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“H-Hana!” Eikichi beamed when he saw her childhood friend again. He’s the only one who hasn’t seen her recently, being left out by Kotaro and Reo.

Ame smiled walking over to him, giving a hug. “Eikkun! Recchan! Kota—” she paused when she was about to face Kotaro who didn’t even bother to look at her. ‘Kotan…’

“Hotaru-san, what’s going on?” Riko questioned Hotaru who had her palm covering her face after the two teams met up at the doujo lobby.

“Ah, sorry about that Riko-san, the schedule must’ve been messed up since four teams had requested to use our doujo today” Hotaru explained removing her hand from her face, turning to Riko. “Don’t worry, we’ve got extra rooms where each team could train privately, Kyo, you know the way around, don’t you?”

“Ah, yes, I’m quite familiar around here” Kyo replied, smiling at her step-sister.

“Thank god, would you please assist your team to your area?” Hotaru requested as she approached the champion team of the Inter-High.

“Ah, h-hai! Got it!” the youngest Araki nodded her head, turning her body to her own team, feeling the tension between her sister and her three childhood friends. “E-Everyone, please follow me!”

“Wait a minute, Kyo” Reo suddenly spoke up making Kyo even more nervous, and Ame flinching.

‘What does he want?’ Ame frowned with a distress look. Reo remained poker faced until he was in front of Ame after he walked closer to her. “Hana” he called her name, his eyes luring down to Ame. He suddenly gave a playful smile. “You’re right, you did improve. I can tell you’re not a cup A anymore!” Everybody’s jaw dropped when he said that, even Ame. The Rakuzan captain even had his mouth slightly open after hearing his teammate say that to his childhood friend.

Reo acted like it was normal so Ame huffed at him, remembering how this is their normal routine. “I told you already I’m a cup C” she stated crossing her arms, bravado on her tone.

“I can see that” Reo smiled, making Eikichi’s jaw almost break.

“OI REO! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?! DO YOU STARE AT HER BOOBS ALL THE TIME?!” he hollered, embarrassed for his friend that he was able to say things like that normally.

“Eh? It’s not like that” the feminine shooting guard of Rakuzan sang, tilting his head to the side to act cute. “I’m just proud of Hana”

“Don’t mind him Eikkun, we do this all the time, remember?” Ame reacted calmly. She was obviously covering her chest.

“But that was during grade school! Now is different!!” he protested, his face all red. Ame tried to hide her blush, placing herself behind Teppei whose face was as red as the other boys in the room. (Excluding some of course; Tetsuya, Seijuro and the Rakuzan coach)

“Damn you Recchan…” Ame cursed under her breath, purple lines appearing around her. “Was I that flat when I was 12?!”

“A-Amei-chan…” Teppei stammered looking behind him, catching Eikichi’s attention as their gazes met. Each of them, recognize each other. They remember each other from a middle school match where Teppei’s school won, beating Eikichi’s. Since then, the Rakuzan centre player had seen him as a rival. Not only in basketball but also in other things such as… “Amei-chan?”

“Now, now that’s enough Nebuya, Mibuchi. Hotaru, could you lead us to our area now, please?” Eiji, the Rakuzan coach interrupted the little reunion, grabbing everyone’s attention to him.

“Ah, will do, Eiji-san” Hotaru bowed then gave Kyo a nod signalling to lead Seirin to their area.

The two teams parted ways, Ame bidding her two friends goodbye except for one orange-blonde. Kotaro. They didn’t even look at each other. Although Teppei could see Kotaro stealing glances at her.

Turn My Cold Heart To Iron (Kuroko No Basuke-Teppei Kiyoshi Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now