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Teppei’s POV

I opened my eyes finding myself in a cold temperature room where I saw Hyuuga-kun sitting beside the futon I was lying on. He gave me that bored expression and lifted his chin that was resting on his palm and put his hands on his knees. “You’re finally awake” he said as I sat up from the soft layer beneath me and looked around. “You passed out due to the bleeding of your nose earlier”

Wait, I did?

I looked at him dumb founded, not remembering the reason why. “W-Why?” I stammered.

He shrugged in response and stood up. “For some reason, Kyo came up with a conclusion that you nose bleed because Ame was wearing a swimsuit”

 Kyo-chan why conclude such a thing?! O///O

“Is that even believable?” Hyuuga-kun sighed, sounding unconvinced. “Well, it doesn’t matter now since you’re okay. C’mon, everyone’s at the cafeteria eating dinner”

“Okay” I stood up and wore my indoor slippers and followed Hyuuga before realizing—“Wait, it’s dinner already?!?!?!”

.           .           .

“I really slept that long?!” I reacted after everyone in the team told me the whole story of the day.

Midorima, Takao and the said step-sister of Kyo and Amei-chan, Asami joined us during dinner too, since Kyo had invited them over.

“Yeah, it’s really weird since you only nose bleed” Koga laughed at me, after finishing his food.

By now, all of us had clean plates in front of us, including Kuroko despite his small appetite. Kyo had prepared dinner for us, for better safety, and that is, not letting Riko cook for tonight. They were currently telling me the events of today’s training where they all wasted their time in playing volleyball, as said by Kagami.

“I see. That’s a shame I didn’t get to watch you guys” I said and gave them a smile.

“No, it was really peaceful actually. No Teme, bothering me” Amei spoke up, playing on her PSP and gave me a cold glare. “You should do that more often”

It’s like a snow blizzard had struck the whole cafeteria after Amei said those hurtful words to me. As if she didn’t care that I lost blood TT^TT Kyo whacked her head in annoyance as her face hit the table, leaving a big lump on her forehead.

“K-Kyo…” Amei grunted and glared at her sister and was about to tackle her when I pulled her back to her seat preventing her from doing so.

“Amei-chan, don’t” I held her hand and gave her a look, not noticing our faces a few inches from each other. o///o

Me à O///////O

Kyo à >///w///>

Amei-chan à TAT

She’s emotionless as ever… “Whatever, I’m going to get revenge later” she pulled her hand away from mine and continued to play on her PSP.

I blushed a little and stared down at the ground, pulling back my hand. “Hey, do you guys know about the old Japanese ghost of this inn?” Takao opened up a topic making Asami who was sitting beside him pale up. We all looked at him and blinked as he smirked. “No one knows about it?”

We all shook our heads.

He exhaled and crossed his arms. “Well then, let me tell you about it…” by now Asami was shivering beside him while we all looked at him curiously as he gave us a scary look.

Turn My Cold Heart To Iron (Kuroko No Basuke-Teppei Kiyoshi Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now