Things are changing

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*An Hour Later*- At the park
When we get to the park, Rowan is sitting on the bench propping her broken leg on it. We walk to her. "Your late." She tells us. "Only by 5 minutes." I retort. "Why'd you call us here?" Meedan asks. She smiles and points behind her. We look and it's Souji feeding stray cats. I see Patrick blush and watch him closely. My heart starts pounding, but I also feel sick to my stomach. Meedan holds my shoulder. "You ok?" She asks. "Y-yeah why?" I lie. "Your pale." Patrick answers. I look back at Souji and time freezes. He's staring straight at me. I feel rage bubble inside me. I give him the finger and look away. Meedan is glaring at him in....jealousy? No. She's looking at him with pure hatred. Rowan doesn't notice and waves him over. Patrick starts to panic and takes off towards the bathroom. Souji walks to us. "Hey." He says. I stay quiet along with Meedan. Rowan smiles. "Hi Souji, what're you doing here?" She asks him. I can feel him looking at me, but I ignore him. "I was feeding stray cats." He answers, blushing slightly. "Aww how sweet." She teases. "Ariana." He says. My heart skips a beat. I glare at him. "Don't talk to me!"I retort harsher than I intended. Meedan looks at me worried. I grab her arm and drag her away to the bathrooms. "W-wait for me!" I hear Rowan call out from behind us. Once we're in the bathroom I slide to the floor next to Patrick. Why is he in the girls bathroom? Oh well. I'm not in the mood to question it. Meedan sits next to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders. I blush and lay my head down on her shoulder. Rowan comes into the bathroom sweating. "Trying to walk fast with crutches is a work out." She tells us. "I can tell." Patrick retorts. He pulls his knees to his chest and rests his head on them. The atmosphere around us was tense. "What's wrong guys?" She asks us. "Souji's a vampire." I answer. Rowan raises her eyebrow and laughs.

Patrick looks dumbfound

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Patrick looks dumbfound. "Umm what?" She asks while wiping tears from her eyes from laughing too hard. "He's a vampire." Meedan says. Rowans face changes from a joking face to a serious one. "Do you have proof?" She asks while leaning against the wall. I look at Patrick and he looks depressed. I think I know what's wrong with him. He's love sick like I am, and now that he knows Souji is a vampire he's probably trying to keep his calm. "Haven't you noticed he only drinks from a red juice pouch for lunch." I ask. She thinks for a moment. "It does explain why he can read our minds sometimes." She replies. "See." Meedan says. Rowan sighs. "If your messing with me I'll be really mad." She retorts. I should tell her that I'm in love with him. "Also him." I tell her while blushing. She smiles. Meedan flinches and looks hurt. "I already knew that Ariana." Rowan retorts. "H-how?" I ask. "Your my best friend, I know a lot about you." She answers. She looks at Meedan and sighs. "Plus I know everything about you Meedan." She tells her. Meedan squeezes my shoulders tighter and rests her head on mine. "I'll tell Souji we're leaving." Rowan tells us the going out the bathroom. "You ok?" I ask Meedan. She nods her head. "Your hair is soft." I tell her while touching a strand of her hair. I feel Patrick rest his head on my other shoulder. Meedan chuckles softly and holds my hand. I blush. "Thanks." She whispers. I never noticed this before, but Meedans body is cold just like Souji's. How weird. She squeezes my hand tightly. "I need to tell you something." She tells me. "Hmm?" I ask while closing my eyes. "I-I'm  also a-a..." she trails off. "Take your time." I tell her. "....never mind." She retorts...

*At Rowans House*
When we left the park I didn't even bother saying goodbye to Souji, but even though I don't want to, I'm still in love with him. Besides that, we ended up coming to Rowans house to have lunch. Manny (Rowans little brother) is sitting on my lap eating goldfish. He smiles at me. "I learned how to read today." He tells me excitedly. I pat his head. "Wow! Really!?" I ask. "Yeah!! Mommy taught me!" He answers. His eyes are sparkling like stars. "AWW YOU'RE SO CUTE!!" I squeal while hugging him. He laughs. "I love you Awiana." He tells me. "Me too Manny." I retort. Rowan picks him up and sets him on the floor. "Time to wash our hands." She tells him. He nods his head and runs to the bathroom. "It's adorable how much Manny likes you." Meedan tells me. I smile. "I love little kids, that's probably why." I say back. Patrick crosses his arms. "Little kids annoy the crap out of me." He tells us. Rowan pinches his nose. "I'll have you know my brother is the sweetest little boy you'll ever meet, he's not like other kids." She retorts. "Oh really?" Meedan asks raising her eyebrow. Rowan lets go of Patrick's nose. "I don't lie." She answers. I laugh. "Are you sure? That was a complete lie just now." I tell her. She crosses her arms. "I meant I don't lie all the time." She retorts. Manny comes running back and jumps into my lap. "Did ya miss me?" He asks. "Yep!" I answer while patting his head. He looks at Patrick. "Why are you here?" He asks him. Patrick rolls his eyes. "Cause I can, shrimp." He answers. Manny pokes out his lips. "Meanie." He pouts. My heart flutters. He's so cute!! I hug him again. He smiles and hugs me back. At the corner of my eye I see Meedan glaring at him. She's been doing that a lot. Patrick smacks the back of her head. Rowans mom walks in. "Lunch is ready." She tells us. Manny jumps up. "Yay!!" He yells then running into the dining room. I stand up along with Meedan and Rowan. "Need help?" I ask her. She's struggling to fix her crutches. "N-no I'm fine." She answers. I sigh and help her anyway. "I just said I didn't nee-" "A thank you would be nice." I interrupt then going into the dining room. Meedans walking slow like something's wrong. I shrug my shoulders. All of us sit at the table. Manny tries to sit on my lap but his mom told him no. "Sorry Manny." I apologize. He pouts again and sits across from me. Rowans mom puts the food on the table. "I made as much as I could." She tells us. Patrick's drooling. Meedan doesn't look good at all. She flashes a weak smile at me. I start to get worried. "Thank you Mrs.Allen." Patrick tells her. "Please, call me Rosa." She retorts. In case you wanna know, her full name is Rosalinda Marybeth Allen. That's such a pretty name. All of a sudden Meedan holds my arm tightly. "What's wrong?" I ask worried. She's very pale and her skin is clammy. "I-I feel dizzy." She answers. "Do you wanna lay down?" I ask. She nods her head. I stand up and help Meedan stand. Rowan raises her eyebrow. "We'll be back." I tell her. Meedan squeezes my arm so tight it hurts. She almost falls over when we go up the stairs. I feel her forehead. She doesn't have a fever. What could be wrong with her? She was fine this morning. Once we're in Rowans room I lay Meedan down in the bed and make sure she's comfortable. Her breathing gets rough. "A-are you ok?" I ask. Her face contorts in pain and she holds her throat. She's sweating bullets. "What's wrong!!?" I ask, almost yelling. She cries out in pain. "Get out!" She demands. "No!" I retort. Her eyes start to glow. "GET OUT!!" She yells at me. I start crying. "FINE!!" I yell back then running out the room...

*Meedans p.o.v*
My blood lust was too much for me to handle. Normally I can control it, but today I couldn't. I don't know why. I yelled at Ariana to get out before I attacked her. Unlike Souji, I don't drink blood because I refuse to accept I'm a vampire. This whole time I've been suppressing my desire for blood, but being around Ariana is making it impossible to control myself. Tears roll down my cheeks as my throat feels like it's closing from being dry. It hurts so much!! Im sorry Ariana.....

Authors note- It's a short but hope you enjoy :)

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