Chapter 35 - Grandmaster's Lessons

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I stared in shock and awe at the open doors. At first, I thought that the wererats had somehow forced the doors open. However, I didn't hear any sound of fighting from inside the dojo. Apparently, Kalistro left the doors open in contempt and defiance of the wererats and dared them to come inside. I didn't know if I should feel pride at the bravery of the grandmaster, or fear at his foolishness. We still didn't know how many wererats were in Tregome and here Kalistro was practically inviting them to his home!

Kalistra's eyes lit up at the sight of the doors and her tail dangled in the air.

Likewise, Maisen stood taller and a slight smirk appeared on her face.

"I must have joined the asylum," I muttered under my breath as I walked through the opened doorway. When I walked across the courtyard, I saw students, young and old, busy practicing swordplay. However, the usual wooden swords were now replaced with real swords with shiny, silvery blades. I shook my head at the sight of some two dozen silver swords being waved around the courtyard. From my previous gaming experience, silver weapons were much more expensive than normal ones. Each of these blades should sell for enough to money to buy at least two weeks' worth of room and board at The Noble Lady. To have that many in storage and then to put them in the hands of mere students, this spoke to the grandmaster's implicit confidence in his students' honesty and Honor.

"Welcome back, young pup," Gurgne said as he stood to my left. "Should I kneel and kiss your hand?" he grinned.

I rolled my eyes as I shook my head.

"The grandmaster has been informed of the events of the Public Square. He thinks Ebenthal's gang will come here to destroy our dojo. That's why every student here is now holding at least a silver blade. We will defend the school with our lives!" Gurgne's jaws widened at the thought of the upcoming battle with the wererats. "Kalistro is waiting for you in front of the tool shed. It's behind the dojo on the left side," he reminded me.

"Yes, I remember," I nodded; I went there to get the mop and broom to clean up the mess I had made near the pond on my first day of "conditioning." I quickly jogged around the side of the dojo and saw that the grandmaster was indeed waiting for me.

Kalistro was sitting cross-legged on the ground in front of the storage shed; he appeared to be meditating. "Please come and join me," the cat man said without opening his eyes.

I quickly obeyed and sat to his right.

When I was seated, the grandmaster opened his eyes and looked at me. Kalistro stared at my truth stone and sighed softly. "So you have met Bishop Canterbury already," he stated. Upon my confirming nod, he continued. "I was hoping to delay your meeting with him. Unfortunately, the unexpected appearance of the wererats has wrecked my plans to gradually prepare you to become a rightful pursuer of the crown. So instead, I guess you'll have to make a splash now. A very big splash." His ears and whiskers twitched.

Seeing an opening with the mention of the bishop, I decided to share my horrible vision in the study with Kalistro in hopes that he will have a better sense of what happened to the church official. "Um, sir, during my meeting with the bishop I had a vision," I began. "There was a young assistant in the study with the bishop. I saw a black flash and then the young man's human form changed. I saw a small, muscular creature with brown fur, hooves for feet, two horns protruding from his head, and bat-like black wings. And I felt an intense, evil aura emanating from him," I described.

The grandmaster's eyes glowered at my description. Slowly, he reached into his waist pouch and pulled out a small pocket-sized book bound by a leather cover, similar to a Moleskine notebook. However, the grandmaster's book looked very old and the pages were yellowed. Kalistro slowly turned the pages until he found what he sought. He put the book down on the ground in between us.

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