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Lances POV
I wake up with Keith next to me. Humming to myself, I stand up and get dressed into a turquoise Adidas sweater and black ripped jeans. I double check my suitcase, write Keith a note, and walk out of his dorm. I step into the elevator and press the floor one button. The elevator starts to move but stops on the second floor, the door opens and Victoria is standing there with a suit case too.

Shes not going to the Arus system too, is she?

"Where are you going?" I ask. She doesn't respond. "Uh, Tori?" she snaps her head in my direction. She rolls her eyes, sighs loudly and faces me.
"Why do you care?" she snaps. She leans against the side of the elevator. "I'm leaving the school." she glares at me and I realize I'm smiling wildly.
"Oh...why?" The elevator opens and Victoria struggles to get her bags out; I help her by lifting her suitcase out the door. She tugs it away from me forcefully.
"I don't need your help McClain." she walks out of the building into the street. I watch as she climbs into a car and it drives away. I walk out the door and look for a cab too. I stick out my hand, signaling a car. The car pulls up to me. I turn around, looking back to see the elevator open and Keith standing there. I wait for him to yell or run towards me, but he doesn't move. He watches me climb into the car and shut the door; I roll down the window to say something but I notice Keith's left hand. A crumpled piece of paper. The note. The car starts to move and I watch as Keith vanishes behind me.

Keith's POV
I stand in the elevator, shaking with emotions, and watch Lance leave me again. I push the button the reads 7th floor. Once in my dorm and rush to the bed and get down on my knees. I search under the bed and pull out the backpack I've had packed for weeks. I hurry downstairs, hail a cab, and speed off to the shuttle where Lance is.

The cab drops me off a couple feet from the entrance to the shuttle. I crouch down and sneak past the guard and into the giant facility. Guards dressed in dark suits stand outside the doors to the rocket, where Lance should be now. I stand up tall then run towards the door.
"I'm so sorry I'm late! I slept in!" i say breathlessly, hoping they believe my act. "My suitcase and stuff is already in there." One guard gives me a suspicious look but waves me in.
"Hurry up, they're almost ready to go." I thank him and run inside, quickly hiding behind tins of rocket fuel. I crouch-run to the rocket and carefully open a side compartment that, according to my map of the rocket, should be safe enough for me.
I look around before sliding into the small space and locking it shut.

Lmao Keith is a ssneaky bitch.

Dm me on Instagram for a part in next chapter❤

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