Misson Success?

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*Next Morning*-Ariana's p.o.v
I wake up to Patrick dragging me out of my cell. We're already starting the fight?! He throws me to the ground. "I'm tired of your shit Ariana!!" He snaps. Wow. He's really good at acting. Ren runs towards us and stands in front of me. "Stop." He says. Patrick pushes him out the way. I stand up and crack my neck. "You asked for it." I retort while putting my fists up. Ren stands up and charges at us. I land a solid right hook onto Patrick's face. He stumbles backwards but keeps his ground. Ren tackles me to the floor and puts me in a headlock. I bite his arm and he yells in pain. All of a sudden a bunch of guards surround us. This is it. I lunge at Patrick only to be held back by Souji's aunt. "I take my eyes off you all for one day and you're already starting a fight." She lectures while we're dragged out the cell block. Ahead of us I see Meedan, John, Javier, and Souji being dragged out too. Now it's up to Rowan. As if on cue all the lights turn off. NOW!! I elbow the guard behind me in the gut and take off running. I hear footsteps following me. That's when I  realize I can see in the dark. Oh yeah. It's because I'm a werewolf. "Keep running!!" I hear Souji say from behind me. Souji!! John!? Where are you?! I'm right beside you. Meedan, Ren, and Patrick went the other way. What about Javier?! I don't know. My heart sinks. Did he get caught? Listen Ariana, now is not the time to wonder where he went. Focus on the plan!!...Ok. The 3 of us continue running trying to navigate through the prison. Ahead of me I see a door leading outside. "There!!" I call out. All of a sudden someone grabs me from behind. I try to scream but they put their hand over my mouth. JOHN!! HELP ME!! Right when call for help I hear a huge crack and the impact is so hard I fall to the floor. What the hell!? I look up and it's Souji. He had blood all over his hand and his face is dark. I sit there stunned. He just killed someone. My chest starts hurting really bad and it gets hard to breathe. He killed someone because of me!! It's all my fault!! I feel someone put their arm around me. Breathe Ariana. It's ok. I shake my head. I can't do it John. I just can't. It's only been five minutes and we've already been separated from half our group!! And Javier could be dead!! Nothing is ok!! He helps me stand up. If that's the case then that's all the more reason to continue our plan. If they're dead we have to finish this for their sake...He's right. Fine. I'll keep going. Good. Now excuse me while I smack some sense into Souji. Huh? *SMACK* "Pull yourself together man!! We got a job to do!! We don't have time for murder!!" John snaps at Souji. Souji stands there in a daze. "Don't let them escape!!" We hear a guard yell from down the hall. Shit!! We gotta go!!! Souji grabs my hand and we all burst through the door to outside. John closes it quickly and presses his body against door. "GO!! I'll hold them off!!" He tells us. No!! You're gonna die!! Where's your faith Ariana? Like I said before, if that happens please take care of my girls. Don't let them feel alone. That's all I ask. NO!! COME WITH US!! "GO NOW!!" He snaps. Souji grits his teeth and picks me up bridal style. "NO!! PUT ME DOWN!!" I scream while hitting him. He ignores me and starts running towards the other building. All of a sudden a loud alarm starts blaring throughout the entire prison. I cover my ears. Souji mumbles something in Japanese and runs faster than I've ever seen him before. Out of nowhere a huge headlight beams on us. What!? We both look above us and it's a helicopter. Souji puts me down onto the ground. "You have to run!!" He demands. My whole world feels like it's breaking again. First Javier, then John, and now Souji. I remember what John told me. "Even if they are dead we have to make sure we finish this plan for their sake."