Relationship Problem

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*Back in California*-Ariana's p.o.v
When I wake up I'm at home in my bed and I'm no longer wearing my ripped, bloody jumpsuit. Huh? I sit up and look at my clock. It's only 10 in the morning. How long was I sleep? Someone knocks on my door. "Come in." I call out. Sherlock walks in. "Hey sis. It's been awhile." He tells me. I smile and pat beside me. "It's only been 3 days." I retort as he sits next to me. "What's up?" I ask him. "I've missed you." He answers. Awww. "Me too big bro." I tell him. He sighs and lays down. "There's something I want to tell you." He says back. Oh no. What is it now? I'm not in the mood for bad news. "Yes?" I ask reluctantly. "I might be the father of Rowan's baby." He answers. Excuse me? I knew something wasn't right about her pregnancy. "Oh god. Why do you think that?" I ask him while massaging my temples. I feel a headache coming. "When her and John were broken up 5 months ago she came over to our house in tears. I felt bad so I offered to take her wherever she wanted. She didn't want that." He answers. I know where this is going. "What did she want?" I ask serious. He stays quiet. "This isn't a game Sherlock!! What did she want!?" I ask again. "She wanted me to have sex with her to prove she wasn't worthless as a woman." He answers while clenching his fists. That's just great. "So you did it?" I ask, crossing my arms. He nods his head. God damn it Sherlock!! I groan in frustration. "If John finds out you had sex with Rowan he's gonna kill you." I tell him. His face turns grim. "I know." He retorts. "Plus she's a minor. If anyone else finds out, you'll be arrested." I continue. Tears well up in his eyes. "I'm sorry Ariana. I shouldn't have done it." He apologizes. "So your saying it's either your baby or John's?" I ask, trying to make sense of everything. He nods his head. This is bad. Really bad. "You need to tell mom and dad." I tell him. He shakes his head. "That'll make it worse." He retorts. I throw my hands up defeated. "I'm trying to help you make it less severe!!" I snap. Besides, mom probably knows already. "You say that but, I'm sure mom already knows." He tells me. He thought the same thing too. I sigh and put my hand on his shoulder. "Listen Sherlock, you need to take responsibility for what you did otherwise it will just blow up in your face." I tell him. "If it is mine I can't take care of a baby." He retorts. I was afraid he'd say that. "As it stands right now, John is the father. If you can manage to somehow get his and Rowan's DNA without looking suspicious you can get a paternity test." I suggest. He looks at me with pleading eyes. "Will you help me?" He asks. Shoot. Should I help him? He is my brother. "Fine. I'll help." I answer. His eyes light up. "Thank you so much little sis!!" He exclaims. This could put my friendship with Rowan at risk. As long as John doesn't find out we're ok. If he does...Sherlock's gonna need a miracle. *RING!!* My phone scared me half to death. Sherlock hands it to me. "It's Meedan." He tells me. My heart starts pounding. "Hello?" I answer. "Hi Ariana. Will you come over? I'm lonely and I need help." She asks in a pouty voice. I chuckle. "You know I twisted my leg right? How am I supposed to help you?" I ask back. She groans. "You caught me. I just want to see you." She answers. In the corner of my eye I see Sherlock leave my room with a wink. I blush and give him the finger. "Then why don't you come over here?" I ask while getting out of bed. Ouch!! My foot. "True." She retorts. I walk out my room and go downstairs. More like limp. My parents are down there in the living room. "I want you to come over." She tells me. Ugh. She doesn't give up does she? "Fine. I'll be there soon...I love you." I tell her as my face turns red. Meedan chuckles. "Love you too." She retorts then hanging up. I put my phone in my pocket. "How are you feeling?" My mom asks me. "Huh? Oh I'm fine." I answer while sitting next to her. "As soon as we got home you collapsed with a fever." My dad tells me. I did? "You slept like a baby after we gave you medicine." He adds in. I don't even remember that. "Can you take me to Meedan's house?" I ask them. My mom smiles. "Sure." She answers. That was fast. Something's fishy about this...

