Chapter 63 - Breaking the News

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My lovely angel stood in the center of the room. While her face was full of curiosity, Amelica patiently waited for me to talk.

"Yesterday, I was given two missions, one each from the Church and the dojo. I can't go into any details regarding the divine mission, but I CAN tell you that the grandmaster has chosen me to represent the dojo at the upcoming Melee Tournament," I explained.

My girlfriend clapped her hands together in delight. "I'm so happy for you!" she exclaimed. She crossed the room until she stood in front of me and then gave me a big hug. After a long moment, she put her hands on my chest and gently pushed me back. "When are you leaving?" she asked while looking deep into my eyes.

"At first light tomorrow morning," I revealed in a sad voice.

"Oh!" her eyes widened as she began to appreciate my predicament more fully. She looked around the room. There were none of my personal items in the guest room aside from whatever I had stored inside the chest. And because the inn's guest policy required the storage chest to be left alone by the staff, she didn't know what I had inside the chest. However, she could easily guess that it contained my spare clothing, a small dagger that I no longer wore once I received my sword from the dojo, and perhaps some coins, too.

Amelica had known that I wasn't staying in this guest room long-term, but she was secretly hoping that I will renew the guest room for another week at least. After that, who knows? If the elf across the hall could rent the room continuously for three years, then why couldn't anyone else stay just as long at The Noble Lady? Now, her secret wish was completely shattered. When her eyes returned to face me, it was full of sadness. "Are you coming back?" she asked in a small voice. Despite Amelica's best efforts, she couldn't leave her overwhelming sadness out of her voice.

My heart felt crushed at this moment. I truly wished that I could promise my angel that I will return to her. Yet, making that promise would make me a liar because so far nothing was certain during my stay inside this gaming world. I was essentially putting out fires, figuratively speaking, simply for the entertainment of the overlord of this game. And sooner or later, my luck will fail at the most inopportune moment, with my life on the line. Thus, I could not lie to Amelica and give her any false assurance. I owed her much more than that. I recognized that I was able to survive in this town for so long only due to the support of strong women like Amelica, Maisen, and Kalistra.

I sighed and gave her an honest answer. "As much as I want to stay here, with you, I am not sure that I would be able to do so. My responsibilities to the Church and my own pursuit of the crown will likely take me far, far away to other parts of this continent. But I assure you that my heart is here in Tregome and it belongs to you," I confessed for the first time.

Tears started flowing down her face but somehow she managed a smile for me. "I appreciate your honesty, milord. I agree that your duty and honor comes first. If there is no room after that for me in your life, then so be it." Amelica quickly wiped away her tears, took a moment to regain her composure, and then she returned to her business self. "If you relinquish your room key right now, I will not charge you for today; and obviously, you won't stay tomorrow either." Her voice was firm and her facial expression was business-like. This was the old Amelica that I had met for the very first time—cautious on the surface but warm, friendly, and considerate underneath.

I nodded in agreement. I fished out the key from my waist pocket and gave it to her.

The barmaid accepted it with both hands and our fingers briefly touched. She gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and reluctantly released me. Amelica put the room key in her own waist pouch and started fishing out coins to refund the rent for the remaining two days.

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