This is Only the Beginning

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*One Week Later*-Meedan's p.o.v
We're all leaving for Japan tomorrow. Ariana hasn't talked to me since last week. She's been giving me the cold shoulder. I asked Souji about it and he said she's not talking to him either. I know why she won't talk to us. She's still pissed off about the fight. I sigh and continue to pack my clothes. Favorite shoes? Check. Toiletries? Check. Clothes for 5 days? Check. Alright. I have everything I need. Oh!! I almost forgot!! In the midst of all our drama, Ariana won her case. Brandon got 25 years in prison with no bail. He deserved it. Asswipe. I collapse onto my bed and let out a long groan. I'm so tired. Mama Laurie and Mama Carla come into my room with a present. "Happy Birthday sweetie." They say in unison. Oh yeah. I forgot it was my birthday. I smile and take the present. "I wonder what it is." I tell them while starting to open it. Inside of the box is a baby kitten.

IT'S SO CUTE!! I pick it up and hold it to my face

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IT'S SO CUTE!! I pick it up and hold it to my face. "Hey there little guy. What's your name?" I ask it. I wish I could talk to animals. "You get to name her." Mama Carla tells me. So it's a girl. I think for a moment. Ah!! I know!! "Her name is going to be Aria." I retort. Mama Laurie chuckles and pats my head. "Of course it is." She teases. I blush and hug the kitten. It lets out a small and adorable meow. Ahh!! I'm going to die of cuteness!! "We know you're going to Japan tomorrow but we knew how much you wanted a baby kitten so, we went ahead and bought one for you." Mama Carla says while petting the kitten. All of a sudden the doorbell rings. Who the hell is interrupting my birthday moment? Mama Laurie smiles. "I think you'll enjoy this." She tells me, then leaving my room. I raise my eyebrow and look at Mama Carla. "What does she mean?" I ask. She puts her finger over her lips. "It's a secret." She answers while also leaving my room. Something's suspicious. Oh well. I snuggle Aria to my chest. "You're gonna have the best owner ever!!" I squeal. She purrs in response. "Aww. It's cute." A familiar voice says from behind me. I freeze in place and my heart jumps into my throat. It's Ariana. I spin around to face her. Why is she here? "We all came to celebrate your birthday." She tells me. All? As if on cue, Patrick bursts into my room at light speed and snatches my kitten from my hands. "See ya downstairs!!" He says then running back out my room. I stand there confused. Did he just steal my kitten? How did he even know I had one? "I came up here because I wanted to talk to you in private." Ariana tells me, interrupting my thoughts. I look at her. "What?" I ask. She walks over to my bed and sits down on it. "It's about the fight that almost happened in the hospital." She answers. Oh. That makes sense. I stare down at the floor. "I'm sorry." I apologize. "I never meant to hurt you." I add in as tears well up in my eyes. She sighs. "Look Meedan, I'm not mad that you, Souji, and Javier nearly killed me. I'm just disappointed." She tells me. She's not mad? I look up at her. She smiles and pats beside her. "Come sit. I'm not gonna bite." She teases. Haha. Very funny. I walk over to her slowly and sit down. We sit there in silence. "I rejected Javier's confession." She says, breaking the silence. Seriously? "Why!?" I ask in shock. She messes with her fingers. "I'm flattered he loves me but, I just don't love him the same way. The feelings I have for him is just puppy love. It's not serious." She answers while looking at me. I stare at her confused. "When?" I ask. She sighs and stares back down into her lap. "Yesterday." She answers. That means I actually have a chance to be with her. My heart starts pounding faster. For some reason she seems happy. "Meedan I-" "CAN YOU TWO HURRY THE HELL UP!! I WANT SOME CAKE!!" Patrick yells from downstairs. Ariana and I jump. She laughs awkwardly. "He's right. We've spent too much time up here." She tells me. Wait. What was she about to tell me? My heart sinks. Was she trying to tell me I wasn't good enough for her? Ariana grabs my hand. Huh? "Stop spacing out and come on!!" She snaps playfully, then dragging me downstairs. When we get down there everyone is waiting for us. Rowan, John, Souji, Javier, and Patrick are all here. Ugh. Why is Javier here? Ariana smiles. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" They all yell in unison while throwing confetti at me. I blush and start laughing. "Thanks." I retort. Patrick runs to the dining room while chanting "cake". In the corner of my eye I see Javier shift uncomfortably. He wants to leave. I'd wanna leave too if the girl I liked rejected me. I walk over to him and cross my arms. He looks at me confused. "You're actually talking to me?" He asks. I roll my eyes. "Look here pretty boy, Ariana may have said no to your confession but that doesn't mean you have to stand around sulking like a little kid." I tell him. He stares at the ground and doesn't say anything. "You can either stand there alone while the rest of us eat cake, or you can come join us and have fun. It's up to you." I offer, breaking the silence. "I-I can't-" "For crying out loud!! Stop being a baby and come eat cake!!" I snap while dragging him to the dining room. Ariana