wake me up when it's all over vol. ii

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Dawn breaks, and a surprising guest presents himself at the door of Maya's room. Tyler stands "Hey," He greets a jet-lagged Noah "Long time no see, kid." Noah offers him a small laugh before he yawns "It's been all over the news, what happened. I mean, I saw the start of it all with the paparazzi and everything at their house, but I didn't want to cause any more trouble. I flew back down after the stuff about Rachel taking her came out." Tyler nods "Maya's still asleep, there was an, uh, incident last night. Pete's in ICU," Tyler takes a deep breath, sighing heavily "Ryan's still unconscious, Debby said Josh's just woken up, and Brendon's having MRI's done now." Noah runs a hand through his hair "Shit, man. I knew it was bad, but this is, god. This is awful." 

"Noah?" Maya asks weakly, yawning as she wakes up. Noah glances inside, before looking back to Tyler, who nods for him to go in. Maya sits up, and for a moment looks like she'll be sick again, before taking a slow breath and sitting properly. She gestures for him to sit down, before Bronx launches himself at Noah in a hug. Maya laughs gently, when they'd been together she'd been forever grateful for how the rest of her family had accepted Noah. Once Bronx's settled back in his seat next to his brother, Maya smiles at Noah "Hey," He smiles back "Thanks for coming, I didn't know you were still in LA." She states, and he shrugs "I flew down last night." Maya looks up "Oh," He nods, a small smile remaining on his face but fading when he speaks again "What Rachel did, that's messed up." He mumbles, it's now Maya's turn to shrug "She's messed up. I don't know if I should've been surprised or not, at the end of the day I guess I should've expected it." Noah shakes his head "You shouldn't have a burden like that, it's not fair on you." He reasons, and Maya sighs "People keep telling me that."

Sarah opens the door, looking exhausted "Brendon's just got the results back from the MRI, it's not too serious, but they think there's some temporary nerve damage in his hips and it's probable it's the same in his legs. It'll take, at most, two weeks to recover from." Sarah looks up "Oh, Noah." Noah waves awkwardly "Hi Mrs. Urie." Sarah smiles before looking back down at the papers in her hand "Ryan's okay, other than the shock of it all and a little blood loss. And Josh's got a minor concussion, so he'll recover okay." Sarah takes another deep breath "Pete's a little different, though. All they've said so far is that he's been falling in and out of consciousness, and it's a serious concussion. They haven't decided whether or not they're going to do further scans or tests, but if the vomiting, nausea, and motor-skill difficulty continue they're going to do a CT scan." Meagan sighs, sitting up with a groan "I'm going to see him." Sarah nods as Meagan hands Oliver to her. Maya turns to Noah "This is Oliver," Sarah glances up at Noah "Do you want to hold him?" She asks, and Noah nods slightly before Sarah hands her son over. Noah looks slightly scared to be holding the baby "He looks exactly like you and Brendon." Maya agrees with a hum, flopping back against the pillows behind her "Everything's gone to shit lately, so I really mean it when I say thanks for coming." Noah looks at her like she's mad "Of course I'd come."

Pete looks half dead when Meagan reaches his bed, and she can't help the sick feeling that starts to form in her stomach. Bronx and Saint had argued that they'd wanted to go with her, but she wouldn't let them, not wanting to upset them any more. She sits down, picking up Pete's hand. Meagan sighs, resting her forehead on the edge of his bed. She stays like that for some time, remembering when she'd first started dating Pete, and then when they got serious, and then battling around her own career and the band to find time with each other to properly talk about a wedding. Before they'd had a chance to think marriage through properly they decided to have a baby, and then Saint was born. She remembers missing him when he was on tour, and then the joy of having him come home. The friendship she found in Sarah through Pete's connection to both Urie's, and then how it wasn't quite so lonely when Pete went away. She lifts her head slightly "Pete, I love you. Don't give up just yet, please. I need you. The boys need you, hell, we all need you. You're not done yet." She takes a deep breath "You didn't deserve this, just like Ryan didn't deserve to be shoved into that trolley with glass on it, and Josh didn't deserve to be kicked around, and Brendon didn't deserve to be hit in the back, and Maya didn't deserve to be kidnapped in the first place." She pauses to push her hair out of her face, resting her head against the wall now "I love you more than anything, Pete." She sighs again, and for a moment she can swear Pete squeezes her hand, his eyelids fluttering slightly before remaining still.

Josh is sitting up in his bed, Debby's pacing at the foot of his bed "I just can't believe that they actually thought putting Maya back into foster care was the best choice. That's ridiculous. It's like, god, I don't know, curing someone's lung cancer and then making them smoke cigarettes." Josh nods "I know, it's so stupid. And they better lock Rachel up for what she did to Maya. And those other three, like, jesus! Brendon only wants the best, for Maya and for everyone, and now he could have permanent nerve damage." Debby nods, sitting on the end of Josh's bed "I'm so frustrated, by this whole thing. First the press fiasco, then the trial, and Maya got abducted? Now half of us are in hospital as patients, Pete's almost in a coma, and Ryan nearly bled to death." Josh laughs quietly, opening his arms to hug Debby, although she's aware of his broken ribs and doesn't lean into him like she normally would. Josh kisses her cheek "I think you're a little too stressed, but I get what you mean."

By some miracle, Brendon manages to argue his way into sharing a room with Ryan. The older man is still unconscious, but Brendon talks to him "You took a bullet for me, man. I don't know what I would've done without you. I mean, now we're both pretty screwed for the near future, but there's not much else we could've done." Brendon closes his eyes, the dull aching in his back was going to drive him insane sometime soon "I'm going to be so mad if that dude screwed me over. Like, what am I meant to do if I can't use my goddamn legs? How do we do shows? What about Oli, what about the band?" He places his hand on his forehead "Dude, we're in deep this time. And I don't know how to get out."

a/n: here's the second half of that double update i promised ! i guess you'll know if i get to update over the weekend if theres updates but i can't say yes or no to anything :/

appreciate y'all 

grace x

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