Chapter 31 - Ill Omen

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When I opened my eyes to the sound of a rooster crowing in the distance, I felt a warm body to my left again. I slowly turned and saw that it was my lovely angel, Amelica. I stared at her face for a moment, memorizing her beautiful, long eyelashes and lush golden hair that draped over her rosy cheek. I couldn't help but brush back the hair from her face. However, my movement inevitably woke her up.

When Amelica opened her sapphire eyes, she offered me a wide smile and kissed me softly on the lips. "How long did you stare at me?" she asked as her luscious lips turned upside down into a frown.

"Just a moment earlier, my dear," I smiled back.

Suddenly, the church bell tolled six times.

Amelica's eyes widened and she bolted from my bed. "It's time to get up, milord," she said.

"Why?" I asked as I allowed her to drag me from my warm and comfortable bed.

My lovely angel's eyes darkened immediately as she put her hands on her hips. She was wearing the same revealing outfit that she wore yesterday.

I tried my best to focus my eyes on her face.

"Have you forgotten that you need to be at the Public Square in two hours? And you will meet with your masters for breakfast in an hour? That leaves you less than an hour to go ask Lady Luck to continue watching over you," she explained.

Oh! Amelica wanted me to hit the Lucky Shrine first! I nodded in understanding and quickly exchanged my white sleeping outfit for my green tunic and brown tights.

Satisfied that I was getting ready to leave, Amelica walked across my room and opened the door. Before she left, Amelica turned and said, "I'll meet you in front of the tavern." With that, she left and returned to her own room.

I was about to use the bowl of water on my nightstand to wash my face when I suddenly remembered that I had used the water to wash the mud out of my original clothes. I winced at the memory of my dexterity training with Mof, the dojo's family pet electric catfish, yesterday afternoon. I put the sheath holding my dagger at my left hip and felt the coins in my waist pouch. Last but not least, I put on my shoes and left my guest room.

When I walked down the staircase and entered the common room, Vern was already up and about.

The tavernkeeper walked up to me and said, "Be careful this morning. I sense the hand of chaos in the air," he warned.

However, before I could question the orc further, he had walked back into the kitchen. I shrugged and walked out of The Noble Lady. I stood near the door and looked around. I noticed that the sky was slowly brightening. I hear the harsh sounds of crows in the distance, and immediately became alarmed as crows were often the harbingers of ill tidings.

A moment later, I heard the door behind me open. Amelica joined me and she led the way to the Lucky Shrine. Surprisingly, I did not receive any experience gain when we arrived; I surmised that it was because my companion led me to the location rather than me finding it on my own. Oh well, there will be plenty of opportunities to make solo treks to the shrine in the future.

When we entered the Lucky Shrine and reached the back of the gaming establishment, I was disappointed to find a different attendant sitting behind the manager's desk.

I asked the young Asian woman in a black silk dress, "Where is Sister Selune?"

"I'm sorry, Brother. My mistress is currently away. She may return in a week's time. My name is Sister Leng. How may I assist you?" the attendant replied as she bowed deeply to me.

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