Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 

Harry was sitting on a bench outside the Hogwarts castle, overlooking the lake. The early May sun was still warm on his face even this late in the day. It was Thursday afternoon and he had time between his last afternoon class and dinner to just sit and enjoy the fine weather. The previous month had been a busy one and it was nice to just take some time and do nothing much of anything. The most momentous event had come early, that is the birth of Dominique Weasley, which took place at the Potter home because Fleur went into labor while there for James' first birthday party. 

Harry had to smile to himself as he thought of the days that followed. Ginny and the house elves pampered the new mother and baby outrageously and before leaving three days later to be driven back to Shell Cottage by Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Fleur said she would highly recommend Meadow Crest to any expectant mother. She got serious then and thanked Harry and Ginny profusely for taking such good care of her and her new daughter and for all the attention that Victoire was given, especially when her 'uncle 'arry' was home. 

There were several other interesting events that followed. Harry had to laugh to himself when he thought about a particular incident that occurred late that first Sunday afternoon. Despite what had occurred upstairs with the birth, the lingering well wishers and just general family chaos, the scholars carried on in the basement. Harry was in the library playing a friendly game of wizards chess with Abagail. Well, it was friendly between them; the pieces were going at each other with their usual hyper-antagonism. They were interrupted by a respectful knock on the door frame. 

"Master Harry, Professor Vector wishes to speak with Master Harry, please," Kreacher said. 

"Of course, Kreacher, please show her in." 

The little house elf stepped back and with a bow gestured for the Arithmancy Professor to enter the library. Professor Vector was followed by a young man of medium height and slender build. Harry recognized him immediately as Angus MacAskill. He was surprised that the youngster wasn't taller, Harry remembered him being at least a few inches taller than anyone in that class of first years. Now he was perhaps only an inch or so taller than Harry. 

"My apologies for interrupting your leisure time, Harry, I understand it's been a hectic weekend for you." 

"No apologies needed, Professor. Yes, it's been a bit busy but things seem to have calmed down," Harry replied. 

"Very nice to see you, Miss Westwood," the older wizard said, looking at Abagail. 

"Good afternoon, ma'am," she replied. 

"Harry, I wanted to bring young MacAskill along. I know you remember him from your seventh year but I thought it wise to renew the acquaintance, considering the amount of time he might be spending here." 

"That's a great idea, Professor," Harry said as he turned his attention to the student. "It's good to see you again, Mr. MacAskill." 

"Sir," the young wizard replied in a deep but quiet voice. 

"Hello, Angus. It's nice to see you again," Abagail offered to her schoolmate. 

Harry noticed the boy had been studiously avoiding looking at Abagail from the moment he entered the library. At the girl's direct greeting he was compelled to look at her, his nervousness obvious. All he could respond with was a barely audible, 


Professor Vector caught Harry's eye and her expression was a mix of mild exasperation and some resigned humor. Harry tried hard not to smile. 

"So, can you tell me anything new, Professor?" Harry asked, gesturing to the empty chairs near the chessboard. 

The professor nodded to Angus to take a chair. The boy seemed to hesitate, since either chair would put him next to Abagail. Professor Vector shook her head and said, 

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