Chapter 47 - Survivor's Guilt

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When Amelica and I entered the common room together, hand-in-hand, the patrons stared at us with shock and disbelief; their eyebrows were raised but none dared to raise his voice in disapproval. My girlfriend's hard stare back at them made the patrons keep their lips sealed.

I nodded politely to the patrons as I walked past them and made my way to my usual table at the back. I caught many furious looks but smiled politely in return. I didn't want to enrage them further and escalate it to a bar fight. At least not until after I broke my fast. When I arrived at my table, I took the seat against the wall; I unfastened my butterfly-adorned scabbard from my belt and placed the scabbard within easy reach on the table.

Amelica disappeared into the kitchen to start her morning shift.

As I waited for her to bring my breakfast, I looked around the room. The town people still kept to themselves while occasionally glancing in my direction. Many glances were directed at the scabbard on the table as well. I didn't mind the extra attention so long as I didn't end up encountering the next Ebenthal here in this room. With my luck, though, it may well happen.

My girlfriend interrupted my silent thought with a big bowl of chicken noodle soup, a buttered roll, and a cup of honey mead. She smiled at me and swayed her hips as she slowly sauntered back into the kitchen.

I caught a few scowls from the patrons and shrugged helplessly. After all, Amelica pursued me rather than the other way around. And if anybody chose to protest our relationship, then he could challenge me to a duel; I would be more than happy to show the town people here that the sword issued by my dojo was earned through my swordsmanship rather than purchased with the coin. Some male patrons stared at the scabbard again before finally turning their attention elsewhere.

Frankly, I was half-disappointed that none of them decided to challenge me to a duel. I was confident in my swordsmanship. These farmers, traders, and craftsmen were no threat to me. Furthermore, I was sure that word had spread regarding my one-on-one fight with the wererat boss, and these common folk understood that they were no match for me in a fight. Seeing that my soup was getting cold, I dismissed my thoughts of these vanquished rivals for Amelica's attention and focused instead on my meal.

When I was finished with breakfast, I hurried back to my room and put on my white robe. I made sure everything was locked and went down the stairs. As I passed by the common room on my way out of the building, I heard more mutterings as the patrons stared at my white robe. I guessed they were unaware of my association with the Church of Britannia; now, they had even less reason to challenge me since I had the backing of the Church and, by extension, the Watch too. Life was truly unfair for these folks. I grinned inwardly at the thought and made my way to the church building.

When I passed by the Public Square, I heard a familiar voice yelling. I looked around until I found the source—it was Sister Maisen! She was dressed in full plate mail armor and carried a tower shield and a longsword. My magic sense activated and I saw that everything on her was magical; I ignored the notification as I pondered the significance of her equipment. However, the scabbard wasn't adorned with butterflies. And the sword was different—it had a blue gem on its hilt. She was watching the Watchmen practice swordplay, offering them instructions and correcting their forms.

I jogged over to her.

When Maisen saw my approach, she told her students, "Continue." She walked over to me with a frown. "When did you join the church?" the formidable warrior asked with scrunched eyebrows but otherwise an unreadable expression on her face.

"Why are you wearing that Watchman equipment? Where's your sword?" I peppered her with questions.

Maisen quickly held up her hand. "I don't have time to explain everything right now; it's a long story. If you're really a member of the clergy, then you need to hurry over to the church for your morning assignment. We'll catch up at lunch unless you finish your church assignment sooner. Now go!" She shoved me gently in the back toward the direction of the church building and then turned away from me.

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