...I clench my fists and run towards the other building. Behind me I hear yelling and gunshots. FOCUS ARIANA!! FOCUS!! As I'm running I bump into something tall. Very tall. My blood goes cold. It's Souji's aunt. I look up and sure enough she's standing there with a gun pointed at my head. I freeze in place. I'm going to die. "It's such a shame really. You all came to Japan to save my nephew's parents. Now you're going to die on foreign land. What a shame." She tells me. I give her a dark glare. "Fuck you." I growl in anger. She chuckles and hits me in the face. I hit the ground with a loud thud and the air gets knocked out of my lungs. I struggle to sit up. "Vampires are nothing but a nuisance to this world. They deserve to be locked away. My poor sister and her husband just happen to be blood sucking monsters." She continues while pressing the gun to my forehead. She puts her finger on the trigger. "They're not a nuisance!! They have feelings just like humans!!" I retort. Even though there's a gun pointed at my head I don't feel fear. Souji's aunt chuckles. "You're stubborn just like your mother was when she was your age." She says then kicking me in the stomach. I fall over again. Ouch!! Blood runs down my mouth but I wipe it away. "How do you know my mother!?" I ask her. "We were on the same military team back in the day." She answers. What!? My mom was on the same team as her?! "I pity my mom. She had to deal with a no good, backstabbing bitch!!" I snap while struggling to stand up. Once again I feel the cold metal of the gun pressed against my head. "Your mother was very smart. She was the only one who knew how to pronounce my name right." His aunt tells me. I glare daggers at her. "Don't bring my mother into this, UMENON!!" I yell. She looks shocked. "How do you know my name!?" She asks while picking me up by the shirt. I feel my feet leave the ground. "You said it yourself. I'm just like my mother." I answer with a smug grin. She grits her teeth and throws me to the ground. "I'm done talking!! Goodbye Ariana." She growls through grit teeth. In the blink of an eye a shadow tackles her to the ground. The gun flies out her hand and skids across the dirt. What the!? "I can handle her!! Finish the mission!!" A familiar voice tells me. I look over and it's Javier. He's not dead!! I nod my head and run to towards the building as fast as I can. Don't look back Ariana. Don't look. Everyone will be fine. You're gonna get Souji's parents and go back home safely. As I'm thinking this I feel a doorknob in front of me. I made it. I try to open it but it's locked. Damn it!! I yank and pull on the door as hard as I can but it won't even budge. There's a keypad next to it. I need a password. If only mom were here. She'd know it. Don't give up Ariana. I take a deep breath and type in "12345." It doesn't work. I knew that wouldn't work. Rowan must've forgot to kill the security systems. That damn alarm is pissing me off. Maybe I can use my werewolf strength. I lift my foot up and use all the strength I have to kick it open. *BOOM* It makes a loud crash as it slams open. It worked!! Before I can go inside multiple people grab me from behind. "WE GOT HER!!" A guard yells. NO!! They try to drag me away but I hang onto the door like it's someone I care about. "LET GO!!" I scream. It's taking everything I have just to hang onto the door. "You stupid bitch!!" One of them snap then yanking me by the hair. I cry out in pain as I'm dragged backwards. The guards grab me by my hands and feet. In the distance I hear more gunshots. I was so close. Is this the end for us? I shut my eyes tightly. "ARIANA!!" I hear Meedan yell. Huh? Next thing I know I hear the sound of bones cracking and men screaming while dropping to the floor. I open my eyes and Meedan is standing there with a dark look on her face. Wait. "Where's Patrick?" I ask in a panic. She shakes her head. "They tried to kill him." She answers while clenching her fists. "And Ren?" I ask hesitantly. "He jumped in front of the bullet to save Patrick's life." She responds while helping me stand up. He's dead...Dead..."Patrick got caught and they took him somewhere. He told me to run. I don't know where he is." She adds in as tears form in her eyes. Patrick could be dead too. Why didn't Rowan kill the security systems? I hear a gun fire in the distance. Meedan lets out a scream of agony as she falls to the floor. Huh? All I see is blood as it splatters on me...What? "RUN!!" She screams. I start shaking. She got shot. I drop to my knees and hold her in my arms. "No!!" I cry. "Getting Souji's parents is more important than me." She retorts then coughing up blood. "I said no!! Get up Meedan!!" I snap as tears stream down my face. She smiles and touches my cheek. "I love you Ariana. I really do." She confesses with tears in her eyes. "I love you too!! You're the one I chose!! You can't leave me!!" I scream. She goes wide eyed. "I won't let you die!!" I add in with determination. I rip some of the fabric off my jumpsuit and tie it around her stomach as tight as I can. "Get up!!" I demand while putting her arms around my shoulders. She cries out in pain as I