i'd pay to see you frown

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"Maya get up they'll be here soon," Amelia yells through the door, and Maya groans, keeping her eyes closed "You're the one who wanted to meet up with everyone, you go meet up with them." Amelia rolls her eyes "You're friends with them too, and they're coming to the house, you idiot." Piper, standing with Amelia outside frowns "If she really doesn't want to come out," Anelia shakes her head "She's just messing around, watch."

Amelia opens the door slightly "Josh's downstairs making waffles." She whispers, and Maya immediately springs out of bed, shoving her door open to run past her sister, tripping down the stairs before leaping at Josh "Jishwa!" she jokes, hugging the yellow-haired man. Josh laughs, placing a plate down to hug Maya back "How've you been back-flip girl?" Maya shrugs "I went skydiving yesterday, it was pretty amazing." Josh nods, continuing to cook breakfast for the family "Sam and  oah are coming over soon, aren't they?" He asks, placing a plate down in-front of her, carrying two others to Brendon and Sarah, who thank him before he sits opposite Maya as she eats the waffles. She nods "Yeah, but Mel wants to see them more than I do." Josh raises an eyebrow at her "Why don't you want to see them, be honest with me Maya." She sighs, placing her fork down "They all went to college, they're all out of the state, doing whatever. And I'm still here, not at college. Not doing anything." Josh laughs slightly "Maya, you toured the world for the fourth time nine months ago. You're not doing nothing, if anything you're doing more than they are. Don't be ashamed that you followed your dreams, and that dream didn't involve college." he pauses before he continues "How many of us went to college?" he asks, and she sighs again "Brendon dropped out, Pete dropped out, so did Frank, Ty and I didn't go." Maya looks at the ceiling "Gerard went to college." Josh rolls his eyes "That's different, my point is that you don't need to go to college to do what you love. Don't b worried about it, kid." Maya smiles at him slightly, and he grins back "Finish your waffles, you waffle."

"Sam!" Maya hears Amelia call, she groans internally, before Josh drags her away from her empty plate and toward the front door "Go on, socialize." Maya rolls her eyes at him "I was socializing, with Pete and Meagan yesterday." Josh pushes her lightly to the doorway "Go," he laughs.

"Hey sammy pal," Maya grins as her friend launches her into a hug "Maya, oh my god how have you been?" Sam breathes, and Maya shrugs as they pull away "Same old me since you last saw me, I guess." Sam rolls her eyes "You're an internationally acclaimed musician, something cool is always happening." she pauses "I heard about the accident, it seemed pretty intense. I'm glad you're okay." Maya smiles warmly "Thanks, sam."

Piper walks downstairs, greeting Sam happily. They sit in the lounge for a while, every few minutes Maya glances to the door until Amelia steps in beside her "Noah's flight got delayed." she mumbles, and Maya nods "I'm going to the studio for a bit," Amelia gives her a disapproving look, but Maya shakes her head "I need a break. I'll be back later."

Maya sits and strums a guitar lazily, her back against the wall panel that seperates the rest of the studio from the recording booth.

Brendon closes the door softly behind him, sitting at his desk, and opening his mac to begin working on something "What's on your mind kiddo?" He asks, still facing the screen, and she shrugs, playing a few chords "Life," he hums in response "You seem to be thinking about that a lot lately." she shrugs again "It's just, Rachel's in LA. I turn eighteen in a few months, I know, but I'm worried about what might happen between now and then." Brendon spins around on his chair now "Maya," she places the guitar down "Don't bullshit me dad. I know if she takes you to court again she'll win. She's married half a goddamn law firm." Brendon rubs his face with the heels of his hands "Kiddo, I swear if it comes to that we'll stop at literally nothing to keep you safe, to keep you here." Maya sighs, nodding "I love you," she looks up at Brendon now "You know that, right?" He nods, looking concerned "Yeah, and I love you, more than anything kiddo." She nods slightly, before she stands and leaves the studio.

Sam goes home around nine in the evening, and Maya goes to bed a few moments after she leaves. Sarah leans into Brendon's shoulder "What's going on?" she asks quietly, and Brendon shakes his head "She's still scared of Rachel. She thinks they're going to take us to court again." Sarah wrings her hands nervously "God, I almost forgot about that."

At 3:24 am, Maya starts screaming. Brendon's the first to her room, sprinting up the stairs as Sarah follows a little less consciously. He bursts into her room, and Maya's sitting up in her bed sobbing, Brendon goes to pull her into his lap but she screams again, Brendon backs off  "Maya, kiddo it's just me. You're alright." She continues to cry, her whole body shaking "Turn the light on, turn the fucking light on!" she yells, gripping the sheets in her fist tightly. Sarah approaches her bed, with little reaction from Maya. She sits next to the brunette and carefully hugs her, holding Maya's head against her chest as Maya's breathing slows "It's okay May, you're home. You're safe." Oliver begins crying downstairs, and Brendon takes Sarah's place on Maya's bed as Sarah returns downstairs to deal with Oli.

"I'm sorry," Maya hiccups, Brendon shakes his head "It's not your fault kiddo." She sighs, leaning into his hug "I'm still sorry." He shakes his head again "Still not your fault."

Eventually Brendon coaxes her back into her bed, and stays with her until she falls asleep, singing softly as her eyes close.

a/n: hey

i stayed up until 3:45 last night doing assignments.

so here's chapter i wrote in the car a while ago :)

i hope y'all are doing well

grace x

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