next to Sarah, and promptly begins crying again. They hold each out, hoping to whatever god might be out there that their daughter comes home.

"Have you seen the fucking news? The judge has no other option, they've got to give her custody back over! You've got no chance, just let her go." Tim reasons, staring at Rachel and Matt. Matt crosses his arms "She's not even conscious, we'll wait until she wakes up." Tim runs a hand through his hair "She's not conscious? You knocked her out? Jesus, I thought she fell asleep!" he shakes his head, beginning to pace back and forth "This is bad, this is so bad. They're going to have to press charges against you, you're going to end up in jail. Both of you." Rachel steps up, pointing a finger in his direction "Don't act like you're guilt-free, you had a part in this." Tim shakes his head "Bloody hell, Rachel, I defending you in a custody trial. I didn't help you kidnap the kid afterwards."

Amelia's sitting on the sofa, between Josh and Debby. She falls asleep sometime after eating the small amount of dinner she could manage without feeling sick. Debby and Josh clean up quietly, and once they're done Josh rests his arms around Debby's waist, standing in the middle of the kitchen as Debby leans into him "God, I feel so bad for her. And for Brendon and Sarah." Josh sighs, and Debby nods "I can't imagine how Maya feels. I hope they got her help, like a doctor or something. She hit her head so hard, oh my god, Josh what if she's got a concussion and they're not getting her treated." Josh tenses, nodding "We've got to look after Amelia, but crap, Maya." He doesn't finish, shaking his head at himself "Everything'll be okay."   

It reaches midnight, Sarah shakes Brendon awake after he'd collapsed from exhaustion "Brendon, wake up, please." He blinks slowly "Babe, what's wrong?" Sarah wipes her eyes for what feels like the eighteenth time, her eyes red and puffy from the crying "I can't sleep, not without knowing if she's safe or not. I mean, I can't sleep without her here anyway, but I've got to know she's not on the streets or anything. Please Bren, we've got to find her." Brendon nods, standing and stretching "Yeah, totally. Of course." He mutters, pulling Sarah up to stand before grabbing the car keys off the kitchen counter.

Rachel, Tim and Matt argue for hours more, until Tim finally snaps "You're being so irresponsible. I can't believe I'm talking to the same woman I fell in love with. You've fucking lost it, Rachel." Tim rushes across the room, grabbing Maya before pausing "Oh my god, she's not breathing." Rachel turns on her heel "What? Don't lie to me just for an apology, Tim." He shakes his head, grabbing his keys and running out the door "I'm not lying, but you might've just ruined and innocent family's lives, Rachel. Nice work." He throws Maya into the passenger seat, driving to the nearest hospital.

"Brendon, oh god, Brendon." Sarah holds her phone up as Brendon slams the brakes on in the middle of a deserted LA street. The article on her phone shows photos of the man who'd followed Rachel and Maya from the court running into a hospital, carrying Maya.

Brendon swears loudly, turning the car around "What hospital?" He asks, trying not to get hit by oncoming traffic as he swerves back into the right lane. Sarah reads off the article, and Brendon takes pedal to the metal way too seriously, speeding to the hospital, to Maya.

They reach the hospital and Brendon's barely taken the keys from the ignition before Sarah's sprinting to the emergency room. Brendon follows her, running, catching up as she reaches the admissions desk. Sarah brushes her hair away from her face, catching her breath "We're here for Maya Urie?" The nurse looks up "Who are you?" Sarah glances to Brendon, and back to the nurse "I'm Sarah Urie, this is my husband, Brendon. Today, she was handed over into state care, but we were her legal guardians at the time of the accident, formal documentation hasn't happened yet, we're still her parents. There's nothing official to say we're not." Sarah only realises this as she talks, a slight look of optimism spreads on Brendon's face as he nods. The nurse sighs tiredly "I'm going to have to ask you to wait here until she's out of ICU, because of the strange circumstances, while she is technically still your daughter, we can't allow you to see her if you're not classed as direct relations." Brendon goes to object, but he's pulled away by Sarah "Bren, we need to take every chance that'll get us to Maya." She reasons, and he nods "We should tell Tyler and Josh what's happened, mostly so Josh can handle things with Amelia while she's with them." Brendon mumbles, and Sarah nods "I'll text Pete and Ryan, just to let them know."

Once they've told everyone they need to, Sarah leans her head on Brendon's shoulder "What happened to everything. It's all gone to shit, in less than 24 hours." She manages an exhausted laugh. Brendon nods, his arm around her shoulders "We'll make it through this, I know we will." He kisses Sarah lightly, resting her head on top of her's as they sit in the waiting room, hoping that their daughter is alive.

a/n: hey kids, here's your double update :) 

yikes things took a turn for the worst, i actually didn't see that one coming tbh, anyway.

Heaven_Nev made a really good point - saying if maya went back into the system pete or ryan or one of the dudes™ could adopt her - which i might've actually used if i'd thought about it earlier 

but i guess this is the plot i'm taking u all on now, hope you like it kids :)

grace x

house of memories; adopted by brendon urieWhere stories live. Discover now