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*At home* (it's still in Ariana's p.o.v)
"IM HOME!!" I yell. My dad is at work and my mother is in the hospital. The only person home is my brother Sherlock. Before you say anything, I know what your thinking. Who would name their child Sherlock? To answer your question, my mom would. I go upstairs to my room and lay down in my bed. My phone starts ringing "hello?" I answer "it's me Rowan" she tells me. Is she crying? "Why are you crying?" I ask her worried. She cries harder "my dog just got ran over and I'm home alone!! I don't know what to do!!" She answers. I jump out of bed quickly " I'll be there as fast as I can, so take a deep breath and stay calm till I got there" I tell her "ok, please hurry!" She retorts. I hang up the phone and run into my brothers room "ever heard of knocking?" He asks. I roll my eyes "there's no time for that. I need you to drive me to Rowan's house now!!" I answer. He ignores and continues to type on his laptop " I'm busy trying to finish a 3 page essay that's due tomorrow" he says irritated. I pull his ear "Rowan's dog just got ran over and she's home alone so I don't give a crap about your stupid essay!! Drive me there now!!" I demand. He slaps my hand away "what's in it for me?" He asks even more irritated. Gosh!! He's so stubborn!! I groan in frustration "damn it Sherlock!! Please just drive me there!!!" I snap nearly in tears. My brother goes wide eyed then sighs "fine, but you owe me gas money" he retorts while standing up. I sigh in relief "thank you" I tell him. He rolls his eyes and pushes me out his way "yeah yeah, whatever" he mumbles....

*Rowans house*
As soon as we get to her house I jump out the car before Sherlock can park. I immediately see Rowan on the ground sobbing with a dead dog in her arms. She looks at me and my heart breaks when I see how bad she's crying. I walk to her and pull her into my arms. She breaks down again "I accidentally let go of his leash and a car was coming straight towards him!! I tried to get him but it was too late!!!" She cries into my chest. I rub her back softly "I'm so sorry" I tell her. My brother walks to us " I called the ambulance" he tells us. I ignore him and keep hugging Rowan until she stops crying. The ambulance arrives 10 minutes later and we watch them take away Rowan's dog. She wipes her eyes "where's your mom?" I ask her "she went to pick up Manny from school" she answers while sitting on the ground. I sit next her " how am I going to tell them?" She asks me "we'll do it together. Don't worry" I reassure. My brother clears his throat " I'm not staying so you'll have to ask dad to come pick you up, unless you wanna walk home" he tells me "ok, I'll call dad" I retort " see ya later kid" he says while giving me a fist bump. Rowan waves goodbye as he drives away. We go inside her house and sit down on the couch " your brother is super hot" she tells me. I roll my eyes "I know, you tell me that every time you see him" I say back. She shrugs her shoulders " and in case you forgot. He's 21 and your 16, that's a 5 year age gap so you'll have to wait two years before you can try to seduce him" I add in. Rowan smiles "how did you know I liked your brother?" She asks. I laugh "I've known since the 5th grade" I answer. She sighs "you know me so well" she retorts.....

*Night time*
When Rowan's parents get home they greet me with smiles. Her little brother hugs me "we're making cookies!! Do you want some!!?" He asks me happily. His eyes are sparkling "not today Manny" I answer while patting his head "aww man" he pouts. Rowan holds my arm tightly and takes a deep breath "mom, dad, I need to tell you something" she tells them. They raise their eyebrows and look at her "what is it? Did you get into another fight?" Her mom asks. Rowan says quiet " Well?" Her dad asks. She tears up " Fluffy died!" She cries. Manny drops his toy "wh-what do you mean she's dead!?" He asks " SHE GOT HIT BY A CAR!!!" She yells angrily. I hold her shoulder " calm down" I tell her. Manny bursts into tears. Her mom looks shocked "it's all my fault!!" Rowan snaps while staring at the ground. Her dad hugs her " don't blame yourself sweetie" he tells her. Manny hugs me "it's not true is it!?" He asks me. His big eyes have tears in them. My heart breaks and I pick him up and snuggle him tightly " It's true Manny" I answer. He cries harder. I look around and everyone looks defeated "I'm so sorry" I apologize....

Authors note- Hey readers. Thanks for giving this story a chance. The beginning is slow right now and the chapters are short but I promise they'll be longer by the next part or next two. Anyways, I just wanna say thank you for reading it :)

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