lift her up. "I'll just drag you down." She retorts as tears drip down her cheeks. I ignore her and continue to walk towards the building in front of us. The person who shot her is no where in sight which means she was shot by a sniper. I have to be careful. "We're almost there Meedan. Just hang on." I say, trying to encourage her. As if on a timer the alarm shuts off and everything around us goes silent. Rowan!! Behind us I hear a helicopter coming closer. My blood runs cold. Souji was supposed to take care of it...NO!! He can't be dead!! I grit my teeth and drag Meedan all the way to the building in front of us. The helicopter is right behind us now. Crap!! I pick Meedan up bridal style and throw her into the hallway of the building. "I'll find another way in!!" I tell her then slamming the door shut. I have to protect her!! The bright lights of the helicopter blind me. "Surrender now and we won't kill you." Someone says from a speaker. "TRY AND CATCH ME FIRST!!" I yell back then taking off running. There has to be another door somewhere. I run behind the building and there is no door. Shoot! I hear footsteps coming closer. Think Ariana!! Think!! I look up and there's a window. Can I make this climb? All of a sudden I start floating off the ground. What?! I look around the area and see Javier in the distance. He's ok!! I'm lifted up to the window and I grab onto the window sill. I break it open with my feet and fall inside onto the floor. I land with a loud thud. Ow!! I think I twisted my leg. I try to stand up but I fall back down. I cringe in pain. My leg really hurts. Get up Ariana!! I force myself to stand up and walk through the building. It's pitch black. Good thing I can see. John said Souji's parents are in the age group 35-40. I pass multiple signs and still don't come across their age group. That's weird. Are the ages not in order? Maybe the building is just really big. I hear someone's footsteps coming closer. Did they already find me!? I gotta hide. But where? In the corner of my eye I finally see the age group 35-40. There!! I try to run but a sharp pain shoots through my leg causing me to fall over. I clench my fists. There's no way I'm dying here!! The footsteps get closer but they're really slow. Wait. Could it be Meedan? There's a 50 50 chance. I crawl over to the door that leads to Souji's parents. I reach up and grab the door knob. Using what's left of my strength I pull myself up using the door as support. My leg is throbbing now. I definitely twisted it. The door has a keypad on it but since Rowan killed the security systems I can walk right in without a problem. "Wait!!" A familiar voice calls out from behind me. Meedan!! I turn and look. She's holding her stomach while limping towards me. There's blood all over her hands and the cloth around her is soaked in it. She's gonna die if we don't hurry up. I run to her side and put my arm around her back. She leans on me. "Thanks." She tells me. We walk to the door and open it. "IF YOU HAVE A SON NAMED SOUJI PLEASE STEP UP!!" I yell as soon as we go inside. Meedan closes the door and leans against it. The cell block is completely empty except for a couple of people. Damn. It would've helped if Souji told us his parents names. "Does anyone have the last name Kuma!?" I ask while looking around. In the corner of my eye I see a couple walking towards us quickly. "We're Souji's parents." The lady tells us. She has the same accent as him. She's so pretty. I grab her hand. "We're breaking you out of here." I retort. She looks at her husband. "Where's our son?" He asks. Souji looks just like his father. I take a deep breath. "Your son might be dead." I answer. My voice was starting to shake. Souji's mom drops to the floor and starts sobbing. My heart feels like it's ripping apart. His dad kneels beside her and rubs her back. Meedan stands there in shock. "Don't lose hope!! I never said he was actually dead!! I said he might be dead. There's still a chance he's alive!!" I reassure. His mom looks up at me. "Have faith in your son Mrs.Kuma. He's a strong man." Meedan tells her. His mom stands up slowly and wipes her tears. "You're right. I must not lose hope." She retorts. There was fire in her eyes. "Everyone follow us!!" I demand. "What about the other people?" Meedan asks. I shake my head. "There's no time." I answer. The people in the prison follow us out. "Be prepared to fight!! Your life depends on it!!" Meedan encourages. Her face was contorted with pain but she was determined to make it out alive. The group of