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Keith's POV
     Gavin and Shiro's voices sound so good together, it gives me goosebumps. Every time Gavin looks over at me I feel myself get madder, he told me he was awful at singing. Liar. The one thing I have ever asked for him to do was never lie to me. After he finishes singing, he hops off the stage and meets up with me and Lance. "Maybe it's time to go home.." I suggest.
     "No! Let's stay a little longer, please?" He pouts. I roll my eyes but give in to his puppy dog eyes.
     "Fine, just a little-"
     "Thanks!" He says as he pecks my cheek with a kiss. Gavin runs off to go talk with a group of people leaving me alone with Lance. We awkwardly stand in silence for a while until I speak up.
     "So, how's Tori?" I ask. Lance looks over and shrugs. "That bad? You two seem to really like each other." Lance just shakes his head in self pity.
     "She just wants to party. She never wants to do anything romantic with me..." he sighs. I place my hand on his back, trying to comfort him."I'm sorry." I can't find the right thing to say. "If she makes you this unhappy, maybe you should find someone else..." Lance stands in silence but nods his head.

"Are you and Gavin happy together?" He asks. The question takes me by surprise. Now that I think about it, are we happy? I look over at Gavin and see him drinking and partying with a bunch of random people.
"Although he does things I don't really approve of, he cares for me." I try to explain. "Now that I say it out loud, it sounds like we are happy..." I feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes. " but we are happy, aren't we?" I look up at Lance with tears streaming down my cheeks. He grabs my hand and pulls me close. I feel myself blushing but I allow it to show. He wipes away the tears with his thumb then pulls me into an embrace. I burry my wet face into his leather jacket and let him hold me.
"It's going to be alright." He soothes me. I lean away and gaze into Lances eyes. His smile warms my insides and a familiar feeling of pure joy races through my body.

     I grab Lances hand and weave through people until we make it to the bathroom. I pull him inside quickly and close the door. We don't speak but somehow we both know what to do. I grab Lance by his jacket and pull him in close; the smell of his cologne only makes me want him more. I kiss him, he kisses back. A tear falls from my cheek, but not a sad tear.
     A tear of relief. Lance let's the tear travel from my cheek to his as he presses his face onto mine. In between kisses and heavy breathing Lance tells me something that makes me miss him even more. "I love you."
This is probably my favorite chapter so far. It's short but sweet😋

Q:  do you speak any other languages?

A: I'm currently taking French

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