all we do

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a/n: trigger warning 

"Dude, what do we do?" Brendon whispers, standing with a completely conscious but unresponsive Maya in his arms. Pete shrugs "Do I look like I know? Ryan just stands in the door before stepping into the light "She was talking about, oh god, her biological father." Brendon's face drops as his bandmate continues "And she said in the nightmare, that he was trying to touch her, and that Rachel was there, and she wouldn't stop her." Ryan tears his hands through his hair "Jesus, Brendon, we thought she got over this. It's stuck with her, she just never said anything."

Brendon sits down on the bed, still holding Maya "Oh fuck, she can't leave. Not now, I wish she said something. Shit, I can't let that woman win and take her away. Not while she's like this." Brendon's hands are shaking as Pete picks Maya up "Dude, we've gotta wake her up properly. We can't just leave her like this." Ryan nods, Brendon agreeing too "Sarah, we need Sarah. She can help." Brendon mutters, leading them downstairs to find his wife "Sarah?" Brendon asks, holding her shoulder as she turns away from Meagan "Maya had a nightmare, about everything that happened with her biological father, and now she won't talk or do anything, and we can't get her to wake up properly." Sarah leads the group to the empty lounge room, asking Pete to put Maya down on the sofa as Sarah holds her daughter's hand "Brendon you need to sing, that always helps her." Brendon's mind is going at a million miles a minute "I, I don't know what to sing, I can't." Sarah stands, still holding Maya's hand "Brendon Boyd Urie, there are very few things in the world you love more than singing. You can do it in your sleep, and I've got proof. Sing for your goddamn daughter." Brendon takes a deep breath, prompted by Pete, before sitting next to Maya's head "Take my mind and take my pain, like an empty bottle takes the rain, and heal, heal, heal, heal." He sings quietly, trying his hardest to keep his voice steady "And take my past and take my sense, like an empty sail takes the wind, and heal, heal, heal, heal. And tell me somethings last, and tell me somethings last," 

Maya takes a shaky breath, Sarah and Brendon instantly lean over her "Oh my god, Maya, breathe sweetheart, you're okay." Sarah pulls her into a cautious hug "You're okay darling, it's okay." Sarah repeats as Maya begins crying "Mom, he won't leave me alone." She cries, her face buried in Sarah's shoulder "Please mom, don't let her take me away, she's gonna let him near me again. He's going to find me again mom." She sobs. Sarah shakes her head "No Maya, he's in jail, he's locked up. He can't get to you ever again sweetheart. You're safe from him, I promise you Maya." She looks up at Brendon, terrified. Brendon places his hand on Maya's back "We're gonna keep you safe Maya, I promise. He's far, far away. And he can't ever get out to get to you again." Maya only cries harder "She's going to hit me again mom! She's going to yell at me, and she's going to hurt me and she's going to take me away from you!" 

While Sarah and Brendon desperately try and comfort their daughter, Pete starts to have a panic attack, stumbling to find Meagan "Meagan, Meg-" He calls, struggling to breathe properly as she grabs his hand "Oh god, Pete. Pete I'm here, it's alright. Breathe." Patrick pulls Bronx and Saint away as Meagan guides Pete outside. Pete's crying, sitting on the floor shaking as Meagan sits opposite him "Do you want water?" She asks clearly, turning to Joe, who's standing in the doorway. Pete manages a nod, and Meagan squeezes his hand "Joe, can you-" Joe nods before she's finished asking, disappearing inside to get what Pete needs. Meagan stays with Pete, trying to help him breathe again "I can't," he gasps, holding onto a chair nearby "Too dizzy." He mutters, and Meagan nods "I need you to breathe properly, then the dizziness'll start to go away. C'mon Pete, it's alright." She attempts to help, before Pete puts his head in his hands, his ears ringing. Joe returns and Meagan doesn't know what to do "I need Patrick, hurry." Meagan pleads, Joe nods again, rushing inside.

Ryan holds Oliver carefully as Brendon and Sarah look after Maya in the lounge, most of the others have noticed the change in mood, and can see the scene unfolding outside as Pete lies with his head in Patrick's lap, crying and holding his hands over his ears, his whole body shaking. Mikey approaches Ryan "Dude, what's going on." Ryan can't explain it another time, or he's fairly certain he's going to throw up. He simply shakes his head, and Kristin takes Oli from his arms as Mikey hugs Ryan "It's going to be alright, man. I know about everything going on with Maya, and it's going to be okay. I don't know what happened tonight, but we're all going to help each other through whatever happens next."

Almost ten minutes pass before Patrick and Meagan can make a combined effort to help Pete through the panic attack. Maya's crying halts. The nauseous feeling in Ryan's stomach passes. Somehow, through the chaos, as it reaches 11:59 p.m, the group come back together.

Ryan stands with his arm over Amelia's shoulder. Maya stands between Sarah and Brendon, both her parents holding her hands tightly. Pete holds Meagan's hand, leaning on Patrick. They all come together as the clock hits midnight, and the new year begins. 

Maya's scared of what it holds. And what she might loose, and what might find her. Brendon reciprocates her feelings, only terrified for what's going to happen to his daughter as soon as the trial begins. They know there's no way they can win, the only charge against Rachel was years ago, and she's married into a goddamn law firm. But Brendon and Sarah won't loose hope. They can't, for the sake of Maya.

There's a single moment of peace as they watch fireworks over LA, silent other than the cracks and bangs of the light show above them. For a whole four hundred and sixty seconds of the display, they feel okay. They feel safe, and they feel like their feet are back on the ground, and they have some hope that everything might fall into place properly.

Maya's the one to pose the question, in a small voice, directed to no one in-particular,

"What's the worst that could happen?"

a/n: the panic attack was based off personal experiences (aka please don't come running after me if anything isn't textbook panic attack definition) + oooOoOo what a cliffhanger.

i'm kidding the next chapter will be up in like 3 days max (don't hold me to that tho) 

how are you guys ?? also what are you all reading rn i need recommendations ! tell me what ur writing and i'll defs check it out !! pls tell me i really want to know what you're all into/creating !

see u soon kids :)

grace x

house of memories; adopted by brendon urieWhere stories live. Discover now