Chapter 50

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Author's Note:

When I first started writing CHRONICLES back in August of last year, I originally expected a story that would clock in at 60k words and be completed by year end. Five months and 80k words later, the end of CHRONICLES is nowhere in sight. In the immortal words of one Bart Simpson, "Aye, caramba!"

So the burning question is what went wrong? I started writing CHRONICLES with the intention of doing something different from all the other LitRpg genre stories out there. I wanted to bring a slice-of-life approach to a litrpg story, and I was indeed successful in doing so with this work. However, what I failed to anticipate was the price of success. I thought one day inside this fantasy gaming world setting would take perhaps a half-dozen chapters to get through, and no more than ten chapters per day at maximum. Yet, as I wrote about Larry's daily life, I found myself requiring fifteen chapters or so to pass through each day. Now, we have reached the big 5-0 but it's only the first half of Larry's first week inside this gaming world.

This brings us to a second but perhaps more pertinent question to readers: how will CHRONICLES end? I think the most logical way to approach this is to cover the first week of Larry's life, taking us through chapter 100 or so, and stop at this juncture as Book 1. This would cover Larry's life as a would-be swordsman. The next book would then force our main character to switch gears and follow the path of Merlin in earnest.

Honestly, this is not a commitment that I would make lightly because it means that I would need to write through the summer to finish Book 1, and then spend the second half of this year plus part of next year to finish the sequel. However, I recognize (as a reader myself) that your time is a very valuable but limited commodity and you chose to spend it on CHRONICLES. Thus, it is important for me to reward your support by continuing and eventually finishing the story.

To the new readers who have been binge-reading CHRONICLES, welcome aboard! To my veteran readers, I am forever humbled by your generous support. And now, onward to Chapter 50!

[p.s. If anyone wishes to discuss this note further, please free me to message me directly. Thank you!!!]


Maisen and I wolfed down our beef stews in sixty seconds flat. We paused while eating only to breathe before taking the next delicious bite.

I eyed the buttered rolls wistfully but realized that it would take longer to tackle those hard rolls and thus declined to give my teeth a tough workout.

Apparently, my comrade-in-meal had the same thought because she passed on them, too.

Our dining companions on the other side of our table could only stare in shock and awe at the gusto with which we finished our meals. Half-way through my bowl, Sankryn finally gave up and politely looked away. His friend, Giudot, proved to be made of sterner stuff mentally as his eyes were glued to the two of us for the entire ordeal. Neither man was inclined to touch his bowl of stew while the two of us ate.

Somehow, I managed to finish my bowl first. "I'll wait for you outside," I told Maisen while resisting the temptation to do a fist pump in the air. If I got carried away in my little celebration, then Maisen could avenge her public humiliation by assigning me to perform the worst tasks available at the Watch. Thus, my victory wasn't worth celebrating. Perhaps, I should have made a bet with her instead; hopefully, I will remember to do so next time.

I climbed out of my seat, grabbed my scabbard, and scanned the common room for Amelica. When I spotted her on the east side of the room, I walked over to her. I made sure to check my path in case anyone else tried to trip me; unfortunately, the public duel, which had originated from a dispute over a tripping, discouraged any more mischief from the patrons. I was hoping for another opportunity to show off my martial prowess in front of my girlfriend.

CHRONICLES of a PC Gamer Stuck Inside an RPG (Book One: Duelist)Where stories live. Discover now