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Ame’s POV

“Mmm…” I murmured when I felt someone stroking my hair and brushing their finger across my cheek. It tickles a bit. I smiled with my eyes still closed knowing who was doing that, turning my body to the other side. I felt him chuckle, his breath tickling my neck as he leaned closer, whispering (sexily) at my ear. “Amei-chan, ohayo” I grunted in response, covering myself with the blanket over my head. I hear him snicker with him pulling the covers from me, as the cold air met my skin making me shiver. This isn’t the first time he’s done this to me. Pulling the blankets off me.

“Teppei...” I whined scrunching up my forehead glaring at him playfully. I eventually sat up but not to get up, but to attack him down the bed. “Why did you wake me up this early? Early bird” I mumble as he lied back on the bed, me lying on him.

“Sorry, but we still have practice today, Amei-chan, we should get ready” he said with a bright smile. I frowned at him, resting my head on his chest as he flipped me back on the bed and got up, pulling me with him. “C’mon, wash your face and let’s prepare breakfast!”

“I don’t cook!” I stubbornly grab hold of his bed’s end, fighting his tow on me.

“Then at least wash your face! You’ve got drool hanging out of your mouth again!” he didn’t have to point that out! I eventually gave in my grip and decided to wipe my mouth so he won that round and we end up stumbling on the floor. “Look what you did!”

“And it’s my fault?!”

“You’re hard to pull you know!”

“Not my fault!”

“Just go wash up already” I pouted at his final order because he put me on the floor to stand up and went to the kitchen—probably to get breakfast ready—leaving me on the cold solid ground. T-Teppei!!! Don’t leave me! I quickly washed up and ran downstairs as fast as I can and attacked Teppei a hug when he was frying up some egg roll on the pan. His face almost shoved onto the stove. “A-Amei-chan! Y-You almost killed me there!”

“Almost” I stuck my tongue out at him and giggled.

“Go sit at the counter and wait for your food!”

“No” I stated stubbornly and went to help him cook our breakfast. He was pretty surprised that I can do that only to receive a good hit on the head. He asked me why I didn’t cook for the team during summer camp but I only reply that I didn’t feel like it. I shrugged nonchalantly and before we knew it, we were already having breakfast together at their dining table. Our work looks good so we dig in after saying ‘itadakimasu’ and started to eat. “Ne, Teppei, where’s your family? Why are you alone in your house?”

“Ah, well my parents are at work overseas and my grandparents are staying at their province for some reason. Both of them won’t be home until next month” he answered.

“So you’ll be living by yourself until then?” I blinked thinking that must be reaaalll tough. Even Kaede and Nikki go crazy just by living in their dorm even though they have dorm mates. But I’m surprised Teppei hasn’t gone crazy living alone.

He gave me a smile and asked. “Why, does Amei-chan want to live with me?” W-What?! I gave him a glare which doesn’t affect him anymore. Instead of getting scared, he laughed. Damn he’s not scared of my glares anymore. Tss. I gave him a pout huffing, “No thanks”

“Aww, why?” he whined like five year old kid.

“Dude, what do you want me to do, leave my 16 year old little sister to live alone at our house?” I raised an eyebrow.

“I was just kidding”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah…” after that, silence suddenly took upon us as if we didn’t know what to talk about. Should we discuss about our date last night? But that’ll only lead us into embarrassing stuff… like last night. HEY! Nothing happened okay? Just a few kisses were exchanged and hickeys I think. Damn it, innocent Teppei image, destroyed.

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