in the air tonight

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Brendon's parents watch the show with Sarah backstage, and leave sometime close to 10pm, promising to call soon, and that it's been too long since they'd last seen them. 

The next two months of shows run smoothly, they're almost at the end of the tour and everyone's playing tricks on each other every few shows. Brendon's yet to top Gerard supergluing three of Pete's basses together, which Pete still uses on stage as if nothing's wrong. 

They play a show in Madison, Wisconsin, and it's amazing, as usual. Sarah comes on stage for a bit to correct Brendon during a story he's telling about their trip to Japan, almost five years ago. The bands make the trek back to the bus around midnight after everything's packed up.

 It's raining when they leave the arena, a heavy storm coming in over the city. Zack, looking at his phone and then at the dark sky, shrugs "Should be gone by the time we're on the freeway." Brendon shrugs, sprinting to the bus with Sarah and Maya, Maya clinging onto Ryan's hand as Ryan grabs Dan, who in turn gets picked up by Dallon.

They watch a movie tonight, that Maya chooses, and facetime Amelia, who's in her dorm with Piper. Maya holds the phone up "Hey!" She calls, and everyone around her waves. Amelia smiles "Hey, how's tour my uneducated artistic sister." She jokes "Good, my pompous collegian sister." Maya laughs back, to which Brendon rolls his eyes. They talk for almost an hour, until Maya's phone is on critical battery. 

There's a crack of thunder outside as they drive, that wakes Maya from sleep. She groans, climbing down from her bunk to get some water from the kitchen. She can hear Zack snoring from his bunk down the hall, and can see a light the Brendon or Sarah left on in their separate room. She takes her water bottle, pulling Zack's curtain closed and turning off the light in Brendon and Sarah's room before sitting in lounge for a bit, just thinking. 

She can hear the rain pounding against the bus, and the wind howling outside. For a moment there's a jolt and she swears she can feel the tyres skid across the road, but puts it to the back of her mind, closing her eyes and resting her head against the back of the seat. 

Another bout of lighting and thunder shakes her back to reality, and now she can tell the bus skidded. The rain, pelting and cold, increases, and from her view of the windshield she can barely see three meters in-front of the headlights, but the drive doesn't slow. She grips the seat cushion tightly as he seems to speed up, closing her eyes and breathing deeply "It's okay, we're fine." She mutters, standing on trembling legs.

She thinks she spots the fallen tree before the driver, because he increases speed again, before the bus makes impact with the huge tree, almost bouncing back. Maya's thrown to the floor, and for a moment think's the worst is over, but that's before the bus tips, and she's thrown back against the wall, knocked unconscious as the bus rolls.

When she wakes it's dark, she's lying on her back, seemingly unable to move. That's when she realises she's lying under the wall of the bus, her arm and ends of her hair the only parts of her body free from the twisted metal. The rain, now slowed to a drizzle, taunts her upturned palm. A sharp pain runs through her back, and she cries out as it spreads from her back to her legs and arms, she screams and screams until she passes out, her body becoming limp under the weight of the metal. 

Brendon coughs, feeling water on his face "Sarah?" he begins, before opening his eyes "Holy shit," He mutters, turning to see the silhouette his wife a few feet from him. He stands slowly, and as he goes to shake her awake, a stabbing pain shoots down his arm "Shit," he repeats, seeing the swelling by his wrist. He reaches down to Sarah with his right arm now, holding her shoulder  "Sarah, something's happened." he mumbles and she slowly opens her eyes, groaning "Jesus, what's going on?" She holds a hand to her head, disorientated and tired "Brendon?" she glances at the cuts across his face, and he shakes his head "We've gotta find the others, are you okay." She nods, wincing as she stands "I think I've broken a rib." He nods back "Are you okay to walk?" She nods a final time, following him through the dark back to a dim light that turns out to be a small fire from some of the electrical equipment in the bus. They find a mostly unhurt Dallon, Zack, Ryan and Dan a few meters from where the bunks would've been, they're all awake, slowly standing. Dallon, with a limp, walks to meet Sarah and Brendon "Are you guys okay?" he asks, and they nod "You?" Brendon asks, to which Dallon nods "Yeah, where's Maya?" Brendon frowns "She wasn't near you guys?" Zack shakes his head "We've gotta find her, if she wasn't in her bunk-" Brendon cuts him off "Don't say it."

Zack calls 911, the others, not including Ryan, who can't walk, begin searching for Maya. It takes what feels like hours to comb through each part of the bus in search of the small girl. Brendon and Sarah want to cry, but they can't now because they need to find their daughter. Dan find the piece of metal covering her, closest to the road, Brendon practically throws himself at the ground by her arm "Maya? Maya are you awake?" He panics, trying to find her pulse, see if he can hear her breathing, anything to indicate that the cold and limpness of her hand is just because the temperature dropped with the rain. When they can get Ryan over from the other side of the wreck, they try to lift the metal off Maya. Zack, Dallon and Dan hold it up as Ryan and Brendon drag Maya away from it. He can hear her breathing, though it's strained, and her pulse is weak, but it's there.

Brendon walks to Sarah, who's sitting on the edge of the empty road, looking at the tree that caused this all. The driver, although unconscious, is still in the front of the bus, that somehow is the part that stayed intact. She shivers, pulling her damp sweatshirt around her shoulders more "When did Zack say the ambulances were getting here?" Brendon coughs, pushing his wet hair off his face "They said they'd be here as soon as they could, but the conditions are difficult so it'll be, at most, twenty minutes." She nods, pulling her somehow undamaged phone from the pocket of her sweatpants "We need to call Pete, Gerard, everyone really." Brendon sighs, rubbing the back of his neck with his uninjured arm "I'll get around to it." Sarah rolls her eyes "If you don't I will." She mutters, standing and wiping some of the tears off her face as she finds Pete's contact. Patrick answers on the seventh ring "Sarah? What's going on, it's like, five am." she sniffs "Patrick we're on the side of the road, I don't know where. Last night, during the storm, we still don't know what happened, it's pretty bad-" Patrick sits next to Pete, who fell asleep on the sofa opposite Joe "Sarah, calm down, just tell me what's happened." Sarah sucks in a deep breath "The bus rolled, we hit a tree and rolled." Patrick swears under his breath "Shit, are you all okay? Have you called 911?" Sarah nods "We've called, and we're fine, but Maya, she's unconscious. She wasn't in her bunk when it happened. She was stuck under a piece of the bus when we found her. She's breathing, but it's not much." Sarah can hear Patrick trying to wake up the three others on his bus, and hears Pete start to complain when Patrick shuts him up "Panic's bus rolled, they're okay, but Maya's unconscious. She was stuck under part of the bus wall." He relays the information back to the others. Pete swears, taking the phone from Patrick "Sarah, are you guys okay?" Sarah sighs "I think I've broken a rib, and Ryan can't walk too well, Dallon's done something to his ankle. Brendon's wrist is Zack and Dan are okay, we probably all have some kind of concussion, it's just Maya-" Her voice breaks off as Brendon pulls her into a tight hug, taking the phone "Pete?" 


"I'll get Zack to tell Marcus where we are when we figure it out."

"Yeah, that's fine man. We'll wait for you."


"You should call Gerard." Brendon nods "Yeah, I'll see you soon man." Pete sighs "Yeah, stay safe." Brendon exhales as he hangs up on Pete. Sarah's crying, really crying now, and Brendon's doing all he can to comfort her, but he doesn't have very much to offer when he wants to break down too. 

a/n: sorry sorry sorry

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