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Lance's POV
We walk down the street to the large, brick apartment building. I knock on the door to the room with music blaring through the walls. The door swings open and a girl with jet black hair, light gold eyes, tons of freckles and a nose ring stands there. She smiles hazily and waves us in. As I walk through the door she stops me, looks me up and down then comments, "You 21 yet?" She smirks. Victoria steps in front of me.
"I'm his girlfriend and no, he's 19." The girls smirk fades to an annoyed expression. She allows us in and I'm just now seeing how packed it is. College students and young adults cover all the couches, chairs and counter space. A girl dressed as a sexy Hamilton hands me a solo cup and mouths "call me" while making her hand in the shape of a phone. I lean against an open wall and Tori lays against my chest, somehow she found a solo cup too. I take a sip from my cup, glance up and notice Keith looking at me. He looks away quickly but he was definitely staring at me. Victoria sighs loudly and dramatically.

"So wanna go talk to people?" She asks. I shrug. She stands up walks away. The Hamilton girl keeps looking over at me and I just wave back. She blushes then looks away. She points over at me then says something to her friends, a girl dressed as Alice from Alice in wonderland and a girl dressed as an angel. They all wave at me and I smile back, why do they keep looking at me? I lean off the wall and walk over to the group of girls; the Hamilton girl blushes as I approach them.
"So, what's up ladies?" I ask. "What's your names?" The Hamilton girl leans up against me and blinks flirtatiously.
"I'm Becka." She points to the girl dressed as an angel "this is Nicki and she's Clare. And who might you be?" She asks as she plays with the flap of my black leather jacket. I laugh nervously.
"Lance." I reply. Becka bites her lip; I notice her staring at mine. I look up and see Keith watching me from across the room. Becka places her arms around my neck and starts to lean in. I pull away and walk over to Keith, leaving Becka confused and mad.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask him. He points at Gavin who's standing on a platform talking to a guy holding a microphone.
"Gavin's going to sing." Keith says with an annoyed tone. I raise my eyebrow, he notices. "He's drunk, he hates singing in front of people and he always says he's tone deaf." Keith face-palms but smiles. "He's such a dork." I chuckle, I remember when Keith was this happy with me...
Gavin grabs the mic from the man and checks if it's on. "T-this one goes out to my boy-yfriend, Keith." He says while pointing at the shy boy. Then the guy and Gavin start to sing...

(Song above is them singing btw)

During the song, I look over and see he's blushing and trying to cover his face. I lean over, "He lied, he's definitely not tone deaf." Keith looks over at me with a smirk.
"Clearly." I look up and recognize the man singing with Gavin, it's Shiro. I now see Pidge in the front row swooning over her boyfriend singing.

I'm not going to lie, they sound amazing.
This chapter was getting kind long so... hope you liked it!

Q: Favorite candy/sweet treat

A: palmier

Stand By Me (sequel to Kiss me Goodbye)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα