Chapter 66 - A New Resolve

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When the fog cleared up, we found ourselves back inside the Lucky Shrine, with the human avatar of Lady Luck standing before us.

The Asian woman smiled at our return. "It's time for you to head back to the inn, my children. May fortune continue to smile on you," she said in dismissal.

We bowed deeply to the goddess and left the shrine. Amelica and I walked hand-in-hand as each of us tried to appreciate what we learned from each other. We knew that these revelations had pulled us closer together as a couple, but honor and duty were threatening to pull us apart.

I spent the rest of the trek pondering possibilities to keep us together as a couple but alas, I couldn't come up with a realistic solution. I would love nothing more than to have Amelica join my quest because I was certain that her class was the equivalent of a bard from AD&D rules. She would have access to both healing and offensive spells while I tanked damage and kept monsters away from her. I was probably still below her character level right now, but I could easily engage in a few monster encounters and zoom past her in the near future.

However, I was hesitant to ask Amelica to come with me because Amelica's roots were firmly embedded in this frontier town, whereas I was subject to the whims of gods and NPCs alike and flew like a kite blown around by an unpredictable wind. In a sense, my girlfriend enjoyed more personal freedom than I did. I couldn't help but grin at the irony. Nor could I ask Amelica to give up the life she built in Tregome and, more importantly, leave her son behind just to go adventuring with me.

Furthermore, what if the worst-case scenario occurred and Amelica ended up being killed during an encounter? After all, I was not powerful enough to ensure her personal safety and therefore, every monster encounter created a chance of her dying. Yes, it was a very low risk but it was a risk nonetheless. And knowing that the gods were watching me, I was certain that there will be more "divine interventions" designed to test my mettle and entertain the so-called "gamemaster." Was I prepared to face Gendun and tell the young boy that his mother had died while adventuring with me? I didn't know if I could handle that situation.

These thoughts occupied my mind as we walked along the streets. The conclusion I drew was that I could not put Amelica's life at risk by asking her to come with me. It would be a selfish request, one fraught with extreme danger to her life. I knew, deep down, that I couldn't jeopardize my angel's life in this manner. It would be one thing if putting her life at risk was necessary to save the town of Tregome or for some other grand purpose. But for these two quests that I had currently, I will have a VERY capable companion for the journey in Kalistra. And if I couldn't be safe in her company, then there was no hope for me to stay alive until I capture the crown for my ticket out of this gaming world. Thus, I rejected the idea of asking Amelica to join my party when I leave Tregome to begin my quest. Once I reached my decision, I noticed that we had arrived at the entrance to The Noble Lady.

Amelica reluctantly released my hand. She said, "Thank you," when I opened the door for her, but my angel refused to look at me.

I frowned for a moment as I watched her walk past the bar and then into the kitchen. Apparently, I was not the only one thinking of our future together as a couple, and Amelica had drawn an unsatisfactory conclusion as well. I quickly took my seat at the back of the common room. When I reached my usual table, I noticed that I had a bowl of chicken soup already waiting for me.

Once I sat down next to Kalistra, my master pulled her face out of her own bowl and looked at me. "I didn't expect you to be back so soon," she said as her ears perked up.

"We just went to the Lucky Shrine to receive a quick blessing," I explained casually. I had no intention of telling her about my meeting with two gods and a trip to the Dream Land. I test-sipped a spoonful of soup, expect it to be freezing cold by now. However, I was mildly surprised to discover that my soup was still warm.

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