My life continues to spiral out of control.

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After Meedan yelled at me to get out, I ran downstairs and locked myself in the bathroom. Patrick is currently trying to convince me to come out. Manny's with him too. "Open the door Ariana." Patrick requests. I stay quiet and ignore him. "Please?" Manny asks. Dang it. I can't say no to him. I unlock the door and let him in. I slam the door before Patrick can come in. I sit against the door and hug Manny. He pats my back. "Don't cry, it's ok." He reassures. I hug him tighter. "You don't understand Manny!" I cry. "What do you mean?" He asks. I look at him. His eyes look worried. "Meedan yelled at me when I was just trying to help her." I answer. I've never seen her in that much pain. Manny holds my cheeks and squishes them together. "Big sissy told me that it's ok if you fight with your best friend, because in the end you'll still be with them through everything." He tells me with a big smile. I sit there stunned. I never thought that a 5 year old would ever give me a pep talk, but today proved me wrong. He lets go of my cheeks and wipes my tears with a tissue. "Tears go bye bye!" He sings. I smile. "Thanks." I tell him. He holds my hands. "Mommy made your favorite food! That will definitely make you feel happy!" He says in an attempt to cheer me up. I chuckle. "Yay." I retort while standing up. The two of us walk out the bathroom. Patrick and Rowan were both waiting for me. "You ok?" She asks me. I nod my head. "I'm fine. I just needed to take a breather." I answer as we walk to the dining room. This time Rowans mom lets Manny sit on my lap. "She made macaroni and cheese for me!! It's my favorite food!!" He exclaims. "Cool." I retort. I fix his plate for him. As soon as I put it in front of him he attacks it like an attack dog. "Slow down Manny, you'll choke." Rowan tells him. He mumbles something and keeps on eating. Their mom makes my plate and hands it to me. It has everything I like, but I'm not hungry after what happened with Meedan. I eat most of it and pick at what's left. I'm so worried about her. "Can I have some more?" Manny asks. "No, you already ate a lot." Rowan answers. "But I want more!!" He demands while hitting his legs. "She's right Manny, you'll get a tummy ache." I tell him. He pouts. "Ok." He mumbles. Rowan snaps her fingers at him. "What'd I say about pouting?" She asks serious. Manny sticks his tongue out at her. "Want me to hit you!?" She growls. "Want me to hit you?" Manny mocks. Rowan hits the table. "You little shit!!" She snaps. "Oooh you said a bad word." He says while pointing at her. Their mom sighs in defeat. "Don't curse around your brother please." She requests. "How about not cursing at all?" Patrick asks sarcastically. Rowan glares at him then rolls her eyes. "Whatever." She mumbles to herself. She looks at me. "How's Meedan?" She asks. My heart squeezes. "I...don't know." I answer. "I-I'll be right back." I add in. Manny gets off my lap and I go back upstairs . I stand in front of Rowans room door frozen in place. My feet won't move no matter how much I try. It's like something's preventing me from opening the door. Every time I try to move, it hurts. Is there some kind of invisible barrier? If there is, it wasn't there before. With all the strength I have I throw myself at the door making it open. Meedan isn't in the bed anymore, but the bathroom light is on. I run there, and to my horror Meedan is cutting herself. My mind goes blank. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!?" I yell while tackling her. The razor rolls across the floor. She's in tears. "It hurts so much!!" She cries. "SO YOU CUT YOURSELF!?" I ask, still yelling. "It was helping the pain go away." She answers. I can't believe what I'm hearing. Tears start rolling down my cheeks. "ITS NOT HELPING!! ITS MAKING THE PAIN WORSE!!" I snap. She stays quiet and looks at me. She was still pale and sweating. Her eyes have the same glow I saw earlier. No way. ".....your a vampire too, aren't you?" I ask while clenching my fists. She cries harder. "YES!! IM A VAMPIRE TOO!!" She cries. My heart breaks. She's been deceiving me. I thought she would never keep secrets from me, but looks like I was wrong. "IM SO SORRY!!" She yells. I stand up from on top of her. I'm enraged. "Why'd you rat out Souji and not yourself?" I ask while looking straight into her eyes. She looks away. "I-I can't tell you." She answers. "WHY NOT!?" I ask. More tears roll down my cheeks. No wonder she survived after we fell off that cliff. Any normal person would've died instantly, but she didn't because shes a vampire. It all makes sense now. I grab her shoulders and make her face me. "Tell me!!" I demand. She pushes me over and lays on top of me. "I WAS BEING SELFISH ARIANA!!" She yells. "WHY!?" I yell back. Once again her face contorts in pain and she falls over. She holds her throat. "I did it....because I...I-AAHH!! IT HURTS!!" She cries out. Even though I'm pissed off at her she's still my best friend who's always been there for me. Plus her. I kneel by her side. "What do you need?" I ask. "I-it's my bloodlust, I-it's getting worse!!" She answers through clenched teeth. Blood lust? All of this is making my head spin, but seeing her in so much pain kills me on the inside, and I make a decision that'll change everything. I blush and unbutton my shirt. I show her my bare neck. "Wh-what are-" "drink my blood." I interrupt. Her eyes glow more and she stares at my neck hungrily. My heart starts pounding. Is this really happening? She grabs my shoulders tightly and leans down to my neck. Her warm breath against my neck sends shivers of pleasure up my spine. "I-I...can't." She tells me. "It'll help you feel better, so please drink my blood!! I hate seeing you in so much pain!!" I beg. She squeezes my shoulders tighter which makes them turn white. "You don't understand, if I drink your blood then we'll be imprinted, so I...can't." She retorts then passing out. I catch her in my arms.
"MEEDAN!!" I scream. Manny comes running into the bathroom. "What's going on!?" He asks while putting his hands on his hips. "Everything's fine, it was just an argument." I answer. "Well mommy said stop yelling." He retorts then walking out. Please don't die Meedan. As a last resort I call Souji. "もしもし?" He answers. I have no idea what he just said. I'm assuming it means "hello". My heart starts pounding . "It's me Ariana." I tell him while trying to put Meedan back into bed. Damn, she's heavy. "How may I help you?" He asks. "It's kind of an emergency." I answer. "Where are you?" He asks. His voice sounds worried. "Oh. We're at Rowans house, and bring whatever it is you drink at lunch." I tell him. "Umm....ok." He retorts. I hang up without saying goodbye. I'm still mad at him. Once Meedan is tucked into the bed, I go downstairs and explain everything to Rowan and Patrick. They're probably brain dead. 10 minutes later the doorbell rings. Rowan opens the door and Souji is standing there. She lets him in. I avoid his eyes. "Follow me." I tell him then going upstairs. When we get to the room, Meedan is still passed out. Souji raises his eyebrow. "Um, is she ok?" He asks. Rowan pops up beside him. "Nope." She answers for me. Patrick keeps a distance from Souji. "She needs blood." He tells him with a serious expression. "Blood?" Souji asks, pretending to be clueless. I start to get angry. "We know your a vampire!! Stop playing dumb you lying piece of shit!!" I snap while glaring at him. He stares at me in shock, but it turns into an intense glare. I blush and look away. "Who told you all?" He asks. "The girl who's passed out on the bed." Patrick answers with an attitude. Rowan sticks her hand in his face. "Hand over the juice pouch Dracula." She demands. Souji scoffs. "It's only been two seconds and your already starting with the vampire jokes." He retorts while handing her the drink. She throws it at me. I catch it. "How are we going to get her to drink it if she's passed out?" I ask. Rowan smirks.

IM IN LOVE WITH VAMPIRES!? (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora