Misson Start

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*After the plane lands*-still Ariana's p.o.v
Since we live in California, the flight took over 11 hours. My butt fell asleep from sitting so long. I look outside my window and I'm blown away at how beautiful Hiroshima is at night.

Once the plane lands we get off of it and head into the Hiroshima airport

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Once the plane lands we get off of it and head into the Hiroshima airport. I stretch my arms and look at my watch. It's 5:30 in the evening. Meedan holds onto my arm tightly. "Were actually in Japan." She tells me. I smile and look out the big window inside the airport. "Yep. It's pretty." I retort. We all get our luggage from the spinning thing. I've never known what they're called. "Alright. I called a taxi and it should be here in about 5 minutes to take us to our hotel." Souji tells us. Rowan groans. "My feet are swollen and I just want to lay down." She complains while leaning on John. Javier stays quiet and continues to stare at the ground. I pull out my Japanese dictionary. Alright. Let's practice. Konnichiwa. O genki desu ka? Hai, genki desu. I think that sounds right. I hear Souji start laughing. "Wow. That was actually really good Ariana." He tells me. I blush. He listened in on my thoughts!! I punch his shoulder. "Stop teasing." I demand. Patrick lets out a loud and obnoxious yawn. "How do you say I'm sleepy in Japanese?" He asks Souji. "ねむたいです.(Nemutai desu)" He answers while sitting on a bench. Patrick repeats what Souji said and sits on the ground. I let go of Meedan and walk over to Javier. He doesn't meet my eyes. "Please don't ignore me Javier." I beg. He looks up at me with a sad expression. "What?" He asks. His voice sounds distant. "I know I said no to your confession but I don't want that to affect our friendship." I answer with pleading eyes. He sighs and crosses his arms. "Fine." He retorts. I smile. "Thanks." I say back. He blushes and looks back down at the ground. All of a sudden a horn honks. "It's the taxi." Souji tells us. Somehow we were able to fit all of our luggage into the trunk of the taxi. Hopefully it doesn't open while we're driving. Its a tight squeeze but, we all fit inside. The drive to our hotel is beyond amazing because we pass a bunch of places that are really beautiful. All the signs are in Japanese. In fact everything around us is in Japanese. Thank god Souji is here. I would never make it on my own. 10 minutes later we pull up to our hotel. It's beautiful!! We get out the taxi and take our luggage. We all follow behind Souji as we walk inside the hotel. Since we're foreigners (except for Souji) we stick out like a sore thumb. Especially Rowan with her red hair and Patrick with his blonde hair and blue eyes. People are staring at us like hawks. Have they never seen an American before. Jeez. I hold Meedan's hand. "Why do I feel like we're on display with a big red target on our forehead?" Rowan asks. "Because we are." John answers. That was blunt. Souji notices our discomfort and sighs. "You guys should get used to all the attention. You're tall and exotic looking. You don't see a lot of that here." He tells us. Meedan crosses her arms and mumbles something. I look over at Javier. He's standing by the elevator. Why won't he stand with us? Souji walks to the front desk and checks us in. I watch him in amazement. I wish I could speak Japanese like him. He walks over to us. "Alright. Our rooms are on the 5th floor." He says while handing us our key cards. "Where's Javier?" He asks. I point over to the elevator. Souji rolls his eyes and goes over to him. I'm irritated at him too. Ugh. My hands hurt from holding my luggage. As if reading my mind, Meedan takes my suitcase from my hand and holds it for me. Seriously! Stop listening in on my thoughts!! Meedan chuckles. "Sorry." She apologizes. After Souji gets Javier settled we all go to the 5th floor of the hotel. "John, Javier, Patrick and I share a room while You, Rowan, and Meedan share one." Souji tells me. We nod our heads. In the corner of my eye I see Patrick smiling mischievously. Why do I have a bad feeling? "We'll meet in the lobby tomorrow morning to discuss our plan. Don't you dare be late." He demands then going in his room. Wow. Bossy much?...

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