vampires behind us cheer including Souji's parents. Before we can continue Meedan collapses. No!! I kneel on the floor and hold her up. She was bleeding. A lot. "She needs help!! Do any of you have healing abilities!?" I ask, panicking. I know every vampire has their own special ability. Souji's mom raises her hand and kneels beside us. "She got shot in the stomach and now she's bleeding badly." I tell her. His mom removes the bandage I wrapped around her and both of us gasp in shock. I feel acid creep up my throat. It looks terrible. "I'll do what I can but I'm afraid we don't have much time. I can sense an army coming." She retorts. My heart drops. There's an army coming. I stand up and face the group in front of me. "Protect this building!!" I demand in a strict voice. They all nod their heads and run outside. I watch them set up a barrier. We're going to make it. I look back at Meedan. Souji's mom's hands are glowing as she tries to heal Meedan. She's getting paler by the minute. Please don't die. Oh. That reminds me. "What is your name?" I ask her. "Yuki." She answers. That's a pretty name. "Can I help with anything?" I ask, not knowing what to do. "No. I just need to concentrate." She responds. I can tell she's telling me to shut the hell up so she can focus. I sigh. All of a sudden I hear rumbling outside. They're here. I walk outside and see a bunch of people wearing military uniforms. They're pointing guns at us. Wait. The guns aren't silver!! It could be a trap to make us think the guns are normal. "Surrender now!!" One of them demand. We stand our ground. "IF WE DIE!! YOU DIE WITH US!!" I yell while cracking my fingers. Patrick, John, Souji, and Javier step up from behind them. What?! They were all chained together and had guns pointed at the back of their heads. "If you don't surrender then we'll kill your precious friends." A familiar voice tells me. Umenon!! Souji's dad clenches his fists. "She has my son." He whispers to me. I know. Patrick has bruises all over him and John was bleeding from his head. Souji and Javier only have minor scrapes and bruises. At least they're not dead. Yet. Everyone around me looks scared. "DONT DO IT ARIANA!!" John yells at me. Huh? I look at him just in time to see the soldier behind him shoot his shoulder. He doesn't cry out. Instead he gives me an intense stare. Don't give in. This is just what they want. If they wanted to kill us they would've done it already. He's right. I breathe in deep. "We will never surrender!!" I retort. Umenon gives me a dark glare. "You're a stupid girl." She growls then snapping her fingers. The soldiers put their fingers on the trigger. "GO!!" I yell. The vampires behind me all charge at the soldiers. Javier breaks his chains and flips the guy behind him to the floor. Before we can do anything else a loud piercing sound causes all of us to freeze in place. What the hell!? I can't move!! We hear another helicopter above us. I manage to move my eyes upwards and see my mom and dad jumping out the helicopter. WHAT!!? Behind them I see Rowan in the pilots seat. Since when can she pilot a helicopter!? My mom shows everyone her badge. "On behalf of the U.S military we have come to save the people you've taken hostage!!" She snaps. Is she the reason we can't move? No. It's my dad. He's standing behind her while holding his hands out at us. American soldiers start coming out of no where and round up the soldiers not on our side. What is going on? My mother walks over to Umenon. "It's a shame. You were such a nice girl when we were teenagers. That is until Lieutenant Reyes brainwashed you and forced you to be her pawn." She tells her. "I have nothing to say to you." Umenon retorts. My mom shrugs her shoulders and walks away. She walks towards me. "You can stop now Ryan." She calls out to my dad. He puts his hands down and we all fall to the floor with a flop. My mom helps me up. "I knew you were in trouble the moment you landed in Hiroshima. I got on the next plane as fast as I could but it looks like the damage has already been done." She tells me. I start crying like a little baby. "I was so scared!!" I cry while covering my face. She hugs me tightly. "I know sweetie. I'm here now." She reassures. Meedan!! I let go of my mom quickly and run back into the building. Meedan was already on a stretcher being pushed out the building. I move out the way and follow her. She opens her eyes weakly and gives me a smile. I hold her hand in mine. "Thank Souji's mom for me." She requests then closing her eyes. I nod my head and let them load her into the helicopter. My dad walks up to me. "You did well sweetie." He tells me with a smile then walking to Patrick. I look around the prison. Ren's body was being wrapped up. At least he'll be with Gabriella. Souji was talking to his parents, John was already in the helicopter kissing Rowan, Patrick was being checked out by my dad, and Javier was just standing in the corner looking at the ground. I sigh and limp over to him. He doesn't meet my eyes. "Thanks for helping me out." I tell him. He looks up at me slowly. "I didn't do anything. You still got hurt." He retorts. "That's not true. I may have gotten hurt but you still helped me out. