Everyone Feels Guilty

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After all the drama with Javier, I was able to convince the nurses and my mom to let me walk around the hospital at this time. I head to the cafeteria to meet John. Have you ever seen a hospital at night? It's very creepy. When I get to the cafeteria, its empty except for the janitors. John is sitting at a table drinking coffee. My feet wouldn't move. Somewhere deep inside I'm scared of him. I know he wasn't the one who beat up Rowan but, in the back of mind I still can't be comfortable around him. He has a bad track record. Especially at school. I take a deep breath and walk towards the table. He hands me a pair of sunglasses as soon as I sit across from him. "Put them on before the moon comes out from behind the clouds." He tells me. "What about you?" I ask while putting them on. He scoffs. "I'm not a baby that still needs sunglasses to avoid transforming." He answers smugly. My eyebrow twitches in irritation. "In case you didn't notice, I'm new to this werewolf stuff, twinkle toes." I retort. He gives me a playful smirk. "No shit." He says back. Ugh!! This cocky jerk!! I glare at him. "How about you tell me why you called me here this late." I suggest while crossing my arms. He sighs. "Fine. First, if it isn't obvious, never look at a full moon. Second, don't give in to your anger or animal instinct unless you want to seriously hurt or kill someone. Lastly, never rely on your strength to win a fight because you'll only cause yourself to get hurt or killed." He answers. I stay quiet. He's talking about how I handled the situation with Alice. "Are there any good things about being a werewolf?" I ask. He pauses for a moment to drink his coffee. "Well, you can run faster than a normal person, and smell things miles away from where you are." He answers. I raise my eyebrow. "Those are good things? They sound like a pain in the ass." I retort. John nods his head. "It is but, you never know when you'll need it. That's how we were able to find you." He tells me. I go wide eyed. "Wow." I say back. He has a point. All of a sudden his face turns serious. "What?" I ask. He looks straight in the eyes. "I didn't want to tell you this but, you'll eventually need to drink blood." He answers. My body goes cold. Blood? I have to drink....blood!? John notices my discomfort. He sighs. "On the bright side, you only have to drink blood every other month, unlike vampires who need it pretty much every day." He says in an attempt to make me feel better. It didn't help. I start to feel dizzy. John shifts in his seat uncomfortably. "Looks like the full moon has other plans tonight." He tells me. Everything starts to distort. I shake my head vigorously. "Wh-What do you mean?" I ask while holding my head. "In rare cases, the full moon will have a stronger control on werewolves, even if they don't look straight at it." He answers. Oh great. "Luckily it's not as bad as I thought." He adds in while standing up. "How is it not affecting you?" I ask, completely confused. He smirks playfully again. "Like I said before, I'm not a baby that gets controlled easily. You should take some notes, Aria." He answers. I watch him leave the cafeteria. If it weren't for the sunglasses, who knows what would happen. I sigh and stand up. The only thing on my mind is the fact that I have to drink blood. Just the thought of it makes me feel sick. I start to walk towards the exit. All of a sudden, Alice is standing in front of me with an evil grin. NO!! I scream and fall to the floor. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I cry while pulling my knees to my chest. Someone touches my shoulder. "NOO!!" I scream louder. "Ariana!! It's ok!! It's just me!!" A familiar voice reassures. Huh? Oh. It's Javier....WAIT!! I jump up and put some distance between us. "What do you want!?" I ask him. "Are you ok?" He asks. I scoff. "I'm fine. What's it to you?" I answer. He shrugs his shoulders. "It doesn't matter to me in the slightest but, PTSD must suck." He retorts. I glare at him. He has no idea. I close my eyes to think. Javier keeps popping up at the most random times. It's so irritating. Why does he keep coming back? I just want him to....stay-NO!! I want him to leave me alone!! I refuse to acknowledge him!! A shadow looms over me. My eyes fly open and it's Javier. He's standing right in front of me. I blush. He's WAY too close. Before I can move away, he grabs me by the waist and picks me up bridal style. My heart skips a beat. "L-Let go!!" I demand while hitting him. He starts walking. "Where are you taking me!?" I ask. He looks down at me. "To your room." He answers. In the blink of an eye we're in my room. H-Huh? I thought vampires were the only ones who could teleport. "I'm not a vampire. I'm a wizard." He says, reading my mind. Javier lays me down in my bed and puts the covers over me. I turn over on my side.(Obviously not the side that's wounded.) I can't look him in the eyes. "Did you come here to start another argument?" I ask. I feel his weight sit on the bed. What is he doing? All of a sudden, he lays down next to me and pulls me backwards into his chest. EHH!? I try to break free from his arms but he's too strong. "What do you think your doing!?" I ask as my face turns red. He puts his face into the back of my neck. His breath makes goosebumps rise all over my skin. "Your mother Tina told me to spy on Sherlock and Rowan's date today." He tells me. Weren't they just arguing yesterday? I try my best to stay calm. "R-Really? How'd it go, stalker?" I ask. My heart is pounding. Can he feel it? I hope not. "It went fine but, he told her they couldn't be more than friends." He answers. I'm relieved he rejected her. It would've only lead to heartbreak. "Did she cry?" I ask. Javier sighs. I suck in a breath because pleasure went up my spine when he breathed onto the back of my neck. DAMN IT!! "She didn't cry. Although, I noticed your brother has strong feelings for her." He answers after a moment of silence. Of course Sherlock has feelings for her. Just my luck. Let's just hope John doesn't find out. That spells disaster, which is something we don't need. Next thing I know I hear soft breathing noises behind me. What the? I turn my head slowly, and to my surprise, Javier is asleep. Ugh. I was going to ask him to leave. Oh well. Now I have to worry about making sure John doesn't kill Sherlock when he finds out they like each other. I sigh. Can my life get any worse?... *After Ariana falls asleep* (Javier woke up to find himself cuddling Ariana like this.)

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