A Weird Day

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*The Very Next Day*
When I woke up this morning I had a pounding headache but, since I'm stubborn I still went to school. Right now my head is in so much pain that I don't know where I'm at anymore. It's hard to think. The only thing I could feel was the coolness of my desk as I rest my head on it. Rowan taps my shoulder "do you want me to take you to the nurse?" She asks worriedly. I shake my head. "I'm fine" I answer. All of a sudden I hear footsteps get closer to my desk. I manage to look up. Oh. It's just Patrick. He pushes a girl out of her seat and takes sits in her spot. Really? He puts his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to make me feel better. It's not helping. My teacher clears his throat. Oh yeah. We're in the middle of class. I forgot. "Since your so adamant on sleeping in my class Ariana, how about you answer the next question." He suggests. I can feel him glaring at me. I lift my head up slowly and look at my paper that's completely blank. Shoot. "Umm....is it....58?" I guess. Mr.David hums in response "very good. That's the right answer." He retorts. I lay my head back down. Patrick raises his hand. What is he doing? "Yes? what is it Patrick?" Our teacher asks. "Ariana isn't feeling well. Can I take her to the nurse?" He asks, answering Mr. Davids question. "Rowan can but, not you." He answers. Patrick raises his eyebrow "why not?" he asks crossing his arms. Mr. David rolls his eyes "your a trouble maker Patrick. I don't trust you enough. I might find you skipping class again just to make out with some guy." He answers. Patrick scoffs "are you making fun of me for being gay?" He asks with a smirk. He's purposely messing with Mr. David. "How dare you assume I'm making fun of you? Leave now!!" Our teacher retorts with a red face. Patrick stands up "that's the best thing I've heard all day." He says as he walks out of class. Rowan grabs my hand and drags me up front to Mr. David with a pass in her hand. He sighs in frustration and signs it. The two of us walk out and find Patrick standing there waiting for us. "Mr. David is so annoying. Today's the one day he actually acts like a teacher. Although, I can't deny he's hot when he orders me around." He tells us. Rowan stares at him with a frown. "Good luck with that." She retorts. I start to get irritated. "Can we just hurry up and go to the nurse?" I ask them while holding my head. It's taking everything I have not to throw up all over the hallway. Rowan and Patrick glare at each other for awhile before finally listening to what I said. They both grab my hand and drag me to the nurses office....

*Nurses Office*
I've never had to go to the nurse before, so I have no idea on what to expect. I've only heard rumors that the nurse is slut who tries to seduce every single one of her visitors. Even girls. Just great. I take a deep breath and go inside the room. The nurse is already waiting for me with a smirk on her face. She walks towards me. I can't help but notice the way her hips sway when she walks. No wonder she's able to seduce everyone but, I refuse to fall for it. She wraps her arm around my shoulders. "Ive never seen you here before sweetie." She whispers in my ear. Goosebumps rise all over my body. I try to escape from her arms but she holds onto my shoulders tighter. "What's wrong?" She asks while looking straight into my eyes. Alarms go off in my head telling me to run but, I can't. "U-um I have a really bad headache." I answer while squeezing out of her grip. I look outside the door and Rowan and Patrick are so busy arguing with each other, they don't notice I'm in a tough situation. I glance at the nurse who's watching me closely. Her name tag says "Mary Flores." She smiles and comes closer to me again. I try to run but she grabs me by the waist and pulls me against her. I can feel her breath on my neck. "Aww you poor thing. Let's take your temperature." She says while taking a thermometer out from her pocket. It's one of those small ones that you use at home. I get a bad feeling in my gut. "Sit down on the bed please~" she coos while releasing me from her arms. Her voice is high pitched and smooth. Kind of like a cat. Wait, what am I thinking!? I sit on one of the beds. I know I'm going to regret it but, my head was still in pain and laying down sounded great. Nurse Flores walks to me. "Where would you like it?" She asks, smirking. I nearly choke on my spit. "Umm...I don't know what your talking about." I retort, looking away. She grabs my chin and makes me face her. "How about your mouth?" She offers. H-HUH!? I shake my head vigorously, ignoring the sharp pain in my head. "NO!! Put it under my arm!!" I demand as my face turns red. She chuckles in a seductive way. "No can do sweetheart. Say ahh" she requests, over exaggerating the "ah." I open my mouth slowly. She sits on my lap, straddling me. OH MY GOD!!! THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!! I start to panic as she puts the thermometer in my mouth very slow like she's teasing me. HURRY UP AND BEEP!!. It feels like forever but the thermometer finally beeps. She takes it out my mouth and looks at it. "Hmm, 99.6" she says to herself. I raise my eyebrow. Is she going to act like a real nurse now? "I recommend you lay down and rest for a while before I give you some medicine" she suggests, still on my lap. That's it. "Nurse Flores, please get off me." I beg. She obeys and stands up. "Now, lay down" she demands. Excuse me? Hell no. I ignore her and try to stand up. She forces me back down roughly. Ow! Shes stronger than she looks. "If you don't lay down like I said to do, I'll have to force you darling~" she purrs. Ugh!! I roll my eyes and lay down. She smiles and walks towards the door. What is she doing? She opens the door "Ariana's going to take a little nap, so why don't you two be good students and go back to class." I hear her say as the door closes. I sigh in relief. I'm surprised she hasn't been fired yet. Oh well. My head hurts too much to think about it. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep....

