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*At Night*
I wake up from a nightmare. It was about Alice shooting me. I can't escape her. I look around and Souji and my mom aren't here anymore. I'm scared. Beside me I hear someone breathing. I look over, and its Sherlock. He's asleep on my arm. Relief washes over me. At least I'm not alone. I tap his shoulder. He doesn't wake up. Seriously? I lean down to his ear. "WAKE THE HELL UP DUMBASS!!" I yell. His eyes fly open and land on me. He gives me a glare. "You do realize it's 1 in the morning right?" He asks me. "I don't care." I retort. He pinches my nose. "You should." He tells me. I try to push his hand away. "Ok, I surrender!!" I reply, sounding like a pig. He stops pinching my nose. "Why'd you wake up?" He asks me. I scoff. "I had a nightmare. Why else?" I answer. He rolls his eyes. "You are so annoying!" He snaps. I roll my eyes this time. "Deal with it, Sherlock Holmes." I retort. His face turns red with anger. Works every time. "Well excuse me for worrying about my little sister!!" He replies as steam comes out his ears. I stay quiet. Oops. I made him mad. "I'm sorry." I apologize. He runs his hands through his hair in frustration. "Damn it Ariana!! Why are you so bipolar?" He asks me. I flinch. "I said I'm sorry!" I snap. Sherlock sighs. "It's fine. Stop apologizing." He retorts. All of a sudden, my wound starts hurting. "Help me lay down Sherlock." I request. "You ok?" He asks me worried. "No!! I'm in pain!!" I answer while tearing up. Something wet is on my fingers. Sherlock gasps. "Oh my gosh!! Your bleeding!!" He exclaims in fear. Thanks for stating the obvious. In the blink of an eye, Souji appears. Sherlock stands there stunned. "What the hell!?" He yells in disbelief. Souji shushes him and runs to my side. "It hurts Souji!!" I cry out. "I know it does but, I need you to move your hand." He retorts. I move my hand away slowly. "It'll go away, I promise." He reassures. Sherlock holds my other hand. "OWW!!" I cry out. Souji rips open my hospital gown to get to my wound. "Cover her eyes Sherlock." He tells him. Sherlock stays quiet and covers my eyes. I can't see anything. The next thing I know, I feel something warm lick my side. Shivers go up my spine. "I-It hurts!! Stop!!" I cry. He doesn't stop. My face is burning red from embarrassment. It burns when he licks my wound. Sherlock squeezes my hand tighter. "Your stitches came out. Souji made them reattach themselves." He tells me in a shocked voice. Two minutes later, the warm feeling goes away. Sherlock uncovers my eyes and glares at Souji. "You have some explaining to do!!" He snaps while putting the covers over me. I didn't mention this before but, Sherlock tends to get pissed off easily. No surprise there. Souji stays calm. "I'm a vampire." He answers bluntly. Sherlock starts laughing. "A vampire!? Seriously?" He asks while wiping tears from his eyes. "Souji's telling the truth." I answer serious. Sherlock stares at us with a blank look on his face. Souji sighs. "How else would I have gotten here so fast?" He asks while crossing his arms. My brother doesn't say anything. I think he broke. I touch his shoulder. "Sherlock?" I call out worried. He doesn't answer, instead he sits down in the chair next to me. "What's wrong?" I ask him, genuinely concerned. "I hate vampires." He finally answers. Souji scoffs. "You wouldn't say anything to me because you hate vampires? What a coward!" He snaps. I get irritated and smack the back of his head. Sherlock clenches his fists. "You know what!?" He asks while standing up. He grabs Souji by the shirt. Not again. "Stop!!" I demand. A sharp pain shoots through my entire body. Man, I feel like crap. "I don't feel good!! Trying to stop two people from fighting doesn't make me feel any better!!" I lecture while holding my side. "Plus, it's almost 2 in the morning!! What are you!? Babies!?" I snap while tearing up. The two of them stay quiet. I wipe my tears away. "HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL WHEN I SEE TWO PEOPLE I CARE ABOUT FIGHT!!?" I ask them. "I'm sorry little sis." Sherlock apologizes. I sigh and hold my head. "Just leave." I retort. A breeze fills the room and Souji is gone in an instant. Sherlock leaves without saying anything. I pull the covers over me and cry. With everything that's happened I don't feel like the same person I was before. Is it because I'm a werewolf? Or is it because I was kidnapped? I honestly don't know anymore....

