Chapter 28 - Negotiation

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As it turned out, the clothing shops were very close by. It made sense actually if I thought about it. Patrons wealthy enough to use the bathhouse regularly, rather than wash up in the cold waters of the Avonne River, would surely have a few coins to spare on a new set of attire or two. Thus, having clothing shops near the bathhouse showed good business acumen.

Maisen took me to visit a few merchant shops and made me try on a few different styles of clothing—from frivolous clothes with lacy trimmings worn by noblemen, to more practical clothing that were still a cut above those normally worn by the common folk. Maisen had a sharp eye for style and strongly suggested that I purchase a set of fancy clothes for "official functions" and two sets of normal wear. She also recommended a set of evening wear for bed.

Following her recommendation I purchased a navy blue colored silk jacket with coattails, matching tights, and a white shirt. For my normal wear, I purchased a green tunic with brown tights and a yellow tunic with black tights. For my evening wear, it was simple white cotton shirt and pants. The fancy wear set me back an astonishing five gold pieces! The day and evening clothes, however, cost a combined half a gold piece. I chose to wear the green and brown set and arranged for the merchant, named Siune, to deliver the rest, including my old clothes, to my room at The Noble Lady.

When we left the merchant, I turned to Maisen. "Can you take me to the sign maker?" I asked.

"Sure," she replied as her eyebrows were raised. She shrugged and took me two blocks south and one block west.

When we stopped in front of "Roen's Outstanding Signs" shop, I received a pop-up which read, "Location ADDED: sign maker. +50XP." Huh? I was perplexed as to why I received no credit for going the clothing shops but received experience for the sign maker shop. I dismissed the thought and entered the shop. I saw a young looking man sitting in front of a wooden work table. He was hunched over a sign and writing on it. I looked up at the caption above the man's head and it read: "Name: Roen, Level: ?, Disposition: Serious."

"I'll be with you in just a moment," a light sounding but definitely male voice said.

Maisen and I waited patiently until the shopkeeper was done with his work.

As Roen worked I studied his appearance more closely. He had long blond hair that cascaded over his back. He was pale, fragile-looking, but beautiful. I looked at his right ear and saw that it was slightly pointy. Oh, he was a half-elf! I was elated to meet a half-elf for the first time. I saw that the sign maker was very serious about his work. He held his thin brush with confidence and delivered strong, steady strokes with his right hand and wrist. We waited a good ten minutes before he was finished making his sign.

When Roen was finally done with his work, he wiped the sweat from his brows and got off his seat. He turned around and was surprised to see us still waiting for him. The shopkeeper bowed deeply in apology. "I'm sorry, milord and milady. I didn't expect to see you still waiting. Most people would simply leave and return another time," he explained apologetically.

I waved my hand in dismissal. "It's okay. I was admiring your dedication to your work," I replied.

"I thank you for your compliment. Now, what can I do for you?" he asked.

"Do you make signs on a wholesale basis?" I asked.

The half-elf's thin, golden eyebrows were raised at my query. "What do you mean by 'wholesale?'" he asked.

"The term 'wholesale' means purchasing from a supplier of goods in mass quantity for resale by the purchaser," I explained.

"And why would I agree to sell you on a 'wholesale basis?'" Roen snorted in derision at the outrageous notion of permitting another to profit from his hard work!

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