Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"This is a very interesting proposition, Harry," Professor McGonagall said.

"Yes, ma'am. I thought with how events have developed with Beauxbaton and what Professor Dumbledore had hoped for with the Triwizards Tournament, I believed it was the right thing to do."

"I must agree with you, my boy," Professor Dumbledore said from his portrait on the wall.

Harry was sitting in the Heads office conferring with the present and former Heads. The rest of the portraits were paying close attention.

"I thought we could bring them over for the start of the second half of the term. That way they'd have the opportunity to visit Beauxbaton as well and still have enough time to get ready for the start of their first term."

"I believe we could manage that, Harry. We'll have to look at making arrangements for lodging. We may have to split them up a bit," the Headmistress said.

"We could probably put up a few of them at our house," Harry offered.

"We'll come to a decision once Mr. Krum lets us know how many we can expect," she said.

"Yes, ma'am."

"I suspect you'll play a prominent role in this effort, Harry?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

"I'll help any way I can, sir, but the reason they'll be here is to learn about our teaching techniques. I'm the most junior instructor here. I'd have to think they'd be more interested in what the other, more experienced professors have to say."

"Perhaps, my boy, but I have reason to believe otherwise," his mentor said.

Harry smiled a bit and then the conversation turned to more practical matters. When they were finished Harry dispatched a note to Viktor inviting him to visit the following evening. Since Viktor's visit was intended to be more of a business meeting as opposed to a celebrity event, he arrived quietly at the front gate to be met by Harry. After exchanging greetings and handshakes they walked up to the front door to be let in by Stan Shunpike.

"Evenin', Professor Potter, Mr. Krum."

"Hello, Stan. Viktor, this is Stan Shunpike, the Caretaker."

Viktor looked at Stan with a slight frown.

"I remember an older, rather unpleasant man," he said.

"Yes, Mr. Filch. He had to retire at the end of last term due to health issues. Stan was his assistant."

Viktor nodded and the two passed into the entry hall and up towards the Heads' office.

"Viktor, welcome back to Hogwarts," Professor McGonagall said as she greeted the two younger wizards at the door to her office.

"Thank you, Professor. I vish to relay the appreciation of my associates for your villingness to help us."

"It's our pleasure, Viktor. And quite frankly, how could we not? We would be the worst sorts of hypocrites if we didn't. Now let's sit down and see just what manner of assistance we can provide."

Harry and Viktor took chairs on one side of the Head's desk as Professor McGonagall sat on her side.

"Viktor, it's good to see you again," came the voice of Dumbledore from his portrait.

Viktor turned with a bit of a start and replied.

"Ah, Professor Dumbledore. I did not think to see you. Vill you be helping us vith this project?"

"As I can, yes, I well be glad to."

Viktor nodded in response but he also had a slight smile.

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