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*Four Months Later*-John's p.o.v
"AHHH IT HURTS!!! YOU DID THIS TO ME JOHN!!" Rowan screams while squeezing my hand to death. She's been in labor for an hour and she's already insulting me. Ariana is holding her other hand. "It's ok Rowan. You can do it." She encourages. Rowan has tears streaming down her face. "It hurts!!!" She cries. I rub her hand softly. "We're gonna get through this. Just be strong." I tell her. She gives me a death glare. "You're not helping me asshole!!" She retorts. Ouch. Meedan and Patrick snicker in the background. "She really doesn't like you right now." Meedan says, stating the obvious. I roll my eyes. "I'm just trying to be a supportive boyfriend." I say back. The doctor said she was 6 cm dilated. She's been having contractions since 5 am and it's 7:15 now. I'm so tired. Ariana walks over to me and crosses her arms. "You're pale." She tells me. I am? "It must be because I'm nervous." I retort while wiping sweat off my forehead. "Or it's because you're tired." She says back. Rowan scoffs. "YOU'RE TIRED!! I'VE BEEN IN CONSTANT PAIN FOR TWO FREAKIN HOURS!!" She yells as another wave of contractions hit her. "OWW!!" She cries while gripping onto the sides of the bed. I've never seen her in that much pain. A nurse walks into the room. "Don't worry. I'm here to recheck how far along you are." She reassures. Rowan ignores her and continues to cry. I hold her hand. "I love you." I tell her. She doesn't respond. The nurse checks her and smiles. "You're already at 8 cm. You're almost there." She reassures. "When can I get the-OWW!!Epidural?!" Rowan asks. "Right now if you want." The nurse offers. "I want it now!!" Rowan snaps. Damn. This is gonna take awhile...*Hour Later* Once Rowan got the epidural she immediately dilated to 10 cm which meant it was time for her to push. Right now her doctor is prepping himself with gloves and a mask. "My name is Dr.Maxwell and I'll be the one delivering your baby today." He tells her. Rowan nods her head. "I just want this baby out!!" She retorts. Ariana and I hold both of her hands. "Squeeze when it hurts babe." I request. Patrick is standing in the corner with a green face. Wimp. Meedan on the other hand is helping the nurse hold Rowan's legs. "On the count of 3 I want you to push." Dr.Maxwell requests. Here we go. "1...2...3!!" He calls out. Rowan starts pushing and she squeezes my hand. "You can do it babe." I encourage. After 10 seconds of pushing she takes a break. "I feel light headed." She tells us. "That's normal but, you have to keep pushing." Dr.Maxwell retorts. I squeeze her hand in support. She takes a deep breath and starts pushing again. Another 10 seconds passes by. "Come on Rowan!! I can see the head!!" He tells her. Uh oh. I'm gonna cry. "One more big push!! Come on!! You can do it!!" Meedan encourages. Rowan squeezes my hand and pushes as hard as she can. All of a sudden I hear the sound of a baby crying. Maya's here. She's actually here. Rowan lets go of my hand and laughs softly. "Congratulations." Dr.Maxwell says while showing us our baby. Tears roll down my cheeks. "Can I cut the umbilical cord?" Ariana asks with pleading eyes. Wait. I want to cut it. "I get first dibs Ariana." I tell her. She pouts. "Fine." She mumbles. Dr.Maxwell hands me the scissors. "Cut right there." He requests. I'm nervous. I take a deep breath and cut the umbilical cord. The nurses take Maya away and clean her up before stamping her feet on a piece of paper. She's crying so loud. I look over at Rowan and she's smiling at me. "What?" I ask her. She motions me to come over to her. I walk to her side and hold her hand. "We did it." She answers with tears in her eyes. I smile. "Now we just have to raise her without fucking up." I retort playfully. She hits my shoulder. "Stop it." She retorts. All of a sudden a nurse brings Maya to us wrapped up in a blanket and a hat. Aww. Rowan starts crying when the nurse lets her hold Maya. "Welcome to the world Maya Casey Yowane." She whispers. I go wide eyed. "You gave her my last name?" I ask in shock. She nods her head and cuddles Maya to her chest. "We're getting married after all." She retorts while showing off her ring. That's right. I proposed to her 2 months ago during a date in the park. We're getting married after we graduate high school. Rowan hands me Maya. "Isn't she beautiful?" She asks me. "Yes babe. She's very beautiful." I answer while wiping my tears away. This is the start of something big. Nothing can tear my family apart. I'll protect them no matter what. Patrick, Meedan, and Ariana all look happy. I wonder where Souji and Javier are. Knowing them they probably chickened out of seeing a live birth. "Congratulations." Patrick tells me then blowing his nose. He's actually crying. "Stop it. You're gonna make me cry." I retort. Ariana and Meedan laugh. "You already did." They say in unison. I roll my eyes and look at Maya in my arms. She looks like a potato. I don't understand why people ask what babies look like when they're first born. As if hearing my insult Maya starts crying. Oh great. "WAHH!!" She cries. What do I do?! "U-Um don't cry. I-Its ok Maya." I console while rocking her.   She continues to cry. It's not working!! In the corner of my eye I see everyone laughing at me. A blush rises on my face. "Help." I request. The Nurse laughs and takes Maya from me. Thank god...Wait...I have to do this for eighteen freakin years. Oh no. I find myself smiling. It's gonna be completely worth it though. Thank you Rowan. We're gonna be together forever and I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else. Thank you....

Authors note-Now this is the very last chapter. No more after this one. The sequel will be out soon but I also have to work on my other book so be on the look out for that. Hope you enjoy :) bye bye.

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