is lighting my candles with a smile. I point at her. "See? She's had worse days than us and she's still smiling. Don't let rejection bring you down Javier." I encourage while looking at him. If you're wondering why I'm being so nice to him it's because I feel bad that he got rejected. Plus I know how he feels when it comes to heartbreak. He nods his head. "Ok. I'll try." He retorts. Rowan turns off the lights and ushers me to the table. "Ready. Set. Sing." She says. Everyone around me starts singing "Happy Birthday." I sit there not knowing what to do. Whenever people sing happy birthday to me I don't know what else to do besides sit there awkwardly until they're done. Once they stop singing, John smashes my head into the cake. "Happy 17th birthday, flat chest." He teases. My face turns red. I swear I'm gonna kill him. Rowan hits his shoulder. "Stop." She tells him. Patrick grabs the knife. "I call first dibs!!" He demands. Souji smacks the back of his head. "The birthday girl gets the first piece." He tells him. I snatch the knife from Patrick and cut me a slice of cake. "That's for taking Aria." I tell him. "Aria?" Ariana asks with her eyebrow raised. Crap. I blush. "O-Oh. That's my new kitten's name." I answer. She stares at me with an expression I can't read. "You named a cat after me?" She asks. She's probably creeped out. I hang my head in shame. "Yes." I answer hesitantly. She starts laughing and picks up Aria who is sprawled out on the floor. "Looks like we have similar names, Aria." She says to her. I smile. Man. I really love her but, I'm up against Souji. There's no way I'm going to win. I sigh and start eating my cake. Javier is standing in the corner once again. Ugh!! He's not listening to me!! I slam my fork down and stomp over to him. Everyone stops what they're doing and looks at us. "Listen up Javier!! I'm sick of seeing you sulk!! It's irritating!! You either leave or pretend you're having fun!!" I snap. He glares at me. "I'm leaving." He retorts. Ariana stands there looking guilty. She thinks it's her fault. I walk over there and offer her a piece of cake. She blushes and puts Aria on the floor. "Thanks." She tells me while taking the plate. "Don't worry about him." I reassure. "It's not that easy Meedan. I rejected him and now he's back to his original self. Cold and distant." She retorts. "If he really loved you he'd respect your decision. Don't waste your time on him." I say back. She stays quiet and nods her head. "Hey Meedan!! Come here!!" Rowan calls out from behind me. I kiss Ariana on the forehead and walk over to Rowan. Souji takes my place beside Ariana. He couldn't wait to be near her could he? I roll my eyes and face Rowan. "Yes?" I ask. She grabs my hand and puts it on her stomach. She's pregnant!? Aww, how sweet. It's a girl. "I wanted you to meet Maya." She tells me. Maya? That's a pretty name. I smile and hug her. "Congrats." I retort. Her eyes light up like stars. "Thanks." She says back. John puts his arm around her shoulders. "I'm going to be the best dad ever." He boasts. We're going to Japan tomorrow and there's one small issue. I love Rowan and all but, how the hell is she supposed to help us if she's pregnant? That's putting her baby in a dangerous situation. As her best friend I can't let her do that. I sigh. "Listen Rowan, I'm not trying to sound rude but, how are you going to help us save Souji's parents if you're pregnant?" I ask. Her face changes to a sad one. "I know I'm going to drag everyone down but, I'm going to try my best, and besides, I have John to protect me." She reassures. That doesn't make me feel any better. "She'll be fine. Rowan's not a pushover." Patrick says while walking up to us. She chuckles. "Damn right I'm not." She retorts. I hear Ariana laughing behind me. It hurts knowing she likes Souji and not me. How is it she'll never notice that she's slowly killing me. However, I'll be happy with whatever she decides. For the rest of the day all of us watched movies, danced to cringe worthy music, and ate pizza. What could be more fun than that? Sadly they had to go home because we have our flight first thing in the morning. Ariana stayed behind. We're sitting outside on my front steps looking up at the stars. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" She asks me. "Yeah. If you ignore the fact we're sneaking onto military/government property." I answer sarcastically. She laughs. "True." She retorts. A cool breeze blows by us. Ariana holds herself. "Are you cold?" I ask while looking at her. She blushes and nods her head. I take off my sweatshirt and give it to her. "Won't you be cold?" She asks, worried. "It doesn't matter. As long as you're warm I'm ok." I answer. She hits my shoulder. "Stop it." She retorts. "It's true." I tell her. She glares at me. "I don't want you putting me first!!" She snaps. I stay calm and move a piece of hair from her face. "I can't do that Ariana. I'll always put you before me. I love you." I retort. She blushes more and looks away from me. "I-I...have to go." She stutters while standing up. Did I say something wrong? "I'll see you tomorrow." She tells me then running away. Her house is in the neighborhood next to mine. I bet she doesn't even realize she took my sweatshirt. I chuckle to myself and walk back inside my house. Japan, here I come!!..

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