Why are all my friends suddenly mythical creatures?

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*At the Park*- still Patrick's p.o.v
The wind blows around me. It's cold. Man, I wish I brought a jacket. I sit on the bench and look at the kids playing on the playground. I smile to myself. This brings back memories of when I was younger. All the kids used to make fun of me because I crossed dressed. It got worse when they found out I was gay. This park is where they used to beat me up. They treated me like a piece of trash. I would try to fight back but, it never worked. Everyone would come watch me get my ass kicked, some would even record it and post it to instagram. One day I got fed up with the way they treated me and skipped school for an entire month. I swore to myself that I would get stronger and get back at them, but that never happened because I met Ariana. She stood up for me whenever they called me names. She even fought all of them for me. Let's just say she had some pretty nasty bruises afterwards. If I hadn't met her, who knows what would've happened to me. I sigh and look up to the sky. "Look who it is." A familiar deep voice says from behind me. No freaking way. It's John. I jump up and face him. "What do you want?" I ask him. "If I said I wanted you, what would you say?" He answers then asking me a question. My blood starts to boil. He's messing with me. "DON'T EVEN GO THERE JOHN!!" I yell while clenching my fists. The little kids who were playing stop and look at us. John starts laughing. "Calm down gay boy, I'm not here to start a fight." He retorts with a fake smile. "Then why are you here!?" I ask. I can't let my guard down. He points to a little kid who's practically his twin. Except he's way younger and doesn't have heterochromia. "I'm here with my little brother." He answers. I scoff. "He's probably screwed up just like you!" I snap. John rolls his eyes. "I'm not screwed up, and neither is my little brother." He retorts. I shake my head. "Whatever you say, liar." I mumble under my breath. The little boy jumps off the slide and walks to Johns side. He taps his arm. "Can we go home now? I'm hungry." He asks. I cross my arms. "What's the little shrimps name?" I ask. "Kyle." John answers while patting his brothers head. Kyle looks at me and smiles big. "I'm turning nine tomorrow!!" He exclaims with big sparkling eyes. He reminds me of Manny. Ugh. I hate little kids. John clears his throat making Kyle stiffen up. "Oh. Who are you?" He asks. His voice was suddenly monotone. I can't believe it. He completely changed his demeanor in less than a second. "I'm your brothers enemy." I answer. "If you hurt him I'll beat you up!!" He snaps. I burst out laughing. "You? Beat me? Haha, what a joke!" I retort. He scowls at me. "Just because I'm only 8 doesn't meant I can't kick your butt!" He snaps while putting his tiny fists in the air. Is this kid serious? John smiles and puts his arm around my shoulder. My blood runs cold. "By the way Patty, the police came to my house and questioned me about Rowan getting beat up. Could you and your friends have something to do with that?" He asks me in my ear. I slap his arm away. "Yes we did!!" I answer while glaring at him. "I didn't do anything to her." He retorts. THATS IT!! I punch John straight in the nose making him stumble backwards. "DON'T PLAY INNOCENT YOU JERK!!" I yell. His little brother looks shocked and runs to his side. John pushes him away and wipes the blood from his nose. He glares at me. "I'm telling the truth, fairy boy." He tells me. I grit my teeth. "I have a name!! It's Patrick!!" I growl. He runs his hands through his hair and pushes it back. I blush. Damn it!! Now is not the time to admire how hot he is!! He looks at me with dark eyes. "I don't give a shit!! All you need to know is that I didn't beat Rowan up!!" He snaps. He's still lying. I shake my head. "Then who did? A ghost!?" I ask sarcastically. He was there!! I fought him!! "I don't know!! Maybe a shape shifter!!" He answers. I tackle him to the ground. A crowd starts to form around us. "BULLSHIT!!" I yell while punching him in the face again. People start to cheer. Johns face changes from an irritated look to a "I'm gonna kill you" glare. He uses his legs to flip me over. He punches me and there's a big crack. The pain is so bad I nearly pass out. Why is he so strong!? "I DIDNT DO IT!!" He yells in my face. I spit the blood from my mouth onto his face. "LIAR!!" I yell while kicking him off me. Kyle starts crying. "STOP IT!!" He yells. I'm too angry to stop!! John regains his balance and kicks me in the stomach. I fall backwards and more pain envelops my body. He walks over to me slowly. "I didn't hurt Rowan." He says in an eerily calm voice. I scowl and look up at him. "Go to hell!!" I snap. My entire body hurts so much. He grabs me by the hair and forces me to stand up. "Am I speaking a foreign language!? I didn't hurt her!!" He snaps. Something inside me feels like it's going to burst. I'm in too much pain to speak. He throws me to the ground. If only Ariana were here. All of a sudden I hear a voice talk to me in my head. "Stand up." It says. The feeling inside me gets stronger. I stand up slowly and charge at John. With what's left of my strength I kick him to the ground. I immediately fall over completely exhausted. The voice speaks again. "Stand up!! Don't give in!!" It tells me. I can't. John stands up and looks even angrier than before. "Don't say you can't child. Now stand!!" The voice retorts. The burning sensation inside me is blazing and all of a sudden everything around me turns white. It's so bright it makes me dizzy. "STAND UP!!" I hear John yell. My vision clears and I can tell something about me is different. I feel lighter, and my body doesn't hurt anymore. Everything around me is moving in slow motion. The feeling I have is still blazing and it's not going away. I've never felt so alive!! I stand up and walk to John who's moving really slow along with everyone else. With a smile on my face I throw him to the ground and punch him over and over until I'm satisfied. Then I flick his little brother on his forehead. Little brat. All of a sudden everything returns to normal. I collapse to the ground, unable to move. At least I didn't lose. I chuckle and then pass out. "You did well. Now rest." The voice tells me.....

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