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Keith's POV
     I sit in darkness for at least an hour before we take off. According to Lance, we should be in space for a year. I turn on the flashlight I brought with and look around the surprisingly large compartment. I stand up and shine the light on the walls, noticing a door near the ceiling.
     With my backpack on my back and my flashlight in my mouth, I climb up the boxes and tins to the door. I wedge myself in between a box and a wall and peek out of the door into the long hallway. I hear two people talking and I quickly pull the door closer, barely creating a crack to look out of.
     "Yeah, I left someone important to me behind too..." A familiar voice echos down the hallway. I peer out the crack trying to get a better look. A girl with brown hair with purple dyed tips, light blue eyes, and a necklace with a J on it is walking next to Lance. They both are wearing space suits, concealing their actual clothes. Lance steps into a room across from my hiding place and tells the girl to go get dressed. The door to his room closes and I climb out. I pat down my clothes, making sure I look presentable, and knock on the door. Lance slides open the door, not noticing it's me and turns around. "Come on in Jess, I'm almost ready." He takes off his gear, exposing his glorious figure, and puts on a baggy grey sweatshirt, then turns around to face me. "You got dressed really quick-" I smile awkwardly as he realizes it's me.

     Lance stands there with his mouth hanging wide open. He finally snaps himself out of his trance and grabs my arm roughly. Expecting it to be a hug or kiss I close my eyes, only to be pulled swiftly into his room. He starts locking the door and I get to look around.
The room is quite small with light blue painted walls and one round window that looks out into the star-filled galaxy. A queen sized bed sits in the corner of the room and clothes lay scattered all over the floor. Not even twenty four hours into space and Lance managed to mess up his room. Typical.
My heart flutters as Lance grabs ahold of my wrist and pulls me close to him. I smile at him but he doesn't smile back. He looks angrily back and forth between my eyes, as if checking if I was sick or something.
     "What were you thinking?!" He grabs me by my shoulders.
     "I was thinking, I was going with you." I say, my smile fading. Why isn't he happy to see me? I understand I shouldn't have come and I took a huge risk...
     "Keith, I just," He wraps his arms tightly around me. "Cant believe you're here!" I hug him back. We hold our embrace until there's a knock on the door. "Fuck! Hide!" He whisper-yells. Lance points to his bed and I try to squeeze under it. Its too cramped.
     "Pssst!" I hiss at Lance, who doesn't hear me. I tug on his pant leg and he turns around. He motions for me to hide under the bed again. "I can't fit!" I whisper back, frustrated. He looks around frantically then points to his closet; The girl, who Lance called Jess, knocks on the door again.
     "Lance, you alive in there?" I slide out from halfway under the bed and sprint, tripping once, to the closet. I slam open the doors and force myself inside.

     Lance opens the door for Jess. She's wearing a grey beanie, black ripped jeans and a grey Moon Phases cropped t-shirt. She smiles when she sees Lance's floor, covered with clothing. "Nice room." She laughs, punching Lance playfully in the upper arm. He laughs back, nervously. "So, you ready to go?" She walks closer to the closet and I start to notice my breathing. Fearing she might hear my breath, I clamp a hand over my mouth, forcing me to breathe slowly out of my nose. My heart beats out of my chest as she eyes the closet door. Lance notices too and grabs her by the wrist, practically dragging her out the door.
     "Yep, time to go to The eating carrier!" Lance says loudly. The Eating Carrier.

Lance's POV
     I look back at the room as the door closes with Keith inside. Jess skips down the corridor, humming Mambo No.5, to the Eating Carrier. I catch up to her and she hip bumps me and starts humming louder. "Do you even know the words?" I challenge her. She sticks out her tongue.
     "You're no fun." She pouts, making her bottom lip stand out. We finally make it to the Eating Carrier and I look behind me to see Keith squatting in plain sight. I whisper to him to hide but he cant hear me, I wave at him to get behind a trash can when I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Lance, what are you doing?" I turn to face Jess quickly.
     "Tying my shoe." She looks down at my feet then back up at me suspiciously. She shrugs it off and walks into line for food. I look back over at the trash can where Keith is hiding and see a short boy with fluffy, blue dyed hair and a black headband walking near him. I sprit over and slam into the cans, preventing the boy from seeing Keith. Startled, the boy jumps back. "Um," I bite the insides of my cheeks and notice the boy's name tag. "Christopher, buddy, would you believe me if I told you there's a rabid monster in this trash can and if you dump your tray in here, you'll die a horrible, bloody death?" I let out a auditable sigh then look up at Christopher and see a bewildered look plastered on his freckled face. He drops his tray, creating a loud smack, puts up his hands in defense and walks away. Everyone in the room stares at me and I smile guiltily, as I shuffle away from the crowd. I hop in line with Jess, keeping an eye on Keith, and grab a green tray.
      I sit down with my food next to Jess at our round table. The tables are sectioned off by rank, Pilots at one, crew at another. Luckily, I'm at the pilot table. I look around for Keith, hoping to see him still hiding. I spot him and he motions toward the hallway leading to my room. I nod, he must mean he's heading back to my room. I hold in laughter as I watch Keith somersault away.

     I hurry back to my room after dinner and lock the door behind me. I slam my back into the door and slide down it, landing on the carpeted floor.
     "You okay, Lance?" I glace up and see a wide-eyed Keith staring back. I jump up on my knees and wrap my arms around Keith's neck, hugging him tightly.
     "I missed you."
Thank you all for supporting my books, it means the Entire world to me!
Shout out to Mcat2004 for adding Jess and CandeySheep (on Instagram) for helping me create Christopher for this chapter!
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