Chapter 90 - The Bridge

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As I started walking away from the village, I received a pop-up message which read, "Minor faction quest COMPLETED. +100 XP. +200 Reputation. +400 XP." Unsure of why I received this, I turned back toward Kalistra. "Are you seeing the pop-up?" I asked her.

"What about it?" she replied.

The two boys traded glances but otherwise kept silent. The nobleman and the cat girl were not just master and servant, but also party members? This revelation was shocking to them because it revealed the depth of the bond between Lord Mulligan and his servant. Neither boy had ever joined a party before and the two feared that they would be forced to do so on this trip.

"If I read the intentions of the gods correctly, I received a completion reward for taking these two boys out of the village. The reputation bonus was granted to me because I found a resolution that didn't involve killing Sene in front of the villagers," I speculated.

"That sounds about right. When you showed off your truth stone, you revealed your membership in the Church; taking the boys away from their evil uncle was entirely within the purview of the church. In addition, you enhanced your personal reputation, as well as that of the church itself, by finding a peaceful resolution. After all, it's what we lowborn expect from our best judges: justice for all regardless of class. Because your judgment met their expectations, the villagers approved and your reputation increased as a result," she explained.

Once we walked far enough to turn Burnhamm village into a mere speck in the distance, after an hour or so of walking, Kalistra yelled out, "Stop!"

The rest of us turned around with great alarm. The two boys searched for signs of danger in our vicinity while I turned squarely to face the cat girl with my hand resting on the hilt of my sword.

My heart started pounding harder in my chest. This morning was becoming far too eventful for my taste. We tried sneaking past the bad uncle and ended up having a showdown in front of the entire village. And now, we were going to face an ambush?

"Let's talk a breakfast break under that tree," Kalistra said while pointing her left paw at the tree just up ahead on the road. Her tail dangled in the air as she sashayed over to the tree.

I gave her an exasperated expression as I released my grip on my sword. "Don't scare us like that! I thought you noticed something dangerous nearby," I complained to her back.

Kalistra turned around. "Scare? You mean like the way you were screaming when the curtain snapped while you were climbing out of the window?" she smirked.

"Hey!" I protested while putting my hands on my hips. "I did NOT scream!" Well, at least I DON'T think I screamed. At the time I was falling, I was staring at the window ledge and thinking how high it was from my position.

"Boys?" the evil minx turned her head toward them, asking for confirmation of what happened.

Kitel and Copene looked away, refusing to be dragged into this little cat fight.

The cat girl's eyes glowed. "Why do you think Sene and the entire village came out to stand in front of the tavern?" she pressed her argument.

"You tossed our backpacks out the window and it made a big noise," I replied. "The ground practically shook!"

"Is that why?" Kalistra smirked. "You sure it wasn't because you screamed out in fear as you were falling to the ground?"

Before I could yell at her again, Kitel interrupted. "Milord, let's break our fast. I'm starving," he said.

I gave the cat girl a dirty look and walked over to the tree that she had suggested. I opened my backpack to see what ration Gendun had prepared for me. I pulled out some hardened beef jerkies, a fistful of nuts wrapped in a cloth, another fistful of cheese wrapped in another cloth, some biscuits, and a wineskin. I blanched at the offerings. If this was all I had to eat, this will be a long trip.

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