We're Going to Save Ariana

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*Still in the Lunchroom* -Rowans p.o.v
Souji is surrounded by girls and its very irritating. Meedan waves me over. When she sees John her face turns dark. I roll my eyes and walk to the table. "Hey!!" Patrick exclaims when I sit next to him. John shoves him to the floor and takes his spot. He puts a lunchbox in front of me. I glare at him. He smiles innocently. Patrick groans and sits next to Meedan. "Why are you here?" She asks him. "She's my girlfriend. Why else?" He answers. Patrick chokes on his pastry. Meedan rolls her eyes. "Stupid imprint." She mumbles. Souji's eyes go wide and he shoos the girls away. "Did I just hear the word imprint?" He asks. I blush. "Yeah." I answer. "Wow." He retorts. John shrugs his shoulders. Meedan looks around the lunchroom. "Where's Ariana?" She asks me. Huh? "I thought she was with you guys." I answer. "Did she go home?" Patrick asks. "She would've told us." Meedan and I say in unison. "I wanted to talk to her and apologize but, she isn't here." I add in.  Souji and Meedan look at each other and nod. Their faces turn grim. "What?" I ask. John crosses his arms. "You felt it too, didn't you John?" Souji asks him. He nods his head. I sit there confused. "You should've felt it too Patrick." Meedan tells him. Patrick raises his eyebrow and puts his hand on his chin. John scoffs. "Wow. Your a fairy. What a weenie." He teases. Wait, wait, wait. "He's a fairy? Since when?" I ask. "Since you guys picked me up from the park." Patrick answers. Oh. "There was a strange presence a couple of minutes ago." Souji tells us. There was? "Whoever it was obviously wasn't friendly." John adds in. "Ohhh, so I wasn't going crazy when I felt something evil in the school." Patrick tells us. Meedan thinks for a moment. "She was kidnapped." She says after a long silence. The atmosphere around us turns dark. I hold Johns arm. "By who?" I ask. Souji and Meedan go stiff. John sighs. "It was a vampire hunter." He answers. Patrick and I gasp. "How the hell are we supposed to save her from a vampire hunter?" Patrick asks. "I'll go." John offers. I hit his shoulder. "Not by yourself your not." I retort. "Well Meedan and Souji can't go." He tells me. Meedan slams her hand on the table. "Like hell I'm not going!!" She snaps. Souji nods his head. I scoff. "Are you trying to get yourself killed!?" I ask them. "If it means I can save her, then yeah!!" Souji answers. We all go quiet. "We can't lose her." Meedan adds in. "I'm going too!!" Patrick tells us. John laughs. "What are you going to do? Blind them with fairy dust?" He asks. Patrick growls in anger. "I can growl too, fairy boy." He responds. "I never asked, dick face." Patrick retorts. They glare at each other. "If all of you are going, then I'm going too." I tell them. "Absolutely not." John says quickly. "I can handle myself John!!" I reply while crossing my arms. "Oh really? With a broken leg?" He asks me. I stay quiet. He's right. John sighs. "Do what you want." He tells me after a long silence. For the rest of lunch, none of us say a single word....

*After School*-Rowans p.o.v
Since I'm captain of the competitive dance team I have to watch them practice every Monday and Thursday to correct anything bad but, with my broken leg I don't think I'll be dancing for awhile. There's a competition coming up and the only thing I can do is be in the audience to support them. Right now I'm holding auditions to replace me temporarily. I'm watching a freshman audition. She's dancing to shake it off. That's an automatic 5 point deduction for dancing to the easiest song there is. When it's over all of us clap. I barely paid attention because I'm too worried about Ariana. "H-how did I do?" She asks. I look at the vice captain who is none other than Winnie. She sighs because she knows I wasn't paying attention. "Next!!" She says. The girl starts crying and runs out the room. She bumps into John who was bringing me water. It spills all over him. The girl blushes. "I'm so sorry!!" She apologizes quickly. He smiles. "It's ok, don't worry." He reassures then walking towards me. He kisses my cheek. "I brought you some water." He tells me. I smile. "but it's all over your shirt." I retort.  "I can always take it off." He teases with a smirk. I blush and hit his stomach lightly. "You guys are dating again?" Winnie asks. "It's a long story." I tell her. John helps me stand up. "Ready to go?" He asks. I nod my head in response. "Bye girls." I say as we walk out. Meedan, Souji, and Patrick are waiting for us. "We need to plan on how we're going to save Ariana." Meedan tells us. "Since it was a vampire hunter, Ariana could be anywhere." John retorts while crossing his arms. Patrick scoffs. "Well that's just great." He complains. "Where's your faith Patrick?" I ask him. "It's gone." He answers. Dang. "We should look for clues." Souji suggests, changing the subject. "I have an idea." I tell them while reaching into my book bag. I pull out Ariana's handkerchief. "I forgot to give it back to her but, John can use this to track down her scent." I suggest. "That should be a piece of cake." He retorts while taking the handkerchief. He puts it to his nose and sniffs it. "Does she use the same perfume everyday?" He asks. "Yeah." Meedan answers. "Strawberries and pineapple. That's an interesting perfume combination." He tells us. "How are we going to explain this to her parents?" I ask. "If we tell them they'll call the police." Souji snaps. "We can't just leave them in the dark." I retort. "Just tell them she's spending the night at my house." Meedan suggests. "Fine." I mumble. "I hope she's ok." Souji tells us. Silence falls over us. "I'm hungry." Patrick says breaking the silence. We glare at him. "Not the time Patrick Star." John retorts. "Screw you lap dog!!" Patrick snaps. Meedan hits the back of his head. "Stop!!" She tells them. I hold Johns hand. "I'm scared babe." I whisper to him. He squeezes my hand. "She's gonna be ok." He reassures....

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