show me a garden that's bursting into life

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Brendon's sitting at the piano, singing Fly Me To The Moon to Oli, improvising the trumpet parts, making the small boy laugh and clap his tiny hands happily.

"Mom, I'm going to hang out with Pete and them for a bit." Sarah nods "Are you staying over?" Maya shakes her head and her mom raises an eyebrow, making Maya laugh "Okay, yeah probably." Sarah shakes her head, laughing "Text me when you make your mind up, have fun, and don't get arrested."

"Meagan?" Maya calls through the house, before she's yanked behind the sofa, coming face to face with the model, who's brandishing a large nerf gun "Shh, Bronx is missing, Saint probably knows where I am now." She hands a smaller gun to Maya, who nods slowly "Pete?" Meagan shrugs "I shot him in the balls downstairs. Don't know where he went from there." Maya fails to contain her laughter at that "Is there an objective to this at all?" Meagan nods "Whoever wins gets to choose where we get pizza from for dinner." Maya rolls her eyes "I can't believe I didn't guess that." Meagan shushes her again, slowly standing before she shoots at something across the room, that something being Bronx and Pete. Meagan ducks behind the lounge again "Don't gang up on me, that's rude." she yells, a smile plastered across her face as she hears Pete swear, and someone fire their nerf gun "Saint you little shit, don't shoot me, shoot your mom!" he yells, making Meagan and Maya both fall to the floor laughing. Saint run across the room cackling, shooting at anyone he sees "Jesus Meagan, we've raised a maniac." Pete mutters, standing to pull Maya into a hug "Long time no see kid," Maya nods, happily hugging Pete back "I've missed this crazy house." she jokes, stepping back to pat Bronx on the head "Well crap," she laughs to the younger boy "You actually have to stop growing." He only laughs back at her, almost at eye-level with the seventeen-year-old.

Saint, who in turn is only a centimetre shorter than his brother hugs Maya "I'm gonna be taller than him 'cause mom's tall as f-." Meagan arches an eyebrow at her son "I'm tall as what?" Pete laughs now, leaning over to Maya "He's in the awkward teen boy phase where he thinks he can use fuck as an interchangeable verb, noun, and adjective where ever he goes." Maya nods "Shame you're still in that phase." Pete elbows her side "Rude."

Pete walks to the front door to get the pizza, yelling over his shoulder back to the lounge "The guest room upstairs is all set up, by the way." Maya scratches the back of her head, shrugging "I don't know if I'm staying over," She begins, before Meagan throws her a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt "We both know you are." Maya groans, standing to get changed "You're all too nice to me." Pete pulls her into a one-armed hug, holding the pizza boxes in his other hand "You know it kid." He kisses the top of her head before messing with her hair, she groans again "Pete!" He only laughs.

Maya lies with her head on Meagan's lap, watching the force awakens, Pete's choice obviously. Maya smiles up at Meagan "Thanks," she mumbles, and the older woman smiles confusedly "For what?" Maya shrugs "For always letting me come over, and letting me be part of your family. Especially with Oli, I love him, but it's nice to feel like a little kid sometimes. So thanks, for that." Meagan smiles "You're always welcome here Maya, you know that." Maya nods, sitting up to hug Meagan. When she goes to lie back down Pete coughs obnoxiously from the other side of the room, making Meagan roll her eyes at him. Pete coughs again "Do I not get a hug?" Maya giggles, standing and walking to Pete, hugging him before he pulls her to sit next to him. Maya shakes her head, smiling, and leans her head on Pete's shoulder to watch the rest of the movie.

Maya lies on the sofa as Pete and Meagan say goodnight to the boys, and soon the house is quiet. Maya begins to close her eyes before she's lifted into someone's arms, and she can tell it's Pete.

She sighs "You really don't have to be this nice to me." She jokes, her arms over Pete's shoulders as he carries her through the house, he shakes his head, laughing at the girl half-asleep in his arms "Maya, it's like you've gone back in time four years, you don't need to thank us for anything, you're family." He places her gently in the bed, but she sits up to pull Pete into a long hug "I know. Sometimes I just worry about what life would be like without all you and mom and dad, and I'm so, so, so grateful for you, all of you guys." Pete rubs her back comfortingly, hugging her back "Maya," he pulls away to look at her properly "I consider you family just as much as Bronx and Saint are my kids. You're my almost-daughter, you're the daughter I never had, but I was lucky enough to know. I love you just as much as I love Bronx and Saint." She smiles slightly "Does that make me your favorite child then?" Pete rolls his eyes "Don't push it young lady." he jokes "Now go to bed, we're going out tomorrow." Maya raises an eyebrow but doesn't question it, lying down as Pete switches the light off "Night Maya." she yawns "Goodnight almost-dad." He laughs, closing the door.

Maya's almost asleep when her phone buzzes.

sisterino: hey! i know it's been so long since we've all been together, but if you guys are coming home for the break i'd love to catch up :)

Maya quickly realises it's their old group chat from school, and almost chokes. She hadn't spoken to Sam or Piper since they'd left for college. She waits for the others to reply.

sammy pal: you're totally right, it's been forever. i'd love to see you guys again! i get back to la on the 16th if that helps planning anything

pipes: i'd love to get all together again, i'll be in la until the start of january :)

noah: sounds like a great idea, i'm flying back on the 17th and i'll be there until new years.

Maya doesn't reply, until her phone buzzes with a separate chat.

sisterino: reply to the chat maya

maya: do i have to

sisterino: yes. it's the nice thing to do.

maya: ,,,

She flicks back to the chat, sighing.

maya: i'd love to catch up with you guys. whenever works for everyone :)

She turns her phone off, rolling onto her back and sighing.

She wakes to Meagan talking, Bowie walking across her arms, licking her face. Maya sits up, and the dog jumps off the bed, sprinting up the stairs as Meagan laughs "That's gross!" she splutters, dog drool all over her. Meagan only laughs more, before pulling Maya out of bed "C'mon, we're picking Piper up from the airport, dropping her off at your house, and then we're going skydiving." Maya nods before she pauses "Wait then we're doing what?" Meagan continues dragging Maya to the kitchen "Eat up," she smiles, pushing a bowl of cereal across to her.

a/n: aye so maya's going skydiving with the wentz's in the next chapter, get excited + piper's coming back to chill at the urie's for a while, and then it'll be christmas in the chapter after that, and i'll write a new year's chapter with some surprises from some old friends !

also i hope you guys remember sam, bcos i know i kinda ditched her after vegas lights, but she'll be back for a bit :)

grace x

house of memories; adopted by brendon urieWhere stories live. Discover now