*Next Morning*
When I wake up, I'm wearing a new hospital gown. My mom is beside me on her phone. She looks at me and smiles. "It's your dad." She says while handing me her phone. "Hello?" I answer. "Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?" He asks me. I sigh. "Besides the fact I was shot and was asleep for two weeks, I feel great." I answer. My wound still hurts but, I didn't tell him because I don't want him to worry. "I'm glad." He retorts. "Are you gonna come visit me?" I ask him. "Of course, it's just that work has me busy all day and night." He answers. "I'll be waiting dad." I retort. "I'll try my best to get off early tomorrow but, I have a 7 hour surgery in an hour so, I won't be able to see you today sweetie." He tells me. My dad is a heart surgeon, in case you forgot. He's always busy, and he doesn't get home until late at night. Sometimes he doesn't come home till the next morning. "Bye dad." I tell him. "Bye babe." He retorts, then hanging up. I give my mom her phone. She helps me sit up. "What did he say?" She asks. I mess with a piece of string thats hanging off the covers. "He said he'll come visit me when he gets off work." I answer. My mom sighs. "That's code for, He can't visit tomorrow either." She retorts. "He's busy saving lives mom, give him a break." I say back. She pokes my forehead. "Are you giving me an attitude young lady?" She asks. Crap. I laugh. "Of course not." I answer. She stares at me with her head tilted. "You seem...different." She tells me while crossing her arms. "I-I do?" I ask. People tend to call her a psychic because she can sense everything before it happens, and she can read your mind. Sherlock and I don't even attempt to lie to her because she'll call our bluff in less than a second. "Maybe I'm just imagining things." She answers. Someone knocks on the door. "Come in!!" I call out. Meedan walks in slowly. "H-Hey." She stutters while keeping her distance. My heart starts pounding. "Hey Meedan." I retort as a blush rises on my face. My mom smiles and stands up. "Come, sit down Meedan." She tells her. "O-Oh, I'm fine. I just came to check on Ariana and say hi." She answers, then laughing awkwardly. My mom tilts her head again. "Is it ok if I ask you two something?" She asks us. We nod our heads. "Are you a vampire, Meedan?" She asks her. Meedan goes stiff. "Wh-What? N-No." She answers quickly. My mom scoffs. "I used to be a vampire hunter, I'm not dumb." She retorts. I go wide eyed. Huh!? "What did you just say?" I ask in shock. She sighs. "Being a vampire hunter wasn't my idea, trust me." She answers. Meedan doesn't say anything. Is she ok? I know I'm not. I can't believe my mom used to be a vampire hunter!! "It may sound shocking but, it's the truth." My mom tells us. Does that mean she knows I'm a werewolf? All of us go quiet. It's a painful silence. I decide to break it. "A-Anyways, u-um, Thank you for telling me Mrs.Santacruz." Meedan interrupts while clenching her fists. She starts to leave. W-Wait. I jump up, ignoring the pain that shoots through my body. "DON'T LEAVE YET!!" I yell while grabbing her hand. She slaps it away and glares at me. "Don't even try to pretend like you care about me!!" She snaps then running out the room. I fall to the floor in pain. Alice's face pops up in my mind. I feel my world start to shatter. Why is this happening to me? I start crying uncontrollably. My mom picks me up and puts me in the bed because I couldn't stand up. She hugs me and rubs my head. "Listen to me sweetie, I know your life isn't all sunshine and rainbows right now but, you have to be strong." She tells me. "I love her and Souji so much!! Why do I feel this way!? It's like I don't even know who I am or who I love anymore!!" I cry. Plus, I can't get Javier out of my mind. My mom sighs. "I know sweetie. You'll be ok, I promise." She reassures. "I'm so confused!!" I tell her. She stays quiet and rubs my back. "What do I do!?" I ask her. "You need to just calm down and focus on what you really want. Plus, you have PTSD. You need to worry about getting over that first." She answers while wiping my tears away. I look at her like a lost puppy. Her face turns sad. "Don't