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Meanwhile on Earth

Hunk lifts a cardboard box and carries it to the elevator. He presses the lobby button with his elbow and leans against the reflective wall. Too Much by Drake plays through the speakers as Hunk travels down the building. The elevator stops and He struggles with the box, suddenly it becomes lighter. He looks in front of himself and sees Shay. Although she looks weaker than Hunk, she lifts the box and carries it through the lobby. Her short, dark, jawline length hair and freckles that stick out on her chocolate skin make him blush.
"Uh, Thanks." She smiles in response. She sets it down on a coffee table then sits down on a leather couch; he sits next to her. "That's the last of my stuff." Hunk takes Shay's hand and squeezes it. "I'll go get the car." he kisses the top of her head, she looks up and kisses him back on the lips.
"Okay, then I'll go double check all the rooms."

Pidge locks the door to her dorm room and meets up with Shiro and Allura at the elevator. She waves awkwardly as she approaches them.
"I think I'll take the stairs, see you both down there." Allura opens the stairwell door and disappears. Both Pidge and Shiro stand in silence while they wait for the elevator.
"So, you excited?" Shiro looks down at Pidge. She shrugs.
"I guess. Do you think Lance and Keith will like what we're doing?" The elevator opens and they step in, Pidge presses the lobby button. Young, Dumb and Broke by Khalid plays in the background while the tension between them grows. It's been about six months since they broke up.
"Once Lance gets back from his trip and Keith shows up from where ever he went, I think they'll be glad we did this. They'll understand." Pidge glances up at the floor level number, only eight more. The numbers light up as the elevator moves down. 
     "You're right, they might even be happy that we did this for them." The doors open with Allura standing there impatiently. Pidge walks ahead of them, out the main doors, and mounts her all black street sport bike. She straps on her helmet and speeds off down the road. She turns off the highway and onto a dirt road that leads up the side of a large hill. Pidge parks her bike at the top and approaches the huge building on the edge of the cliff. The house is three stories high and bright white. Its big enough to hold everyone including Lance and Keith and has a beautiful view of the ocean. Pidge walks up to the sliver door of the mansion and knocks on it. Shay opens the door and hugs her.
     "Wow, you actually came!" Shay squeezes her tighter.
     "Uh.. Yeah. You didn't think I would?"
     "I just thought it would be awkward for you and Shiro... I'm sorry for assuming things." Shay looks over her shoulder, Hunk stands there with his hand on her. "Well, come on in! You get first pick for rooms." Pidge walks in and sets her helmet on the kitchen table then goes to explore the rest of the beautiful building. She walks up the stairs and peeks in each room until she comes across the perfect one.

     It's a small, perfect for one person, with a winding staircase that leads up to a private room. Pidge walks up the stairs and finds the most glorious thing she's ever seen. A  miniature star-gazing observatory of her very own. The roof can open up with a balcony and a built in telescope. Pidge fangirls and runs different scenarios through her head of how to arrange the room.
     "Wow." A voice startles her. Pidge turns around and sees Shiro admiring the view from the skylight. Pidge adjusts her glasses on the bridge of her nose and looks up at her ex. "I'm guessing this is your room?" She nods in response. Shiro leans against the frame of the balcony door with one arm and stares off into the ocean view. "It's," he pauses and gives Pidge a look of awe. "Unreal." A streak of blush dances on her face.
     "We, uh, better go help the others with stuff. You know like," Pidge ducks underneath Shiros arm to get through the door. "Boxes." She rushes back down the several flights of stairs and makes it safely back to the living area.
     "We already picked out rooms for Lance and Keith and Pidge just chose hers, so you two will have to decide who gets which room." Hunk explains to Shiro and Allura. "There's one room that faces the water and one that faces the city, make your choice." Allura gives Shiro a look and he sighs in response.
     "I'll take the ocean, if that's okay with you?"

     Pidge walks out the slide doors and strides to the edge of the cliff. On wrong move and she would plummet into the water below. She sits down and lets her feet dangle off the edge. Shiro sits down next to her.
     "I'm sorry if this is uncomfortable for you to be around me and Allura so much..." Pidge continues to stare out into the never ending ocean. Pidge's ties her shoulder length, light brown hair into a pony and takes off her glasses. She winds up her arm and throws the glasses into the water.
     "Never really needed those." she chuckles to herself. Shiro turns towards her with a smirk on his lips, then he cups Pidges face and kisses her.

     I just wanted to make this a chapter so you all would understand what's going on with the rest of the gang. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!
     Don't forget to Follow me, if you haven't already, and vote for this chapter.

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