*******(In the car)*****
My mom and I are in the car driving to Meedan's and it's awkward because it's completely silent. Something is definitely up. "I wanted to talk to you about the situation with Sherlock." She tells me. I knew it. "What about it?" I ask her. She sighs. "I've known about it for awhile. I just wanted to see how you two would handle it." She answers. I'm not surprised she knew. "I'm just mad that he didn't tell me he had sex with Rowan. If John finds out he'll murder Sherlock." I retort while crossing my arms. My mom hums in response. "Does dad know?" I ask. "Nope. I'll tell him today." She answers as we pull up to Meedan's. Oh no. "I know what you're thinking and I'm here to tell you that I know how to handle him when he gets into one of his moods." She reassures. I nod my head and get out the car. Ouch. My foot. "Bye mom." I tell her. She smiles and pulls off. Good luck with dad Sherlock. I walk to Meedan's front door and knock on it. 5 minutes later the door swings open and I'm pulled inside quickly. "Finally. I thought you'd never show up." She tells me. "How's your wound?" I ask her right off the bat. She lifts up her shirt and I see her abs. I don't even realize her wound is completely healed and there's only a scar left until she gets really close to my face. "My eyes are up here Ariana." She teases. My face turns red. "I-I wasn't staring." I retort while looking away from her. She chuckles and touches my cheek. "When you told me that I was the one you chose I was really happy." She tells me while trailing her finger down my neck. It sends shivers up my spine. "W-Well I had to think about it for awhile before I was sure." I retort then pushing her away. She really wants me. I try to walk away but she wraps her arms around me from behind. "You need to loosen up." She whispers in my ear as her hands wander all over my body. Everywhere she touches leaves fire in its wake. "N-No st-stop." I stutter while trying to push her hands away. She ignores my protests and sits on the couch. "What are you doing?!" I ask as my face turns redder. She smirks and makes me straddle her. What!? "Kiss me." She requests. HUH!!? "I-I can't." I retort. She pouts. "Please." She begs. My heart is pounding so much right now. F-Fine. I lean towards her lips slowly and kiss her softly. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me closer causing something inside of me to snap. I kiss her harder and deeper than before. Why can't I control myself? All of a sudden Meedan lifts me up from the couch and I wrap my legs around her waist to prevent myself from falling. She smirks into the kiss. "When you do that it makes it harder for me to hold back." She says in between kisses. I want her to lose control but something tells me my body won't be able to handle it. "What if I did want you to lose control? What would you say then?" I ask in a teasing way. She goes wide eyed but soon smirks again. "I'd be happy to show you." She whispers in my ear. I shiver and kiss her neck. "O-Ok." I say against her skin. She carries me upstairs to her room and throws me onto her bed. Is it happening? I can't move. It's like I'm frozen. Meedan's eyes have lust in them as she unbuttons my shirt. Why do I always wear flannels? She takes it off and I squeal when I realize I'm wearing my ugly bra. I cover myself quickly. I'm wearing my ugly underwear!! I am not prepared for this at all!! She laughs and moves my hands away. "Don't hide it. I don't care what you're wearing I just want it off." She tells me. Good to know. All of a sudden she kisses me passionately. It leaves me dizzy and makes my head feel like mush. Before we can go any further my phone rings. Meedan grabs it from my pants and ends the call before throwing it on the floor. Damn. "I won't let anyone interrupt us this time." She says in deep voice. I blush and look away from her. "What if it was my moth-Mmm." I'm interrupted by her kissing me. This time she pins my hands above my head and deepens the kiss while using her free hand to unbutton my jeans. She stops kissing me only to slide off my jeans leaving me vulnerable to anything. I start to feel self conscious when I realize she's not taking any of her clothes off. That's not fair. "It's not fair I-Ah!!" I'm interrupted again by her hand sliding inside my underwear. W-Wait!! I grab her hand. "N-Not there." I stutter like an idiot. She leans closer to my face. "Why not?" She asks seductively. "B-Because I'm...Scared." I answer as tears well up in my eyes. I can't handle this. I'm scared. Meedan sighs and rubs my cheek softly. "If you want me to stop I'll stop." She reassures. "I-I'm not ready yet!" I cry while covering my face. She rests her head on my chest. Huh? "I'll wait for you as long as you need. After all, we'll be together forever right?" She asks me. Can she hear my heart pounding? I smile and rub her head. "Yep. We're going to be with each other for a long time." I answer. I love you Meedan....

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