look at me like that sweetie. It hurts to see you in this much pain." She says in response. I stop hugging her and lay down. "....ok." I retort. "Besides that, did you say something to Sherlock last night?" She asks me after I calm down. I stare into my lap. "Yeah, I just told him to leave me alone." I answer. "Why?" I ask while raising my eyebrow. My mom leans back in the chair. "This morning, he woke up in a very pissy mood. I had to slap him in the face just to get him to tell me what happened. He started crying, which is rare." She answers. I feel my heart squeeze with guilt. "Oh. I didn't think it'd effect him that much." I tell her. All of a sudden, someone else knocks on the door. Who is it this time? Javier?...Wait. Why am I thinking about him at a time like this? "Come in!!" My mom calls out. Rowan and Manny walk in. Their mom is with them too. He jumps onto my bed. "I'm so glad you're ok!!" He cries. I smile and pat his head. "I'm a strong girl Manny." I retort. Rowan laughs. "It's nice to see your doing ok." She tells me. I notice she doesn't have her crutches anymore. "Where are your crutches?" I ask. She smiles. "The doctor said I could walk with just the boot." She answers. My mouth drops open. I've only been asleep for two weeks!! Wow. I missed a lot. At least I think I did. I probably have a lot of homework to make up. My mom and Rowans mom leave the room. They knew we wanted to talk alone. When they leave the room, Rowan sits at the foot of my bed. She sighs and hands me a note. "John said to give this to you." She says. Manny crawls into my lap as I open it. "What does it say?" He asks me. I read it. "He's telling me to meet him in the cafeteria at midnight because tonight's a full moon, and he wants to teach me how to avoid turning into a hairy, 4 legged monster." I answer. Full moon? Oh great. Not only do I have to deal with vampires and a love triangle but, now I gotta worry about the Full moon. Manny gasps in amazement. "Your a werewolf?" He asks me. "Yep, but you gotta promise to keep it a secret." I tell him. He covers his mouth and nods. I smile. "Your so cute!!" I squeal. He gives me a big grin. "Mommy always tells me how cute and handsome I am too." He retorts while putting his nose in the air. Rowan pinches his nose. "Mom must be blind." She tells him. He slaps her hand away. "MEANIE!!" He yells at her. She pulls his hair. "What'd you say pipsqueak!?" She asks in a low voice. Manny starts crying. "Stop it Rowan!!" I snap. She rolls her eyes and lets him go. He hugs me and keeps crying. Rowan groans in irritation. "You're such a crybaby!!" She snaps. He sticks his tongue out at her. "Kiss my ass!!" He retorts. I almost burst out laughing. Listening to a little kid curse is the funniest thing ever. "You little shit!!" Rowan exclaims in anger. I rub my temples because I feel a headache coming. "Can you guys stop arguing, it's giving me a headache." I tell them. Manny pats my head. "Pain, Pain go away, come again another day." He sings with a pouty face. Rowan grabs him from behind. "Lets let her rest." She tells him. He squirms around in her arms like a worm. "Let go of me!!" He demands while she drags him away. "We're going to get mac and cheese from the cafeteria so, shut up!!" She retorts. I hear the door shut. I'm alone. Where's Patrick when you need him. Ugh. My head hurts and I want to go home. I still haven't been home yet. My mom walks back in and she looks worried. "Your face is green, are you ok?" She asks me. "The stupid medicine the doctor gave me has irritating side effects." I answer. She feels my forehead. Her hand is cool against my skin. If I talk I might throw up. I close my eyes as my head continues to throb. "Want me turn off the lights?" She asks. I nod my head slowly. "I'm sorry you don't feel good." She tells me while turning off the lights. My mom holds my hand. I hear her sniffle. Despite the pain in my head, my eyes fly open. To my surprise, my mom is in tears. "If only I had been there to protect you, this wouldn't have happened." She cries. "It's not your fault mom." I reassure. She shakes her head. "I promised I'd protect you but I couldn't do it!!" She snaps. I sit up and hug her. She hugs me back. All of a sudden I feel acid creep up my throat. Crap. I pat her back roughly. "What's wrong?" She asks me worried. I point to the bucket beside me. She shoves me the bucket into my hands so fast I almost drop it. I hear the door open. Javier walks in just in time to see me puke into a bucket. Talk about an attractive sight. Not. My mom rubs my back. "It's ok Ariana, let it out." I hear Javier tell me. Ugh!! Since when did we become friends!? "Not...