Chapter 32 - Initiation & Trial

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Once we stepped out into the street, my teachers allowed me to walk ahead and lead them to the dojo. I managed to find the school without getting lost. Unfortunately, I didn't get any more experience from the journey. When we reached the two stone statues guarding the entrance of the dojo, I stepped aside and waited patiently for one of my companions to open the heavy, reinforced door. I knew that my 15 Strength was still too weak to open the door.

Kalistra did the honors and the two of us quickly followed our Heir inside. Once inside, the cat girl turned back and looked at me. "We need to go inside the dojo. Please follow me," she ordered and began to walk across the courtyard. She nodded in acknowledgment of the deep bows offered by the students already present and practicing in the courtyard.

When we reached the dojo, Kalistra turned around again and looked down at my feet.

I quickly removed my shoes and Maisen did the same.

We tiptoed past groups of students in the practice hall, including Gendun; we adhered to the walls to avoid errant sword swings. The students were fully concentrating on their swordplay and did not seem to notice us as we walked by.

Finally, Kalistra led us to a sliding door at the back of the dojo and waited. "He's here," my guide announced in a loud voice.

"Enter," a male voice replied. I immediately recognized the voice as belonging to the grandmaster, Kalistro.

Kalistra opened the door and entered the room.

When I followed her inside, I saw that the room was rather tiny, perhaps six feet by six feet. There was another drawing of Kallimon on the wall facing me; the founder of the school looked up at the sky, his left hand casually resting on the sword hilt at his left hip. The cat man had a serene, peaceful expression on his face.

Kalistro was seated, cross-legged, in front of the mural. Next to him was a dog man! The man had long, brown fur and his physical appearance resembled Chewbacca from Star Wars.

I stared at this person in shock. What the heck was a dog man doing sitting next to the grandmaster? I looked at the caption above the man's head and it read: "Name: Gurgne Trapper, Level: ?, Disposition: Amused."

Gurgne's dark brown eyes met mine and he winked at me. His large, elongated jaws opened, revealing sharp canines. However, his tongue did not stick out and the dog man did not start panting like I expected.

I immediately dropped my impolite stare and turned my attention to the grandmaster, who was watching me with equal amusement.

On the floor in front of the two unlikely companions was a clay pot with two handles on its sides. The pot was uncovered, and steam rose out of the pot. Under the pot was a large piece of metal, which apparently was the source of the heat since I did not see a fire under the pot. Next to the pot were a ladle and a medium sized flat and elongated bowl that would require both of my hands to hold.

"Please sit across from me," Kalistro said while gesturing at me with his right paw.

I immediately sat down on the ground across from the grandmaster.

Kalistra sat to my right while Maisen sat to my left.

Maisen grabbed the ladle and dipped it into the pot. She started pouring an opaque colored liquid into the bowl. When the bowl was two-thirds full, she put the ladle back into the pot. With both hands, Maisen took the bowl and held it in front of Kalistro.

The grandmaster accepted the bowl. He looked at me and said, "This is a simple ritual. We will all take a sip of the herbal tea from this cup starting with myself and then the cup with be passed to my left. Sitting next to me is our Master of the Hunt, Gurgne Trapper. He will finalize the initiation ritual and then you will be released from this ceremony. After all, if our pupil arrives late at the public trial then the tardiness would bring our school dishonor." Kalistro then took a sip of the tea and passed the bowl to Gurgne.

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