Chapter 49 - Payout

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When we returned to the common room inside The Noble Lady, it was understandably empty. Everybody had come out to watch my duel, and I assumed that the bettors were still settling their wagers. I decided to take a seat at my usual table at the back since it was no longer occupied. After my public duel, I didn't think the former occupants of the table would mind. I took a seat against the wall.

"Please order us a quick lunch. I'll be right back," Maisen said and stepped out again.

When Amelica stuck her head out of the kitchen and saw me, I called out, "We need something quick to eat." She nodded in understanding and immediately returned to the kitchen.

The front door opened, and I saw Giudot and Sankryn entering the common room followed closely by Captain Maisen. When I saw the sullen, facial expressions on both men, I wondered if their return to The Noble Lady was voluntary or coerced. My suspicion was further raised when the tall, powerful woman pushed their backs and propelled the duo further into the room.

"I believe these gentlemen have something to say," Maisen announced aloud to get my attention.

I looked at my former tormentors with a blank expression.

The silence hung for a long moment until Giudot finally relented. "I apologize for tripping you, milord," he said and then bowed deeply in my direction.

"I apologize as well," his friend quickly followed with an equally deep bow.

Maisen gripped each man by his shoulder and said, "See? Now that wasn't so hard, was it? Why don't you join us for lunch?"

The giraffe turned toward his superior. "Um, we already ate lunch," he replied.

"Yeah," the toad nodded.

"Nonsense!" the captain replied. "I need the two of you to be alert and full of energy when we start patrolling the town this afternoon." She looked around the room and saw that it was almost empty of patrons. Maisen pointed at my table. "I'm ordering the two of you to join us. Lawrence will pay for your lunch, isn't that right?" She turned her head toward me and raised her eyebrows.

Looking back at her, I suddenly realized what she was seeking to accomplish. She assumed that the two men were short on coins and couldn't afford to buy decent lunches for that reason. By making me pay for their meals, this will generate some goodwill from these two Watchmen toward me. Furthermore, the duo will serve as my de facto bodyguards while I patrolled the town, actively seeking out any remaining wererats in Tregome. I smiled at Maisen. "Since we will be spending some time together on patrol this afternoon, it's only fair that I, the newcomer, pay for your meals. The meals will serve as compensation for all the things that you will teach me this afternoon," I replied graciously.

The captain smiled back and gently nudged the two hesitant men forward.

Giudot scowled but he obediently walked across the common room to join my table; he sat on the opposite side, though.

Sankryn followed his friend's lead and sat directly across from me.

The two men stared at my butterfly-adorned scabbard as I took it from the table and leaned it against the wall behind me.

Maisen finally joined my table and sat next to me; she faced Giudot.

When the four of us were seated, Amelica approached our table with a tray. She placed a steaming hot bowl of beef stew in front of me and then the second bowl in front of Maisen. She also put a small basket of buttered roll in between us; each of us received two rolls.

I stared at the large chunks of beef, potato, and carrot peeking out from under the thick sauce like the floating icebergs in Antarctica. My mouth was starting to water at the delicious feast before me. I was very pleased with my girlfriend's selection for lunch; the soup and bread will be quick to eat but still filling. "Amelica, please give my friends here the same meals and put it on my tab," I requested.

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