*gag* helping." I manage to squeak out before throwing up again. Waves of nausea rock through my skull. Two minutes later, I finish. I push the bucket away. Javier takes it from me. "I'll wash it out for you." He offers. I scoff. "No thanks." I retort. He ignores me and proceeds to put the bucket in the sink. I blush. He's actually cleaning out a bucket of puke. My heart skips a beat. No!! Please don't do this to me, Heart!! I look at my mom and she's smiling. Her eyes are still red from crying, it makes her brown eyes look evil. I look back to Javier and time freezes. He's staring right at me. I find it hard to look away. NO!! He kidnapped you Ariana!! He's not a good man!! Stop!! I force myself to look away. My face is red. Ugh!! Dang it! Why now!? The sound of the bucket being placed beside me interrupts my thoughts. I avoid eye contact with him. My mom tilts her head. Uh oh. When she tilts her head it means she knows something you don't want her to. "So you were the one who kidnapped my daughter." She says while crossing her arms. HUH!? SEE!? I TOLD YOU SHE WAS PSYCHIC!! Javier stays calm. "I was just following orders ma'am." He tells her. My moms face turns dark. I get cold feet. This can't be good. "Alice and Allison huh? I should've known those two were up to no good after they ran away." She retorts. WHAT!!!? SHE EVEN KNOWS WHO HIS MASTERS ARE!! My head is spinning again. Javier scoffs. "Your really good Tina." He tells her. SERIOUSLY!? HOW DOES HE KNOW MY MOMS NAME!? My mom chuckles darkly. "I see you've done your research. If I recall, your mother was my squad leader back in the day. No wonder you know so much about me." She retorts. Wait? Just how old is Javier? "My mother told about your ability to read minds. It must be nice knowing what people are thinking before they even know themselves." He says back. I sit there at a loss for words. "Plus, your able to pinpoint exact locations for things. I wonder why you weren't the first one to come rescue Ariana. I guess you don't lover her as much as you think." He teases. Wait what!? My moms face turns red with anger. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH REYES!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO YOU'RE MESSING WITH!!" She yells at him. I flinch. I've never seen my mom this angry. Now I know Javier's last name is Reyes. He  looks unfazed. "Really? I think I do know." He retorts. I look at my mom who is fuming with anger. "MY DAUGHTER MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!! DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO MAKE ME THE BAD GUY!!" She yells again. Tears form in her eyes. I stare at her in shock. This isn't going to end well. "Mom st-" "BE QUIET ARIANA!! THIS IS BETWEEN ME AND YOUR BUDDY JAVIER!!" She interrupts. Now I'm mad. "HES NOT MY BUDDY!!" I snap. She laughs. "REALLY? IS THAT WHY YOU LIKE HIM!?" She asks. The room goes silent as I sit there in complete awe. "I have no idea what your taking about mom." I retort calmly. She falls to the floor in tears. "I think it's time you leave, Javier." I tell him. He shrugs his shoulders and leaves the room. Silence is the only sound now. I sigh. "Listen mom, I'm not mad at you. I'm just confused." I tell her. She hits the floor. "I'm so sorry!! I never want you to see me like that again!! I love you so much!!" She cries. I feel tears roll down my cheeks. "It's ok mom. We're gonna be ok." I reassure as I start crying....

Authors note- Hey!! What's up guys!! This chapter is very emotional. Anyways, Now that you know Javier knows Ariana's mom, what do you think is going to happen? Read to find out. Bye bye. P.S. Javier is 20.

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