Chapter 86 - Cat & Mouse

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"Wait up!" I yelled as the little minx suddenly disappeared from view. This was crazy. Why couldn't things go according to plan for once? We were supposed to stay inside the cart until we reached the next village. Why couldn't we salvage the plan by simply burying the bodies of the brigands and continuing our journey? Instead, we were split up and now I just lost sight of Kalistra.

My growing anger provided fuel for my legs as I ran with reckless abandon. The padding at the bottom of my nobleman's shoes was rather thin and provided very little protection against small stones on the ground. I couldn't wait to put on those boots I was carrying in the bundle, which was tucked under my armpit like a football.

When I reached the spot where I lost saw my master, I stopped running and looked around. She was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me. Before I could turn around, something furry pulled on my right hand and nearly ripped my arm out of its socket!

"It's me, Lawrence! Now, get down!" Kalistra hissed as I began to struggle against the tight grip.

I stopped struggling and immediately dropped to the ground. I turned my body until I was flat on my belly. Despite the dim light, I was able to make out the form of my master, who was crouching among the bushes. Keeping my head down, I crawled on my belly in order to reach her position. "What are we doing?" I whispered as I gently pushed a leaf away from my face.

"Waiting for the scouts to return," she whispered back.

"I thought we're leaving the remaining bandits for Giudot and Sanryn to take care of," I whispered.

"No," she replied succinctly.

I stared at her with amazement. When we were with the Watchmen, Kalistra acted as if they didn't exist. She was aloof, quiet, and distant. But now, she was willing to delay our journey in order to ensure their safety. "Why?" I challenged her. I thought she wanted to reach Bristol ASAP. With Drowsidea and other Chaotic gods mobilizing their worshippers to capture or even kill me, I was concerned that I would be a sitting duck once I've been located by their followers. Furthermore, given the way that the gods had already interfered in my own affairs, I fully expected a Chaotic god to offer his followers a divine quest to eliminate me. This was bound to happen sooner or later.

However, the cat girl was willing to cast everything aside to ensure that these two Watchmen were safe. Which was the real Kalistra: the cold-blooded killer who took out some half-dozen bandits from behind, or the soft-hearted protector of the weak? My master seemed determined to surprise me every day.

"Maisen would want me to do this," Kalistra finally admitted her reasoning. "And I need to confirm that these bandits aren't part of a larger group."

"Thank you," I whispered back.

Suddenly we heard a snap of a twig nearby.

"Stay here," Kalistra hissed. Her eyes glowed and soon she was able to locate the newcomer. She ran off silently and began to stalk her prey.

The sun had set and it was dark now. I could barely see anything. I closed my eyes and focused on my hearing. Soon, I was rewarded with the soft sound of a "thud." A few minutes later, I heard another "thud."

Soon thereafter, Kalistra returned to my hiding place. "It's done. The two scouts have been eliminated," she reported. "Fortunate for us, they were alone, meaning that the entire gang of brigands are no more." Her eyes glowed in the darkness. "You need to put on your travel cloak and boots. We'll continue to travel in the darkness," she ordered.

I unwrapped my bundle of clothes and put on my boots and my travel cloak. I remembered to turn my left shoe upside down to retrieve the hidden platinum coin. I put the precious coin in my left boot. Then I put on my backpack.

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