*Later on*-School has ended
My whole body is warm like it's wrapped up in a soft blanket. It feels nice. I open my eyes slowly and nearly fall off the bed when I come face to face with the Nurse Flores breasts. I sit up quickly. She smiles at me "you were sleep for quite a while." She tells me. I stare at her. "So you just crawled into bed with me?" I ask. "Your sleeping face was so cute!! I couldn't resist not getting into bed with you!!" She squeals. I'm leaving now. I get off the bed and put some distance between us. "How long was I sleep?" I ask her. Surprisingly my head didn't hurt anymore. She sits up and looks at me. "Since 11:30. School ended like 30 minutes ago." She answers. My mouth drops open "Why didn't you wake me up!?" I ask angrily. She stays calm "You were sleeping so peacefully. I didn't want to disturb you." She replies while crossing her legs. Her dress had a slit in it, so I could see a lot more than I wanted. I look away and sigh. "Your friends brought your stuff." She says, breaking the silence. I look at the edge of the bed and see my book bag there. I grab it and storm out the nurses office without saying goodbye. I take off down the hallway without stopping until I crash into someone causing us to fall to the floor. I land on something soft. It definitely wasn't the ground. It was more like a person. "Oww." I hear them say. The voice was coming from under me. I open my eyes and find Souji underneath me. He's staring straight into my eyes. My heart skips a beat and my face turns red. "O-oh my gosh!! I-I am so sorry!!" I apologize, stuttering like an idiot. He sighs "it's fine but, can you get off me now?" He requests. That's when I realize I've been straddling him in a skirt this whole time!! My face goes even redder. "I-I'm s-sorry!" I stutter, flustered. I get off of him quickly. He stands up and brushes off his clothes. I stare at the ground. "Wh-what are you still doing here?" I ask. I feel him look at me again. "I could ask you the same thing." He retorts. I smile "I was in the nurses office." I tell him, still staring at the ground. He hums in response "I advise you to stay away from her." He replies. I nod my head. He doesn't have to tell me twice. That's for sure. "I was wondering if-"
"ARIANA!!! HURRY YOUR SLOW ASS UP!!" A familiar voice yells interrupting Souji. I look and it's Meedan with Patrick beside her. "It was nice talking to you Souji but, I have to go." I tell him. He shrugs his shoulders and walks away. "ARIANA!!" She yells again. I flinch "IM COMING!!" I yell back then running to them. I wonder what he was trying to tell me? I link my arms with Meedan and Patricks. "Thanks for waiting guys." I tell them while smiling. "No problem." Patrick replies. I notice Rowan is missing. I raise my eyebrow. "Where's Rowan?" I ask. Meedan scowls "With John." She answers in disgust. I should've known. Patrick scoffs "why is she always going back to him when they've broken up over like 15 times this year?" He asks irritated. "She said it's because she loves him." Meedan answers. I roll my eyes. "Bullshit." I mumble under my breath. He's cheated on her multiple times, and ignores her whenever she tries to talk to him. How long is she going to stay with him? Patrick sighs and shakes his head "I just hope she'll be ok." He tells us after a long silence. My phone buzzes with an alarm. I check and it's the alarm reminding me that I had to bring dad to the hospital today. CRAP!! I dial my brothers number and take off running. "Lets go you two!!!" I call out to Meedan and Patrick who are behind me. The phone just rings. Come on, pick up the phone Sherlock. "Hello?" He finally answers. "Did you leave yet!?" I ask in a panic. "I'm about to, why?" He asks, answering my question. "Convince dad to go with you." I answer. He sighs. "dads gonna say no." He retorts. I growl in anger "Why are you always so negative!?" I complain. His voice changes to an angry one. "How about you shut the hell up!" He snaps. I stop running, which makes Patrick bump into me from behind. "Ow!!" He groans. I ignore him. "Please Sherlock." I beg. My brother stays quiet. "Fine." He replies. I smile. "I'm not waiting for you. Just to give you a heads up." He adds in. "That's perfectly ok." I tell him then hanging up. Meedan holds my shoulder. "Is everything ok?" She asks. I hug her and stand on my tippie toes in order to rest   my head on her shoulder. Meedan is VERY much taller than me. She's 5 foot 11 and I'm only 5 foot 4. I'm so jealous. "My brother is being an asshole." I answer. She rubs my back. She has goosebumps. That's weird. "Don't worry about him." She retorts. Patrick pats my head and changes the subject. "Do you still have a headache?" He asks me. "Nope, I'm fine now." I answer. My stomach growls. Deja vu? "Wanna go to five guys?" Meedan asks. She's blushing. Hmmm? It must me nothing. I smile wider at Patrick. "HECK YEAH!!" I yell. "But your paying for my food." I tell him. He sighs "fine." He replies. I grab both their hands. "What are we waiting for!? Let's go!!" I say excitedly. We start walking. Food here I come!!.....

Authors note- Pretty long chapter right? Anyways, thanks again for reading. :)

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