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have been able to get Souji's parents." I say back. He chuckles. "I can't win with you can I?" He asks, being funny. I smile. "That's right." I answer. He pats my head. "Thanks but you should go get your leg checked out. It's twisted. Plus your jumpsuit is ripped and has blood all over it." He retorts. I hit his shoulder and walk towards my dad. He just finished with Patrick. "What's up hon?" He asks. I show him my foot. "Ouch. Looks painful." He tells me. I roll my eyes. "Fix my foot Dr. Santacruz." I request. He smiles and makes me sit down on a makeshift bench. "Hand me your foot." He requests. I give him my foot. He moves it a little. "Ow!!" I yelp as I wince in pain. "It's definitely twisted." He tells me while reaching into his medical bag. He pulls out a bandage. "We'll have to wrap it up for now." He says while wrapping my foot tightly. The helicopter that has Meedan in it flies off. Please stay safe. Souji walks towards me. "Thanks for helping me save them." He tells me. I smile and give him a hug. "I need to talk to you about something." I retort. He lets go of me. "It's about Meedan isn't it?" He asks. I nod my head. "I've known for awhile that you'd pick her." He responds with a sad look. Really? "Since when?" I ask confused. "When Javier, Meedan, and I fought, the impact knocked us out too. We weren't out as long as you but, I saw my future, and it didn't have you as my lover. You were with Meedan." He answers. I stare at him. "I really love you Souji, and if I had chose you I couldn't see us being anything but happy. It hurts to say this but my heart belongs to Meedan. Deep down it always had, I just refused to accept it. I hope you don't hate me for not choosing you." I tell him while bowing my head. He chuckles and makes me stand up straight. "I would never hate you Ariana. I care about you too much." He retorts with a genuine smile. I blush and feel tears well up in my eyes. "Thank you so much!!" I cry. He pats my head. "You will not believe who my future is with." He tells me in an attempt to lighten the mood. "W-Who?" I ask in between sobs. "My future is with that annoyingly handsome fairy boy. Who is also known as our best friend Patrick." He answers. Wow. I start laughing. "Good luck. You're gonna need it. He's a feisty one." I retort while wiping my tears away. Souji sighs and crosses his arms. "I'm not mad about it. In fact I think he'll make me more than happy. I just have one of those feelings." He says back. "Aww." I tease. My mom claps her hands. "Alright everyone, we're heading back to base!!" She says to all of us. 5 minutes later we're all heading back to California. I lean my head on Rowan's shoulder. "Thanks for your help." I tell her. She smiles and holds my hand. "It wasn't easy. I had to break down so many firewalls. I'm surprised I didn't get caught." She retorts. I chuckle and close my eyes. "You did well Ariana. Now rest. You deserve it." She tells me. I put my hand on her belly. You're dad was a badass today. I have no doubt he'll be a great father to you. Maya kicks. I blush. "D-Did you feel that?" I ask in disbelief. Rowan laughs. "Yep. She likes you already." She retorts. Woah. That's the first time I've felt a baby kick before. It was amazing. I'll protect you too Maya. Our time in Hiroshima was short and it was time to go back to our normal lives....

In Memory of Ren:

Authors Note- Hey

Oops! Ang larawang ito ay hindi sumusunod sa aming mga alituntunin sa nilalaman. Upang magpatuloy sa pag-publish, subukan itong alisin o mag-upload ng bago.

Authors Note- Hey. I got emotional writing this chapter because all my characters have come a long way since the beginning. I hope you enjoy this Chapter. Don't worry, it's not over yet. :) bye bye.

IM IN LOVE WITH VAMPIRES!? (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon