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Keith's POV
I walk out of the classroom and Lance chases after me."Keith, wait!" I keep walking forward. I feel a tug on my shoulder, I know its Lance and I begin to cry.
"Why? We just figured things out and now this?" I burry face into Lances shirt. He holds me as I sob like a child.
"It's only for a year." he says calmly. This only makes me cry harder. Lance wipes away my stream of tears and continues to hug me in the middle of the hallway. I try to wipe away the tears with my sleeve but they return almost immediately.
"Tell me it gets easier..."
"If what gets easier?"
"Life." I crumple to the floor and Lance comes with me, holding me close. I grab the top of his shirt and cry into him. The thought of Lance not being here makes my chest and my head hurt. A few people walk up to us to see if I'm alright, Lance brushes them aside. I finally gather myself and stand up off the floor, Lance gets up too and hugs me.
"I promise, it will go faster then you think. I'll be back in no time."

     I spend the rest of the day trying not to cry but it doesn't work for long. I hurry to my dorm and let my emotions leak out. I know men are supposed to be strong and not express feelings but I give up. I throw myself down on my bed, curl into a ball and cry myself to sleep.
The beeping of my alarm wakes me up. I sluggishly get out of bed and half awake, walk to the bathroom. I stare at my reflection then wash off the dried tear stains from my cheeks.I scrub my eyes then find myself looking over at the basket of hair accessories Pidge left last week.
     I strut confidently down the school hallway as people give me weird looks and whisper. I walk into Mechanics and sit down next to Lance who has his head buried in his notes. He looks up from his notebook.
     "How are yo-" Lance looks at me. He Blushes hard."Damn.." he says under his breath.
     "Why does everyone keep looking at me like that? Its not that bad is it?" I take out my phone and open up the camera. When it opens I see an annoyed Me staring.
     "You should wear handbands more often." Lance says still blushing. I tuck my hair behind my ears and adjust my red headband.
     "Really? My hairs getting in my eyes so I thought..."
     "I love it." Lance beams and stares at me dreamily. All through class I feel Lance watching me and I feel myself blushing. How am I going to survive without him here?
     The bell rings for dismissal and I start to pack up my stuff. I walk out of the room and feel someone grab the collar of my sweatshirt and pull me backwards.
I've started working on the cover of the third book but im not even done with this one... Oops?

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